array(), 'user' => array(), 'labels' => array(), 'all' => array()); if (($returned = variable_get('state_machines', -1)) == -1) { $returned = _states_build_machines_cache(); } foreach ($returned as $name => $info) { $machines['labels'][$name] = $info['#label']; $machines['all'][$name] = $info; if ($info['#entity'] == 'node') { $types = $info['#types'] ? $info['#types'] : array_keys(node_get_types('names')); foreach ($types as $type) { $machines['node'][$type][$name] = $info; } } else if ($info['#entity'] == 'user') { $machines['user'][$name] = $info; } } asort($machines['labels']); } if (!in_array($op, array('all', 'node', 'user', 'labels'))) { $op = 'all'; } if (!isset($key)) { return $machines[$op]; } else { return $machines[$op][$key]; } } /* * Rebuilds the list of defined state machines */ function _states_build_machines_cache() { $data = module_invoke_all('states'); variable_set('state_machines', $data); $old_data = variable_get('state_machines', NULL); if (isset($old_data)) { states_entity_initiate_new_init_states($data, $old_data); } return $data; } /* * Clears the machine definition cache */ function states_clear_machine_cache() { _states_build_machines_cache(); states_get_machines('all', NULL, TRUE); if (module_exists('workflow_ng')) { workflow_ng_clear_cache(); } } /* * Implementation of hook_nodeapi() */ function states_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) { //load all states for this node if ($op == 'load') { $machines = states_get_machines('node'); if ($machines[$node->type]) { $data = array('states' => array()); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {node_state} WHERE vid = %d", $node->vid); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $data['states'][_states_machine_get_attribute_name($row->machine)] = $row->state; } return $data; } } else if ($op == 'insert') { $machines = states_get_machines('node'); if ($machines[$node->type]) { foreach($machines[$node->type] as $name => $info) { if (isset($info['#init_state']) && (!is_array($node->states) || !in_array(_states_machine_get_attribute_name($name), array_keys($node->states)))) { states_machine_set_state($node, $name, $info['#init_state'], FALSE); } else { $state = states_entity_get_machine_state($node, $name); states_machine_set_state($node, $name, $state, FALSE); } } } } //save all defined states in the database else if ($op == 'update' && $node->states) { $machines = states_get_machines('node'); if ($machines[$node->type]) { foreach($machines[$node->type] as $name => $info) { $state = states_entity_get_machine_state($node, $name); states_machine_set_state($node, $name, $state, FALSE); } } } else if ($op == 'delete') { db_query("DELETE FROM {node_state} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid); } else if ($op == 'delete revision') { db_query("DELETE FROM {node_state} WHERE vid = %d", $node->vid); } } /** * Implementation of hook_user(). */ function states_user($op, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'load': if (states_user_has_machines($user) && !isset($user->states_loaded)) { $user->states = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {users_state} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { states_entity_set_machine_state($user, $row->machine, $row->state); } $user->states_loaded = TRUE; } break; case 'insert': /* * Roles aren't set correctly yet! * Fix this manually! */ if (is_array($edit['roles'])) { if (!is_array($user->roles)) { $user->roles = array(); } $user->roles = $user->roles + drupal_map_assoc($edit['roles']); } if ($machines = states_user_has_machines($user)) { foreach ($machines as $name => $info) { if (isset($info['#init_state'])) { $attribute = _states_machine_get_attribute_name($name); if (!isset($edit['states'][$attribute])) { states_machine_set_state($user, $name, $info['#init_state'], FALSE); } } } } //proceed case 'update': if(($machines = states_user_has_machines($user)) && $edit['states']) { foreach($machines as $name => $info) { $attribute = _states_machine_get_attribute_name($name); if (isset($edit['states'][$attribute])) { states_machine_set_state($user, $name, $edit['states'][$attribute], FALSE); } } unset($edit['states']); unset($edit['states_loaded']); } break; case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {users_state} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid); break; } } /* * Sets the state of the given machine for this entity to the given new state * This function will generate a new event for the state change and return * the modified entity object, if the operation was successfull, otherwise NULL * will be returned * * @param $entity Either a node or a user object * @param $machine_name The machine readable state machine name * @param $state The value to set for the state machine * @param $manual If, this function is manually called. Automatic calls (nodeapi, hook user) set this to FALSE. */ function states_machine_set_state(&$entity, $machine_name, $new_state, $manual = TRUE) { if (entity_is_node($entity)) { $machines = states_get_machines('node'); $node_unchanged = drupal_clone($entity); if ($machines[$entity->type][$machine_name] && _states_is_valid_state($new_state, $machines[$entity->type][$machine_name])) { db_query("UPDATE {node_state} SET state = '%s' WHERE vid = %d AND machine = '%s'", $new_state, $entity->vid, $machine_name); // If we affected 0 rows, this is the first time saving this machine's state if (!db_affected_rows()) { db_query("INSERT INTO {node_state} (nid, vid, machine, state) VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', '%s')", $entity->nid, $entity->vid, $machine_name, $new_state); } } else { db_query("DELETE FROM {node_state} WHERE vid = %d AND machine = '%s'", $entity->vid, $machine_name); $new_state = NULL; } states_entity_set_machine_state($entity, $machine_name, $new_state); if (module_exists('workflow_ng') && $manual) { //manually generate the update event workflow_ng_invoke_event('node_update', array('node' => &$entity, 'node_unchanged' => $node_unchanged)); } return $entity; } else if (entity_is_user($entity)) { $machines = states_get_machines('user'); //we need to save the unchanged user object for invoking workflow-ng's event $unchanged_user = drupal_clone($entity); if ($machines[$machine_name] && _states_is_valid_state($new_state, $machines[$machine_name])) { db_query("UPDATE {users_state} SET state = '%s' WHERE uid = %d AND machine = '%s'", $new_state, $entity->uid, $machine_name); // If we affected 0 rows, this is the first time saving this machine's state if (!db_affected_rows()) { db_query("INSERT INTO {users_state} (uid, machine, state) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s')", $entity->uid, $machine_name, $new_state); } } else { db_query("DELETE FROM {users_state} WHERE uid = %d AND machine = '%s'", $entity->uid, $machine_name); $new_state = NULL; } states_entity_set_machine_state($entity, $machine_name, $new_state); if (module_exists('workflow_ng') && $manual) { //manually generate the update event workflow_ng_invoke_event('user_update', $entity, array(), $unchanged_user); } return $entity; } } /* * Determines if the given state is valid */ function _states_is_valid_state($state, $machine_info) { return $machine_info['#states'] == '*' || in_array($state, $machine_info['#states']); } /* * Determines if the user has a state machine associated, * and returns the associated machines, if any. */ function states_user_has_machines($user) { $machines = states_get_machines('user'); $result = array(); foreach($machines as $name => $info) { if (!isset($info['#roles']) || array_intersect(array_keys($user->roles), $info['#roles'])) { $result[$name] = $info; } } return $result; } /* * Determines the attribute name used for storing the machine state in the entity */ function _states_machine_get_attribute_name($machine_name) { $machines = states_get_machines(); return isset($machines[$machine_name]['#attribute_name']) ? $machines[$machine_name]['#attribute_name'] : $machine_name; } /* * Sets the state of the machine $machine_name to the state $new_state in the entity object * The new state isn't checked for validity, it will be just set in the entity object! */ function states_entity_set_machine_state(&$entity, $machine_name, $new_state) { $entity->states[_states_machine_get_attribute_name($machine_name)] = $new_state; } /* * Returns the state of $machine_name for the given entity */ function states_entity_get_machine_state(&$entity, $machine_name) { if (!isset($entity->states)) { //load the machine states if (entity_is_node($entity)) { if ($extra = states_nodeapi($entity, 'load')) { foreach ($extra as $key => $value) { $entity->$key = $value; } } } else if (entity_is_user($entity)) { states_user('load', $entity, $entity); } } return $entity->states[_states_machine_get_attribute_name($machine_name)]; } /* * Cares for proper initiation of init_state machine values * * Note: This function gets could two times, the first time * with the old data, the second time with the new data */ function states_entity_initiate_new_init_states($data, $old_data) { //we have all data now - search for new init_states $machines = array(); foreach ($data as $name => $info) { if (isset($info['#init_state']) && !isset($old_data[$name]['#init_state'])) { //a new init_state has been found $machines[$name] = $info; } } $new = $machines + variable_get('states_init_state_machines', array()); if (!empty($new)) { variable_set('states_init_state_machines', $new); states_entity_initiate_init_states(5000); } } /* * Initiates the init_states for all entities without state... */ function states_entity_initiate_init_states($limit = 50000) { if(($machines = variable_get('states_init_state_machines', -1)) == -1) { return; } foreach ($machines as $name => $info) { $result = db_query_range(_states_entity_initiate_get_sql($info), $name, 0, $limit); while ($entity = db_fetch_object($result)) { states_machine_set_state($entity, $name, $info['#init_state'], FALSE); $limit--; } unset($machines[$name]); if (!empty($machines)) { variable_set('states_init_state_machines', $machines); } else { variable_del('states_init_state_machines'); } } } /* * Gets the sql for a machine info, that retrieves all entities that have to be initiated */ function _states_entity_initiate_get_sql($info) { if ($info['#entity'] == 'user') { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM {users} u ". "LEFT JOIN {users_state} us ON us.uid = u.uid AND us.machine = '%s' "; if (!empty($info['#roles']) && !in_array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, $info['#roles'])) { $roles = array_map('intval', array_filter($info['#roles'])); $sql .= "INNER JOIN {users_roles} ur ON ur.uid = u.uid AND ur.rid IN (". implode(", ", $roles) .") "; } $sql .= "WHERE us.uid IS NULL"; } else if ($info['#entity'] == 'node') { $sql = "SELECT n.* FROM {node} n ". "LEFT JOIN {node_state} ns ON ns.vid = n.vid AND ns.machine = '%s' ". "WHERE ns.vid IS NULL"; if (!empty($info['#types'])) { $types = array_map('db_escape_string', $info['#types']); $sql .= " AND n.type IN ('". implode("','", $types) ."')"; } } return $sql; } /* * Implementation of hook_cron() */ function states_cron() { //initate init states, if there are some uninitated entities states_entity_initiate_init_states(); } /* * Helper functions for entites */ /* * Determines if the given entity is a node */ function entity_is_node($entity) { return is_string($entity->type) && is_numeric($entity->vid) && is_numeric($entity->nid); } /* * Determines if the given entity is a user */ function entity_is_user($entity) { return !is_string($entity->type) && is_numeric($entity->uid) && is_string($entity->name); } /* * Token integration */ /** * Implementation of hook_token_values() */ function states_token_values($entity_type, $object = NULL) { $values = array(); foreach (states_get_machines() as $name => $info) { if ($info['#entity'] == $entity_type) { $values['state-'. $name] = states_entity_get_machine_state($object, $name); } } return $values; } /** * Implementation of hook_token_list() */ function states_token_list($entity_type = 'all') { $tokens = array(); foreach (states_get_machines() as $name => $info) { if ($info['#entity'] == $entity_type || $entity_type == 'all') { $tokens[$info['#entity']]['state-'. $name] = t('States: @label', array('@label' => $info['#label'])); } } return $tokens; }