array()); $options['execution_type'] = array('default' => VBO_EXECUTION_DIRECT); $options['display_type'] = array('default' => 0); $options['skip_confirmation'] = array('default' => FALSE); $options['display_result'] = array('default' => TRUE); $options['merge_single_action'] = array('default' => TRUE); $options['hide_select_all'] = array('default' => FALSE); // Per-action settings. $this->populate_operations(); foreach ($this->all_operations as $key => $operation) { $form_function = $operation['callback'] . '_views_bulk_operations_form_options'; if (function_exists($form_function)) { $options[$key] = call_user_func($form_function); array_walk($options[$key], create_function('&$value, $option', ' $value = array(\'default\' => $value); ')); } } return $options; } function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) { parent::options_form($form, $form_state); $execution = array( VBO_EXECUTION_DIRECT => t('Invoke them directly'), VBO_EXECUTION_BATCH => t('Use Batch API'), ); if (module_exists('job_queue')) { $execution[VBO_EXECUTION_QUEUE] = t('Use Job Queue', array('@jobqueue' => url(''))); } $form['execution_type'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('To execute operations'), '#default_value' => $this->options['execution_type'], '#options' => $execution, ); $form['display_type'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Display operations as'), '#default_value' => $this->options['display_type'], '#options' => array( t('Dropdown selectbox with Submit button'), t('Each action as a separate button'), ), ); $form['hide_select_all'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Hide select all checkbox'), '#description' => t('Check this box to hide the "select all" checkbox and associated "select across all pages" button.'), '#default_value' => $this->options['hide_select_all'], ); $form['skip_confirmation'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Skip confirmation step'), '#description' => t('Check this box to skip the confirmation page on this view and directly execute the operation.'), '#default_value' => $this->options['skip_confirmation'], ); $form['display_result'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Display processing result'), '#description' => t('Check this box to let Drupal display a message with the result of processing the selected objects.'), '#default_value' => $this->options['display_result'], ); $form['merge_single_action'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Merge single action\'s form with node selection view'), '#description' => t('In case only one action is selected *and* this action is configurable, display its action form along with the node selection view.'), '#default_value' => $this->options['merge_single_action'], ); $form['selected_operations'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Selected operations'), '#options' => $this->get_operations_options(), '#default_value' => $this->options['selected_operations'], ); // Per-action settings form. $object_info = _views_bulk_operations_object_info_for_view($this->view); foreach ($this->all_operations as $key => $operation) { if ($operation['type'] != $object_info['type'] && $operation['type'] != 'system' && !in_array($object_info['hook'], (array) $operation['hooks'])) continue; $form_function = $operation['callback'] . '_views_bulk_operations_form'; if (function_exists($form_function)) { $form[$key] = array( '#tree' => TRUE, '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $operation['label'], '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); $form[$key] += call_user_func($form_function, $this->options[$key]); } } } function options_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { foreach (array_filter($form_state['values']['style_options']['selected_operations']) as $selected_operation) { if (!isset($form_state['values']['style_options'][$selected_operation])) continue; $operation = $this->all_operations[$selected_operation]; $form_function = $operation['callback'] . '_views_bulk_operations_form_validate'; if (function_exists($form_function)) { $form_state['values']['style_options'][$selected_operation]['_error_element_base'] = 'style_options][' . $selected_operation . ']['; call_user_func($form_function, $form, array('values' => $form_state['values']['style_options'][$selected_operation])); } } } function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { foreach (array_filter($form_state['values']['style_options']['selected_operations']) as $selected_operation) { if (!isset($form_state['values']['style_options'][$selected_operation])) continue; $operation = $this->all_operations[$selected_operation]; $form_function = $operation['callback'] . '_views_bulk_operations_form_submit'; if (function_exists($form_function)) { call_user_func($form_function, $form, array('values' => $form_state['values']['style_options'][$selected_operation])); } } } function render() { // We build the groups here to pass them to the node_selector function through the form. $sets = $this->render_grouping($this->view->result, $this->options['grouping']); $this->sets = $sets; // Append suffix to avoid clashing between multiple VBOs on same page. static $form_suffix; if (isset($form_suffix)) { $form_suffix++; } else { $form_suffix = 1; } return drupal_get_form('views_bulk_operations_form__' . $form_suffix, $this); } function get_selected_operations() { $selected = array(); foreach (array_filter($this->options['selected_operations']) as $key) { if (module_exists('actions_permissions')) { $perm = actions_permissions_get_perm($this->all_operations[$key]['label'], $this->all_operations[$key]['callback']); if (!user_access($perm)) continue; } if (!empty($this->all_operations[$key]['permissions'])) foreach ($this->all_operations[$key]['permissions'] as $perm) { if (!user_access($perm)) continue 2; } if (isset($this->all_operations[$key])) { $selected[$key] = $this->all_operations[$key]['label']; } } return $selected; } function get_operation_info($key) { return $this->all_operations[$key]; } private function get_operations_options() { $options = array(); $object_info = _views_bulk_operations_object_info_for_view($this->view); if (!$object_info) return $options; foreach ($this->all_operations as $key => $operation) { if ($operation['type'] == $object_info['type'] || $operation['type'] == 'system' || in_array($object_info['hook'], (array) $operation['hooks'])) { $options[$key] = $operation['label'] .' ('. $key .')'; } } return $options; } private function populate_operations() { module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.admin'); $operations = array(); foreach (_views_bulk_operations_get_object_info() as $object_type => $object_info) { $hook_name = $object_type .'_operations'; foreach (module_invoke_all($hook_name) as $operation) { if (empty($operation['callback'])) continue; $key = $operation['callback'] . (empty($operation['callback arguments']) ? '' : ':'. md5(serialize($operation['callback arguments']))); if (!isset($operation['behavior'])) { // assume operations modify nodes by default $operation['behavior'] = array('changes_node_property'); } $operations[$key] = array( 'key' => $key, 'label' => $operation['label'], 'callback' => $operation['callback'], 'callback arguments' => isset($operation['callback arguments']) ? $operation['callback arguments'] : array(), 'configurable' => isset($operation['configurable']) ? $operation['configurable'] : FALSE, 'source' => 'operation', 'type' => $object_type, 'aggregate' => isset($operation['aggregate']) ? (int)$operation['aggregate'] : VBO_AGGREGATE_OPTIONAL, 'access op' => $this->get_access_op($operation), 'permissions' => isset($operation['permissions']) ? $operation['permissions'] : NULL, 'hooks' => array(), ); } } $action_operations = actions_list() + $this->get_custom_actions(); foreach ($action_operations as $callback => $operation) { $key = isset($operation['key']) ? $operation['key'] : $callback; $operations[$key] = array( 'key' => $key, 'label' => $operation['description'], 'callback' => $callback, 'callback arguments' => isset($operation['parameters']) ? $operation['parameters'] : array(), 'configurable' => isset($operation['configurable']) ? $operation['configurable'] : FALSE, 'source' => 'action', 'type' => $operation['type'], 'aggregate' => isset($operation['aggregate']) ? (int)$operation['aggregate'] : VBO_AGGREGATE_FORBIDDEN, 'access op' => $this->get_access_op($operation), 'permissions' => isset($operation['permissions']) ? $operation['permissions'] : NULL, 'hooks' => isset($operation['hooks']) ? array_keys((array) $operation['hooks']) : array(), ); } uasort($operations, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strcasecmp($a["label"], $b["label"]);')); $this->all_operations = $operations; } private function get_access_op($operation) { $access_op = 0; if (isset($operation['behavior'])) { if (in_array('views_node_property', $operation['behavior'])) { $access_op |= VBO_ACCESS_OP_VIEW; } if (in_array('changes_node_property', $operation['behavior'])) { $access_op |= VBO_ACCESS_OP_UPDATE; } if (in_array('creates_node_property', $operation['behavior'])) { $access_op |= VBO_ACCESS_OP_CREATE; } if (in_array('deletes_node_property', $operation['behavior'])) { $access_op |= VBO_ACCESS_OP_DELETE; } } return $access_op; } private function get_custom_actions() { $actions = array(); $static_actions = actions_list(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {actions} WHERE parameters > ''"); while ($action = db_fetch_object($result)) { $parameters = unserialize($action->parameters); $actions[$action->aid] = array( 'description' => $action->description, 'type' => $action->type, 'configurable' => FALSE, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'key' => $action->callback . (empty($parameters) ? '' : ':'. md5($action->parameters)), ); foreach (array('behavior', 'aggregate', 'permissions', 'hooks') as $attribute) { if (isset($static_actions[$action->callback][$attribute])) $actions[$action->aid][$attribute] = $static_actions[$action->callback][$attribute]; } } return $actions; } function get_operation_settings($operation) { return (isset($this->options[$operation['key']]) ? $this->options[$operation['key']] : NULL); } function strip_view() { if (isset($this->view->query->pager)) { $this->view->pager_original = $this->view->query->pager; $this->view->query->pager = NULL; } $this->view->exposed_widgets = NULL; $this->view->display_handler->set_option('header', ''); $this->view->display_handler->set_option('footer', ''); $this->view->display_handler->set_option('use_pager', FALSE); $this->view->attachment_before = ''; $this->view->attachment_after = ''; $this->view->feed_icon = NULL; } }