src] = $alias->dst; } } if ($language && $last_language != $language) { unset($aliases[$last_language]); $aliases[$language] = array(); $query = db_query("SELECT src, dst FROM {url_alias} WHERE language = '%s' ORDER BY pid", $language); while ($alias = db_fetch_object($query)) { $aliases[$language][$alias->src] = $alias->dst; } $last_language = $language; } if ($language && isset($aliases[$language][$path])) { return $aliases[$language][$path]; } elseif (isset($aliases['all'][$path])) { return $aliases['all'][$path]; } else { return $path; } } /** * Delete and regenerate the sitemap files. */ function xmlsitemap_regenerate() { _xmlsitemap_regenerate_before(); // Generate the sitemap pages. $languages = language_list(); $chunk_count = xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count(TRUE); if ($chunk_count > 1) { // If we have more than one chunk, we need to increment this value by one // since the index page (chunk 0) will also need to be generated. $chunk_count++; } foreach (xmlsitemap_var('languages') as $language) { for ($i = 0; $i < $chunk_count; $i++) { xmlsitemap_generate($i, $languages[$language]); } } _xmlsitemap_regenerate_after(); } /** * Perform operations before rebuilding the sitemap. */ function _xmlsitemap_regenerate_before() { // Attempt to increase the available processing time and memory limit. @set_time_limit(240); _xmlsitemap_set_memory_limit(); // Set a timer so we can track how long this takes. timer_start('xmlsitemap_regenerate'); // Get the current memory usage so we can track how much memory is used. _xmlsitemap_get_memory_usage(TRUE); // Clear all cached sitemap files. xmlsitemap_clear_cache(); } function _xmlsitemap_get_memory_usage($start = FALSE) { static $memory_start; $current = 0; if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $current = memory_get_peak_usage(TRUE); } if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $current = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2') ? memory_get_usage(TRUE) : memory_get_usage(); } if (!isset($memory_start) || $start) { $memory_start = $current; } return $current - $memory_start; } function _xmlsitemap_get_optimal_memory_limit() { static $optimal_limit; if (!isset($optimal_limit)) { // Set the base memory amount from the provided core constant. $optimal_limit = parse_size(DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT); // Add memory based on the chunk size. $optimal_limit += xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size() * 500; // Add memory for storing the url aliases. $aliases = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM {url_alias} WHERE language = ''")); $aliases += db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(pid) as pid_count FROM {url_alias} WHERE language <> '' GROUP BY language ORDER BY pid_count DESC")); $optimal_limit += $aliases * 250; } return $optimal_limit; } /** * Calculate the optimal memory level for sitemap generation. */ function _xmlsitemap_set_memory_limit() { $memory_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit'); if ($memory_limit && $memory_limit != -1) { $optimal_limit = _xmlsitemap_get_optimal_memory_limit(); if (parse_size($memory_limit) < $optimal_limit) { @ini_set('memory_limit', $optimal_limit); } } } /** * Perform operations after rebuilding the sitemap. */ function _xmlsitemap_regenerate_after() { // Show a watchdog message that the sitemap was regenerated. watchdog('xmlsitemap', 'XML sitemaps regenerated in @timer ms. Memory used: @memory-usage, peak: @memory-peak, optimal: @memory-optimal, limit: @memory-limit.', array( '@timer' => timer_read('xmlsitemap_regenerate'), '@memory-usage' => format_size(_xmlsitemap_get_memory_usage()), '@memory-peak' => format_size(memory_get_peak_usage(TRUE)), '@memory-limit' => format_size(parse_size(@ini_get('memory_limit'))), '@memory-optimal' => format_size(_xmlsitemap_get_optimal_memory_limit()), ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('View sitemap'), 'sitemap.xml') ); // Unset the regenerate flag. variable_set('xmlsitemap_regenerate_needed', FALSE); // If the chunk count has changed, we will need to rebuild the menu. variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE); variable_set('xmlsitemap_generated_last', REQUEST_TIME); } /** * Fetch the data from {xmlsitemap}, generates the sitemap, then caches it. * * @param $chunk * An integer representing the integer of the sitemap page chunk. * @param $language * A language object, defaults to the default language. * @return * TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE * * @todo Revise/simplify or remove the function. */ function xmlsitemap_generate($chunk = 0, $language = NULL) { if (!is_numeric($chunk) || $chunk > xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count()) { // Don't bother translating this string. trigger_error('Improper condition hit in xmlsitemap_generate(). Chunk: ' . $chunk . ', Chunk Count: ' . xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count()); return FALSE; } if (!isset($language)) { $language = language_default(); } $file = xmlsitemap_get_chunk_file($chunk, $language); if (!$handle = fopen($file, 'wb')) { watchdog('xmlsitemap', 'Could not open file @file for writing.', array('@file' => $file), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } $status = TRUE; if (xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count() > 1 && !$chunk) { xmlsitemap_generate_index($handle, $status, $language); } else { xmlsitemap_generate_chunk($handle, $status, $chunk, $language); } fclose($handle); if (!$status) { watchdog('xmlsitemap', 'Unknown error occurred while writing to file @file.', array('@file' => $file), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } elseif (xmlsitemap_var('gz')) { $file_gz = xmlsitemap_get_chunk_file($chunk, $language, TRUE); file_put_contents($file_gz, gzencode(file_get_contents($file), 9)); } return $status; } //function xmlsitemap_fwrite($handle, &$status, $string) { // $status &= (bool) fwrite($handle, $string); //} /** * Write the proper XML sitemap header. * * @param $type * @param $handle * A file system pointer resource that is typically created using fopen(). * @param $status * @param $language */ function xmlsitemap_generate_chunk_header($type, $handle, &$status, $language) { $output = '' . PHP_EOL; // Add the stylesheet link. if (xmlsitemap_var('xsl')) { $xsl_url = url('sitemap.xsl', array('language' => $language, 'base_url' => xmlsitemap_var('base_url'))); $output .= '' . PHP_EOL; } $output .= '<' . $type . ' xmlns="">' . PHP_EOL; // This is the full XML header required for schema validation. //$schemas = array('sitemapindex' => 'siteindex.xsd', 'urlset' => 'sitemap.xsd'); //$output .= '<' . $type . ' xmlns=""' . PHP_EOL; //$output .= ' xmlns:xsi=""' . PHP_EOL; //$output .= ' xsi:schemaLocation="' . PHP_EOL; //$output .= '' . $schemas[$type] . '">' . PHP_EOL; $status &= (bool) fwrite($handle, $output); return $status; } /** * Generate one page (chunk) of the sitemap. * * @param $handle * A file system pointer resource that is typically created using fopen(). * @param $status * A boolean that will be altered by reference with the success status of * writing to $handle. * @param $chunk * An integer representing the integer of the sitemap page chunk. * @param $language * A language object for the sitemap chunk. */ function xmlsitemap_generate_chunk($handle, &$status, $chunk, $language) { static $languages; if (!isset($languages)) { $languages = language_list(); $languages[''] = language_default(); } $query = array( 'SELECT' => 'SELECT x.loc, x.lastmod, x.changefreq, x.changecount, x.priority, x.language', 'FROM' => 'FROM {xmlsitemap} x', 'WHERE' => 'WHERE x.access = 1 AND x.status = 1', 'ORDER BY' => 'ORDER BY x.language, x.loc', ); $args = array(); // Allow other modules to alter the sitemap query SQL and arguments. $data = &$query; $data['__drupal_alter_by_ref'] = array(&$args); drupal_alter('xmlsitemap_query', $data, $language); $sql = implode($query, ' '); $url_options = xmlsitemap_get_url_options(array('alias' => TRUE)); $offset = max($chunk - 1, 0) * xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size(); $limit = xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size(); $query = db_query_range($sql, $args, $offset, $limit); // Add the XML header and XSL if desired. xmlsitemap_generate_chunk_header('urlset', $handle, $status, $language); while ($link = db_fetch_array($query)) { $url_options['language'] = $link['language'] ? $languages[$link['language']] : $language; $link['alias'] = xmlsitemap_get_path_alias($link['loc'], $url_options['language']->language); $link_output = '' . url($link['alias'], $url_options) . ''; if ($link['lastmod']) { $link_output .= '' . gmdate(DATE_W3C, $link['lastmod']) . ''; // If the link has a lastmod value, update the changefreq so that links // with a short changefreq but updated two years ago show decay. // We use abs() here just incase items were created on this same cron run // because lastmod would be greater than REQUEST_TIME. $link['changefreq'] = (abs(REQUEST_TIME - $link['lastmod']) + $link['changefreq']) / 2; } if ($link['changefreq']) { $link_output .= '' . xmlsitemap_get_changefreq($link['changefreq']) . ''; } if (isset($link['priority']) && $link['priority'] != 0.5) { // Don't output the priority value for links that have 0.5 priority. This // is the default 'assumed' value if priority is not included as per the // specification. $link_output .= '' . number_format($link['priority'], 1) . ''; } $link_output .= '' . PHP_EOL; $status &= (bool) fwrite($handle, $link_output); } // Close the XML file. $status &= (bool) fwrite($handle, ''); return $status; } /** * Generate the index sitemap. * * @param $handle * A file system pointer resource that is typically created using fopen(). * @param $status * @param $language * A language object, defaults to the default language. */ function xmlsitemap_generate_index($handle, &$status, $language) { $url_options = xmlsitemap_get_url_options(array('language' => $language, 'alias' => TRUE)); $chunk_count = xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count(TRUE); // Add the XML header and XSL if desired. xmlsitemap_generate_chunk_header('sitemapindex', $handle, $status, $language); for ($i = 1; $i <= $chunk_count; $i++) { $output = ''; $output .= '' . url('sitemap-' . $i . '.xml', $url_options) . ''; // @todo Use the actual lastmod value of the chunk file. $output .= '' . gmdate(DATE_W3C, REQUEST_TIME) . ''; $output .= '' . PHP_EOL; $status &= (bool) fwrite($handle, $output); } // Close the XML file. $status &= (bool) fwrite($handle, ''); return $status; } /** * Batch information callback. */ function xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch($form_state) { $batch = array( 'operations' => array(), 'finished' => 'xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_finished', 'title' => t('Rebuilding Sitemap'), 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'xmlsitemap') . '/', ); //if ($form_state['values']['save_custom_data']) { // $batch['operations'][] = array('xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_backup', array()); //} // Fetch all the sitemap links and save them to the {xmlsitemap} table. foreach ($form_state['values']['modules'] as $module) { $batch['operations'][] = array('xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_clear', array($module)); $batch['operations'][] = array('xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_fetch', array($module)); } //if ($form_state['values']['save_custom_data']) { // $batch['operations'][] = array('xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_restore', array($module)); //} // Generate all the sitemap pages. $batch['operations'][] = array('_xmlsitemap_regenerate_before', array()); $languages = language_list(); foreach (xmlsitemap_var('languages') as $language) { $batch['operations'][] = array('xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_generate', array($languages[$language])); } $batch['operations'][] = array('_xmlsitemap_regenerate_after', array()); return $batch; } /** * Batch callback; clear sitemap links for a specific module. */ function xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_clear($module, &$context) { module_invoke($module, 'xmlsitemap_links_clear'); $context['message'] = t('Now clearing %module links.', array('%module' => $module)); } /** * Batch callback; fetch and add the sitemap links for a specific module. */ function xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_fetch($module, &$context) { if (!isset($context['sandbox']['progress'])) { $context['sandbox']['batch'] = module_hook($module, 'xmlsitemap_links_batch_info'); if ($context['sandbox']['batch']) { $context['sandbox'] += module_invoke($module, 'xmlsitemap_links_batch_info'); } else { $context['sandbox']['links'] = module_invoke($module, 'xmlsitemap_links'); $context['sandbox']['max'] = count($context['sandbox']['links']); } $context['sandbox'] += array( 'progress' => 0, 'current' => 0, ); } if ($context['sandbox']['batch']) { $links = module_invoke($module, 'xmlsitemap_links', $context['sandbox']['current'], xmlsitemap_var('batch_limit')); } else { $links = array_splice($context['sandbox']['links'], 0, xmlsitemap_var('batch_limit')); } foreach ($links as $link) { xmlsitemap_save_link($link); $context['sandbox']['progress']++; $context['sandbox']['current'] = $link['id']; $context['message'] = t('Now processing %module link @count.', array('%module' => $module, '@count' => $context['sandbox']['progress'])); } if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max']; } } /** * Batch callback; generate the sitemap chunks for a language. */ function xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_generate($language, &$context) { if (!isset($context['sandbox']['progress'])) { $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0; $context['sandbox']['max'] = xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count(TRUE); // If we have more than one chunk, we need to increment this value by one // since the index page (chunk 0) will also need to be generated. if ($context['sandbox']['max'] > 1) { $context['sandbox']['max']++; } } xmlsitemap_generate($context['sandbox']['progress'], $language); $context['sandbox']['progress']++; $context['message'] = t('Now generating @language sitemap page @chunk.', array('@language' => $language->name, '@chunk' => $context['sandbox']['progress'])); if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max']; } } /** * Batch callback; sitemap rebuild finished. */ function xmlsitemap_rebuild_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) { if ($success) { // Reset the rebuild flag since it was successful. variable_set('xmlsitemap_rebuild_needed', FALSE); drupal_set_message(t('The sitemap was rebuilt.')); } else { drupal_set_message(t('The sitemap was not successfully rebuilt.'), 'error'); } } /** * Fetch a short blurb string about module maintainership and sponsors. * * This message will be FALSE in 'official' releases. */ function _xmlsitemap_get_blurb($check_version = TRUE) { static $blurb; if (!isset($blurb)) { $blurb = FALSE; if (!$check_version || preg_match('/dev|unstable|alpha|beta/i', _xmlsitemap_get_version())) { $sponsors = array( l('Symantec', ''), l('WebWise Solutions', ''), l('Volacci', ''), l('lanetro', ''), l('Coupons Dealuxe', ''), ); // Don't extract the following string for translation. $blurb = '

Thank you for helping test the XML sitemap module rewrite. Please consider helping offset developer free time by donating or if your company is interested in sponsoring the rewrite or a specific feature, please contact the developer. Thank you to the following current sponsors: ' . implode(', ', $sponsors) . ', and all the indivduals that have donated. This message will not be seen in the stable versions.

'; // } } return $blurb; } function _xmlsitemap_get_version() { $file = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT filename, name, type, status, schema_version FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND name = 'xmlsitemap'")); $info = drupal_parse_info_file(drupal_get_path('module', 'xmlsitemap') . '/'); drupal_alter('system_info', $info, $file); return (isset($info['version']) ? $info['version'] : ''); } /** * Check the status of all hook_requirements() from xmlsitemap modules. * * @param $return_only * If TRUE, will return the result, otherwise it will show a message. * @return * TRUE if there is a warning or error requirement, or FALSE otherwise. */ function xmlsitemap_check_status($return_only = FALSE) { // Load .install files include_once './includes/'; drupal_load_updates(); $warnings = FALSE; foreach (module_implements('requirements') as $module) { if (strpos($module, 'xmlsitemap') !== FALSE) { $requirements = module_invoke($module, 'requirements', 'runtime'); if (drupal_requirements_severity($requirements) >= REQUIREMENT_WARNING) { $warnings = TRUE; break; } } } if ($warnings && !$return_only && user_access('administer site configuration')) { drupal_set_message(t('One or more problems were detected with your sitemap configuration. Please check the status report for more information.', array('@status-report' => url('admin/reports/status'))), 'warning', FALSE); } return $warnings; }