How to Create a SingleFrame Slideshow of Images

This tutorial requires these modules to be enabled:

Create the content type

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Add Content Type"
  3. Enter a name. "Slideshow Item"
  4. Enter a type. "slideshow_item"
  5. Click the "Submission form settings" fieldset
  6. Clear the "Body" text from the "Body field label" field
  7. Click the "Workflow settings" fieldset
  8. Uncheck "Promote to frontpage"
  9. Click the "Comment settings" fieldset
  10. Set "Default comment setting" to disabled
  11. Click "Save Content Type"
  12. Next to your new content type click "manage fields"
  13. Under "New Field" enter a label. "Slideshow Image"
  14. Enter a field name. "field_slideshow_image"
  15. Select the "File" field type.
  16. Select the "Image" form element.
  17. Drag the new field using the cross handle to below the "Title" field.
  18. Click "Save"
  19. Under "Global Settings" check "Required"
  20. Click "Save field settings"
  21. Create some Slideshow Items

Create the View

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Add"
  3. Enter in the view name. "slideshow"
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Select the page display
  6. Click "Add Display"
  7. Click the + next to "Fields"
  8. Under "Groups" choose "Content"
  9. Select the image field you created. "Content: Slideshow Image"
  10. Click "Add"
  11. Under "Label" choose "None"
  12. Under "Format" choose "Image"
  13. Click "Update Default Display"
  14. Click the + next to "Filters"
  15. Under "Groups" choose "Node"
  16. Select "Node: Published" and "Node: Type"
  17. Click "Add"
  18. Select "Yes" for published
  19. Click "Update Default Display"
  20. Under "Node Type" select the content type you created "Slideshow Item"
  21. Click "Update Default Display"
  22. Click "None" next to "Path" under "Page settings"
  23. Add a path. "slideshow"
  24. Click "Update"
  25. Click "Save"
  26. Click "View Page" and verify it is listing out the images correctly

Set up the slideshow

  1. Edit the View
  2. Under "Basic Settings" click "Unformatted" next to "Style".
  3. Choose "Slideshow"
  4. Click "Update Default Display"
  5. Under "Slideshow mode" choose "SingleFrame"
  6. Click "Update Default Display"
  7. Click "Save"
  8. View the page and verify the slideshow is working.