'', 'form_key' => NULL, 'pid' => 0, 'weight' => 0, 'value' => '', 'mandatory' => 0, 'email' => 1, 'extra' => array( 'check_daylight_savings' => 0, 'year_start' => '1900', 'year_end' => '2050', 'year_textfield' => 0, 'description' => '', ), ); } /** * Create a set of form items to be displayed on the form for editing this * component. Use care naming the form items, as this correlates directly to the * database schema. The component "Name" and "Description" fields are added to * every component type and are not necessary to specify here (although they may * be overridden if desired). * @return * An array of form items to be displayed on the edit component page. */ function _webform_edit_date($currfield) { $edit_fields = array(); $edit_fields['value'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Default value'), '#default_value' => $currfield['value'], '#description' => t('The default value of the field.') .'
'. t('Accepts any date in any GNU Date Input Format. Strings such as today, +2 months, and Dec 9 2004 are all valid.'), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 127, '#weight' => 0, ); $edit_fields['extra']['timezone'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Timezone'), '#default_value' => empty($currfield['extra']['timezone']) ? 'site' : $currfield['extra']['timezone'], '#description' => t('Adjust the date according to a specific timezone. Website timezone is defined in the Site Settings and is the default.', array('!settings' => url('admin/settings/date-time'))), '#options' => array('site' => t('Website timezone'), 'user' => t('User timezone'), 'gmt' => t('GMT')), '#weight' => 1, ); $edit_fields['extra']['check_daylight_savings'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Observe Daylight Savings'), '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['check_daylight_savings'], '#checked_value' => 1, '#description' => t('Automatically adjust the time during daylight savings.'), '#weight' => 2, ); $edit_fields['extra']['year_start'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Start year'), '#default_value' => empty($currfield['extra']['year_start']) ? '1900' : $currfield['extra']['year_start'], '#description' => t('The first year that is allowed to be entered.'), '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 4, '#weight' => 3, ); $edit_fields['extra']['year_end'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('End year'), '#default_value' => empty($currfield['extra']['year_end']) ? '2050' : $currfield['extra']['year_end'], '#description' => t('The last year that is allowed to be entered.'), '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 4, '#weight' => 4, ); $edit_fields['extra']['year_textfield'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use a textfield for year'), '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['year_textfield'], '#description' => t('If checked, the generated date field will use a textfield for the year. Otherwise it will use a select list.'), '#weight' => 5, ); return $edit_fields; } /** * Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component. * @param $component * An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to * the webform_component database schema. * @return * An array of a form item to be displayed on the client-side webform. */ function _webform_render_date($component) { $form_item = array( '#title' => $component['name'], '#weight' => $component['weight'], '#type' => 'date', '#description' => _webform_filter_descriptions($component['extra']['description']), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#required' => $component['mandatory'], '#webform_component' => $component, '#process' => array('webform_expand_date'), '#element_validate' => array('webform_validate_date'), ); return $form_item; } function webform_expand_date($element) { $component = $element['#webform_component']; // Set defaults according to existing #default_value (set by Form API) if (isset($element['month']['#default_value']) || isset($element['day']['#default_value']) || isset($element['year']['#default_value'])) { $default_values = array( 'month' => $element['month']['#default_value'], 'day' => $element['day']['#default_value'], 'year' => $element['year']['#default_value'], ); // Remove the default values, or the elements will be forced into month/day/year order. unset($element['month']); unset($element['day']); unset($element['year']); } // Or, if none, use set the defaults of the component. elseif (drupal_strlen($component['value']) > 0) { // Calculate the timestamp in GMT. $timestamp = strtotime(_webform_filter_values($component['value'])); if ($component['extra']['timezone'] == 'user') { // Use the users timezone. global $user; $timestamp += (int)$user->timezone; } elseif ($component['extra']['timezone'] == 'gmt') { // Use GMT. $timestamp += 0; } else { // Use the Drupal site time. $timestamp += variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0); } // Check for daylight savings time. if ($component['extra']['check_daylight_savings'] && date('I')) { $timestamp += 3600; } $default_values = array( 'day' => gmdate('j', $timestamp), 'month' => gmdate('n', $timestamp), 'year' => gmdate('Y', $timestamp), ); } else { $default_values = array( 'day' => NULL, 'month' => NULL, 'year' => NULL, ); } // Let Drupal do it's normal expansion. $element = expand_date($element); // Set default values. foreach ($default_values as $type => $value) { switch ($type) { case 'month': $none = t('Month'); break; case 'day': $none = t('Day'); break; case 'year': $none = t('Year'); break; } unset($element[$type]['#value']); $element[$type]['#default_value'] = isset($default_values[$type]) ? $default_values[$type] : NULL; $element[$type]['#options'] = array('' => $none) + $element[$type]['#options']; } // Tweak the year field. if ($component['extra']['year_textfield']) { $element['year']['#type'] = 'textfield'; $element['year']['#size'] = 5; $element['year']['#maxlength'] = 4; unset($element['year']['#options']); } elseif (is_numeric($component['extra']['year_start']) && is_numeric($component['extra']['year_end'])) { $element['year']['#options'] = array('' => t('Year')) + drupal_map_assoc(range($component['extra']['year_start'], $component['extra']['year_end'])); } return $element; } /** * Element validation for Webform date fields. */ function webform_validate_date($form_item, $form_state) { $component = $form_item['#webform_component']; $form_key = $component['form_key']; $name = $component['name']; // Check if the user filled the required fields. foreach (array('day', 'month', 'year') as $field_type) { if (!is_numeric($form_item[$field_type]['#value']) && $form_item['#required']) { form_set_error($form_key, t('!name field is required.', array('!name' => $name))); return; } } // Check for a valid date. if ($form_item['month']['#value'] !== '' || $form_item['day']['#value'] !== '' || $form_item['year']['#value'] !== '') { if (!checkdate((int)$form_item['month']['#value'], (int)$form_item['day']['#value'], (int)$form_item['year']['#value'])) { form_set_error($form_key, t('Entered !name is not a valid date.', array('!name' => $name))); return; } } // Check the date is between allowed years. if ($form_item['year']['#value'] !== '' && is_numeric($component['extra']['year_start']) && is_numeric($component['extra']['year_end'])) { if ($form_item['year']['#value'] < $component['extra']['year_start'] || $form_item['year']['#value'] > $component['extra']['year_end']) { form_set_error($form_key .'][year', t('The entered date needs to be between the years @start and @end.', array('@start' => $component['extra']['year_start'], '@end' => $component['extra']['year_end']))); return; } } } /** * Convert internationalized Date formats into the US order expected by Webform. * * @param $data * The POST data associated with the component. * @param $component * An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to * the webform_component database schema. * @return * Nothing. */ function _webform_submit_date(&$data, $component) { // Webform stores dates in month/day/year rows. // Ensure consistency when using international date formats. $data = array($data['month'], $data['day'], $data['year']); } /** * Display the result of a textfield submission. The output of this function * will be displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions". * @param $data * An array of information containing the submission result, directly * correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema. * @param $component * An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to * the webform_component database schema. * @param $enabled * If enabled, the value may be changed. Otherwise it will set to readonly. * @return * Textual output formatted for human reading. */ function _webform_submission_display_date($data, $component, $enabled = FALSE) { $form_item = _webform_render_date($component); $form_item['month']['#default_value'] = $data['value']['0']; $form_item['day']['#default_value'] = $data['value']['1']; $form_item['year']['#default_value'] = $data['value']['2']; $form_item['#disabled'] = !$enabled; return $form_item; } /** * Format the output of emailed data for this component * * @param $data * A string or array of the submitted data * @param $component * An array of information describing the component, * directly correlating to the webform_component database schema. * @return string * Textual output to be included in the email. */ function theme_webform_mail_date($data, $component) { $output = $component['name'] .':'; if ($data[0] && $data[1]) { $timestamp = strtotime($data[0] .'/'. $data[1] .'/'. $data[2]); $format = webform_date_format('medium'); $output .= ' '. format_date($timestamp, 'custom', $format, 0); } return $output; } /** * Module specific instance of hook_help(). */ function _webform_help_date($section) { switch ($section) { case 'admin/settings/webform#date_description': return t('Presents month, day, and year fields.'); } } /** * Module specific instance of hook_theme(). */ function _webform_theme_date() { return array( 'webform_date' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), 'webform_mail_date' => array( 'arguments' => array('data' => NULL, 'component' => NULL), ), ); } /** * Calculate and returns statistics about results for this component from all * submission to this webform. The output of this function will be displayed * under the "results" tab then "analysis". * @param $component * An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to * the webform_component database schema * @param $sids * An optional array of submission IDs (sid). If supplied, the analysis will be limited * to these sids. * @return * An array of data rows, each containing a statistic for this component's * submissions. */ function _webform_analysis_rows_date($component, $sids = array()) { $placeholders = count($sids) ? array_fill(0, count($sids), "'%s'") : array(); $sidfilter = count($sids) ? " AND sid in (".implode(",", $placeholders).")" : ""; $query = 'SELECT no,data '. ' FROM {webform_submitted_data} '. ' WHERE nid = %d '. ' AND cid = %d '. $sidfilter. ' ORDER BY sid,no ASC '; $result = db_query($query, array_merge(array($component['nid'], $component['cid']), $sids)); // build an array of timestamps from entered values. $timestamps = array(); $submissions = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['no'] == '0') { $submissions++; $month = $row['data']; if ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['no'] == '1') { $day = $row['data']; if ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['no'] == '2') { $year = $row['data']; // Build the full timestamp. if (drupal_strlen($month) > 0 && drupal_strlen($day) > 0 && drupal_strlen($year) > 0) { $timestamp = strtotime($month .'/'. $day .'/'. $year); // Add usefull information about this date into an array. $timestamps[$timestamp] = array( date('l', $timestamp), // Day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). date('F', $timestamp), // Full Month name (January, February, etc.). $year, // Year. $day, // Day of the month (1,2,...,31). ); } } } } } } } // Display stats. // TODO: display date statistics in javascript tabs. $nonblanks = count($timestamps); $rows[0] = array( t('Left Blank'), ($submissions - $nonblanks)); $rows[1] = array( t('User entered value'), $nonblanks); return $rows; } /** * Return the result of this component's submission for display in a table. The * output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "table". * @param $data * An array of information containing the submission result, directly * correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema * @return * Textual output formatted for human reading. */ function _webform_table_data_date($data) { if (drupal_strlen($data['value']['0']) > 0 && drupal_strlen($data['value']['1']) > 0 && drupal_strlen($data['value']['2']) > 0) { $timestamp = strtotime($data['value']['0'] .'/'. $data['value']['1'] .'/'. $data['value']['2']); $format = webform_date_format('short'); return date($format, $timestamp); } else { return ''; } } /** * Return the header information for this component to be displayed in a comma * seperated value file. The output of this function will be displayed under the * "results" tab then "download". * @param $component * An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to * the webform_component database schema. * @return * An array of data to be displayed in the first three rows of a CSV file, not * including either prefixed or trailing commas. */ function _webform_csv_headers_date($component) { $header = array(); $header[0] = ''; $header[1] = ''; $header[2] = $component['name']; return $header; } /** * Return the result of a textfield submission. The output of this function will * be displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions". * @param $data * An array of information containing the submission result, directly * correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema. * @return * Textual output formatted for CSV, not including either prefixed or trailing * commas. */ function _webform_csv_data_date($data) { if (drupal_strlen($data['value']['0']) > 0 && drupal_strlen($data['value']['1']) > 0 && drupal_strlen($data['value']['2']) > 0) { $timestamp = strtotime($data['value']['0'] .'/'. $data['value']['1'] .'/'. $data['value']['2']); $format = webform_date_format('short'); return date($format, $timestamp); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get a date format according to the site settings. * * @param $size * A choice of 'short', 'medium', or 'long' date formats. */ function webform_date_format($size = 'medium') { // Format date according to site's given format. $format = variable_get('date_format_'. $size, 'D, m/d/Y - H:i'); $time = 'aABgGhHisueIOPTZ'; $day_of_week = 'Dlw'; $special = ',-: '; return trim($format, $time . $day_of_week . $special); }