$mkdir_path)); } else { return $mkdir_path; } } } elseif ($rename == TRUE) { $count = 0; while (is_dir($munge_path = ($mkdir_path .'_'. $count))) { $count++; } if (@mkdir($munge_path)) { chmod($munge_path, 0775); if (!is_writable($munge_path)) { $error = t('The directory %path is not writable', array('%path' => $munge_path)); } else { return $munge_path; } } else { $error = t('Creating the directory %dirname failed', array('%dirname' => $munge_path)); } } else { $error = t('The directory %dirname already exists', array('%dirname' => $mkdir_path)); } return FALSE; } /** * webfm_rename -called from the ajax action - switch case 'rename': * * @param string $source - the source directory path * @param string $dest - the destination directory name * @param bool $uid - user id * @param string &$err_arr - ref to error array for client feedback * * @ret bool -true if the directory/file is renamed and file record(s) * updated if dir/file under db control */ function webfm_rename($source, $dest, $uid, &$err_arr) { $dest_temp = $dest .'~'; //handle possible case problem //File //if target is a file and new name isn't already used... if (is_file($source) && !is_file($dest)) { $file_o = webfm_get_file_record('', $source); //if we are admin or owner of target file... if ($uid == 1 || ($file_o && ($uid == $file_o->uid)) || ($file_o && webfm_file_mod_access($file_o))) { //check validity of new file name $file = new stdClass(); $file->filename = _webfm_basename($dest); $file->filepath = $source; $file->filesize = 0; //avoid fail for size - we're interested in extensions if (webfm_enum_validate($file, $err_arr) === FALSE) { //illegal file extension $err_arr[] = t('Invalid name'); return FALSE; } //if file is not read-only...rename if (@rename($source, $dest_temp)) { if (!@rename($dest_temp, $dest)) { @rename($dest_temp, $source); $err_arr[] = t('Renaming %filename failed.', array('%filename' => _webfm_basename($source))); return FALSE; } } else { $err_arr[] = t('The directory %dirname is read-only.', array('%dirname' => _webfm_basename($source))); return FALSE; } } else { $err_arr[] = t('permission denied'); return FALSE; } return (webfm_rename_db_file($source, $dest, $err_arr)); } //Directory //if target is a directory, new name is a unique path and we are an admin... elseif (is_dir($source) && !is_dir($dest) && ($uid == 1)) { //if the target isn't read-only if (@rename($source, $dest_temp)) { //directory rename is OK, back out, rename db files and rename dir again @rename($dest_temp, $source); if (webfm_rename_db_dir_recur($source, $dest, TRUE, $err_arr)) { @rename($source, $dest_temp); @rename($dest_temp, $dest); } else { $err_arr[] = t('webfm_rename_db_dir_recur error - db may be corrupted'); drupal_set_message(t('webfm_rename_db_dir_recur error - db may be corrupted'), 'error'); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } else { $err_arr[] = t('The file %filename is read only.', array('%filename' => $source)); return FALSE; } } $err_arr[] = t('Renaming from %rename_from to %rename_dest failed.', array('%rename_from' => array_pop(explode('/', $source)), '%rename_dest' => array_pop(explode('/', $dest)))); return FALSE; } function webfm_rename_db_file($source, $dest, &$err_arr) { if ($fid = webfm_get_fid($source)) { if (!webfm_dbupdate_file($fid, $dest)) { $err_arr[] = t('Failed to update the database for the file with id %fid', array('%fid' => $fid)); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } function webfm_rename_db_dir_recur($source, $dest, $ret, &$err_arr) { if ($handle = opendir($source)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $source_item = $source .'/'. $file; $dest_item = $dest .'/'. $file; if (is_file($source_item)) { if (!(webfm_rename_db_file($source_item, $dest_item, $err_arr))) { $ret = FALSE; } } elseif (is_dir($source_item)) { $ret = webfm_rename_db_dir_recur($source_item, $dest_item, $ret, $err_arr); } } } closedir($handle); } return $ret; } /** * webfm_delete_dir_recur - called from the ajax action - switch case 'delete': * * @param string $source - the source directory path * @param bool $ret - return value seed * @param string &$err_arr - ref to error array for client feedback * * @ret bool -true if the directory or file is deleted and all file records updated */ function webfm_delete_dir_recur($source, $ret, &$err_arr) { if ($handle = opendir($source)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $source_item = $source .'/'. $file; if (is_file($source_item)) { if (!(webfm_delete_file($source_item, $error))) { $err_arr[] = $error; $ret = FALSE; } } elseif (is_dir($source_item)) { webfm_delete_dir_recur($source_item, $ret, $err_arr); } } } closedir($handle); } else { $err_arr[] = t('Unable to open the directory %dirname.', array('%dirname' => $source)); return FALSE; } if (($retn = rmdir($source)) == FALSE) { $err_arr[] = t('Unable to remove directory %dirname.', array('%dirname' => $source)); } return ($retn == TRUE && $ret == TRUE); } function webfm_delete_file($source, &$error) { $file = webfm_get_file_record('', $source); if (@unlink($source)) { if ($file && (!webfm_dbdelete_file($file->fid))) { $error = t('Could not delete %filename from database.', array('%filename' => $source)); return FALSE; } } elseif (file_exists($source)) { $error = t('The file %filename could not be deleted', array('%filename' => $source)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Move a directory or file and update database * * @param string $source - the source directory path * @param string $dest - the destination directory name * @param bool $uid - uid of user making move request * @param string &$err_arr - ref to error array for client feedback * * @ret bool -true if any directory change (used to switch client cache) * */ function webfm_move($source, $dest, $uid, &$err_arr) { $dest = rtrim($dest, '/ \/') .'/'. _webfm_basename($source); return webfm_rename($source, $dest, $uid, $err_arr); } /** * webfm_insert_file - inserts a file into the webfm_file table * * @param string $path - path relative to drupal root * @param string &$err_arr - ref to error array for client feedback * * @return bool - TRUE if query executed successfully, otherwise FALSE */ function webfm_insert_file($path, &$err) { if (!webfm_get_fid($path)) { $file = new stdClass(); $file->filepath = $path; if (webfm_enum_validate($file, $err)) { return ($ret = webfm_dbinsert_file($file, $err)); } } return FALSE; } /** * webfm_insert_dir - inserts files into the webfm_file table * * @param string $path - path relative to drupal root * @param bool $recur - flag to indicate if recursive operation into sub-dirs * @param string &$err_arr - ref to error array for client feedback * * @return obj - contains error flag and count of successful and failed inserts */ function webfm_insert_dir($path, $recur, &$err_arr) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->cnt = 0; $result->errcnt = 0; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { $bl = array('.', '..', '.svn', '.htaccess'); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $file_path = $path .'/'. $file; if (!in_array(drupal_strtolower($file), $bl) and !is_link($file_path)) { if (is_file($file_path)) { // file if (webfm_insert_file($file_path, $err)) { $result->cnt++; } elseif ($err) { // If file already in db then return webfm_insert_file returns false without error $err_arr[] = $err; $result->errcnt++; } } elseif ($recur && is_dir($file_path)) { $nest_result = webfm_insert_dir($file_path, $recur, $err_arr); $result->cnt += $nest_result->cnt; $result->errcnt += $nest_result->errcnt; } } } closedir($handle); } else { $err_arr[] = t('Could not open the directory %dirname', array('%dirname' => $path)); } return $result; } /** * Get file's basename (locale independent) * * * @param string Filename * * @return string Basename */ function _webfm_basename($filename) { //Originally by Aleksander Machniak //http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=14529&edit=12&patch=mime.patch&revision=1222363721 //basename() is not unicode safe and locale dependent if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') || stristr(PHP_OS, 'netware')) { return preg_replace('/^.*[\\\\\\/]/', '', $filename); } else { return preg_replace('/^.*[\/]/', '', $filename); } } /** * Rawurldecode fails if the filename is utf8 * Inspired by http://weierophinney.net/matthew/archives/133-PHP-decoding-of-Javascript-encodeURIComponent-values.html * * @param string|array $value UTF8 encoded by encodeURIComponent() */ function _webfm_utf8urldecode($value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $value[$key] = _webfm_utf8urldecode($val); } } else { $value = (string)$value; $value = preg_replace('/%([0-9a-f]{2})/ie', "chr(hexdec('\\1'))", $value); } return $value; }