How to Create a SingleFrame Slideshow of Page Nodes

This tutorial requires Views Slideshow and Views Slideshow Singleframe modules to be enabled. It also assumes you already have some page nodes.

Create the View

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Add"
  3. Enter in the view name. "slideshow"
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Select the "page" display
  6. Click "Add Display"
  7. Click the + next to "Fields"
  8. Under "Groups" choose "Node"
  9. Select "Node: Body" and "Node: Title"

  10. Click "Add"
  11. Select "Trim this field to a maximum length"
  12. Under "Maximum length" enter 100
  13. Click "Update Default Display" twice
  14. Click the up/down arrows next to "Fields"
  15. Move "Node: Title" to the top
  16. Click "Update"
  17. Click the + next to "Filters"
  18. Under "Groups" choose "Node"
  19. Select "Node: Published" and "Node: Type"
  20. Click "Add"
  21. Select "Yes" for published
  22. Click "Update Default Display"
  23. Under "Node Type" select "Page"
  24. Click "Update Default Display"
  25. Click "None" next to "Path" under "Page settings"
  26. Add a path. "slideshow"
  27. Click "Update"
  28. Click "Save"
  29. Click "View Page" and verify it is listing out the images correctly

Set up the slideshow

  1. Edit the View
  2. Under "Basic Settings" click "Unformatted" next to "Style".
  3. Choose "Slideshow"
  4. Click "Update Default Display"
  5. Under "Slideshow mode" choose "SingleFrame"
  6. Click "Update Default Display"
  7. Click "Save"
  8. View the page and verify the slideshow is working.