array('=' => 'IS', '<>' => 'IS NOT'), 'in' => array('=' => 'IN', '<>' => 'NOT IN'), ); foreach ($conditions as $field => $value) { if (is_int($field)) { continue; } elseif ($value === NULL) { if ($update) { $conditions[$field] = "$field = NULL"; } else { $conditions[$field] = "$field {$operators['null'][$operator]} NULL"; } } elseif (is_array($value)) { if ($update) { trigger_error(strtr('Update not supported for field %field in @function.', array('%field' => theme('placeholder', $field), '@function' => __FUNCTION__))); unset($conditions[$field]); } else { $type = _xmlsitemap_get_field_type('xmlsitemap', $field); $conditions[$field] = "$field {$operators['in'][$operator]} (" . db_placeholders($value, $type) . ")"; $args = array_merge($args, $value); } } else { $placeholder = db_type_placeholder(_xmlsitemap_get_field_type('xmlsitemap', $field)); $conditions[$field] = "$field $operator $placeholder"; $args[] = $value; } } return $args; } /** * Special implementation of drupal_write_record() to allow NULL values. * * @todo Remove when is fixed. */ function xmlsitemap_write_record($table, &$object, $update = array()) { // Standardize $update to an array. if (is_string($update)) { $update = array($update); } $schema = drupal_get_schema($table); if (empty($schema)) { return FALSE; } // Convert to an object if needed. if (is_array($object)) { $object = (object) $object; $array = TRUE; } else { $array = FALSE; } $fields = $defs = $values = $serials = $placeholders = array(); $object_fields = get_object_vars($object); // Go through our schema, build SQL, and when inserting, fill in defaults for // fields that are not set. foreach ($schema['fields'] as $field => $info) { // Special case -- skip serial types if we are updating. if ($info['type'] == 'serial') { if (empty($update)) { // Track serial fields so we can helpfully populate them after the query. $serials[] = $field; } continue; } // For inserts, populate defaults from Schema if not already provided if (!isset($object->$field) && !count($update) && isset($info['default']) && !array_key_exists($field, $object_fields)) { $object->$field = $info['default']; } // Build arrays for the fields, placeholders, and values in our query. if (isset($object->$field) || (array_key_exists($field, $object_fields) && empty($info['not null']))) { $fields[] = $field; if (isset($object->$field)) { $placeholders[] = db_type_placeholder($info['type']); $values[] = empty($info['serialize']) ? $object->$field : serialize($object->$field); } else { $placeholders[] = '%s'; $values[] = 'NULL'; } } } // Build the SQL. $query = ''; if (!count($update)) { $query = "INSERT INTO {". $table ."} (". implode(', ', $fields) .') VALUES ('. implode(', ', $placeholders) .')'; $return = SAVED_NEW; } else { $query = ''; foreach ($fields as $id => $field) { if ($query) { $query .= ', '; } $query .= $field .' = '. $placeholders[$id]; } foreach ($update as $key) { $conditions[] = "$key = ". db_type_placeholder($schema['fields'][$key]['type']); $values[] = $object->$key; } $query = "UPDATE {". $table ."} SET $query WHERE ". implode(' AND ', $conditions); $return = SAVED_UPDATED; } // Execute the SQL. if (db_query($query, $values)) { if ($serials) { // Get last insert ids and fill them in. foreach ($serials as $field) { $object->$field = db_last_insert_id($table, $field); } } } else { $return = FALSE; } // If we began with an array, convert back so we don't surprise the caller. if ($array) { $object = (array) $object; } return $return; } /** * Fetch a short blurb string about module maintainership and sponsors. * * This message will be FALSE in 'official' releases. */ function _xmlsitemap_get_blurb($check_version = TRUE) { static $blurb; if (!isset($blurb)) { $blurb = FALSE; if (!$check_version || (($version = _xmlsitemap_get_version()) && preg_match('/dev|unstable|alpha|beta|HEAD/i', $version))) { $sponsors = array( l('Symantec', ''), l('WebWise Solutions', ''), l('Volacci', ''), l('lanetro', ''), l('Coupons Dealuxe', ''), ); // Don't extract the following string for translation. $blurb = '
Thank you for helping test the XML sitemap module rewrite. Please consider helping offset developer free time by donating or if your company is interested in sponsoring the rewrite or a specific feature, please contact the developer. Thank you to the following current sponsors: ' . implode(', ', $sponsors) . ', and all the indivduals that have donated. This message will not be seen in the stable versions.