array( 'type' => 'node', 'description' => t('Modify node fields'), 'configurable' => TRUE, 'behavior' => array('changes_node_property'), 'form properties' => array('#field_info'), 'rules_ignore' => TRUE, )); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). * Called by VBO on its own hook_theme(). */ function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_theme() { return array( 'views_bulk_operations_fields_action_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), ), ); } /** * Action function. */ function views_bulk_operations_fields_action(&$node, $context) { foreach ($context['#field_info'] as $field_name => $field) { if (empty($context[$field_name . '_check'])) continue; // Get the value, either by PHP evaluation or literally. if (!empty($context[$field_name . '_code'])) { $value = eval('?>' . $context[$field_name . '_code']); } else { $value = $context[$field_name]; } // Set the value. if ($field['type'] == 'non_cck') { // our hacked definition if (is_array($value)) foreach ($value as $v_key => $v_item) { $node->$v_key = _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_token($v_item, $node, $field); } else { $node->$field_name = _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_token($value, $node, $field); } if (is_array($field['submit'])) foreach ($field['submit'] as $function) { if (!function_exists($function)) continue; $function($node, $value, $field); } } else { // CCK if (empty($context[$field_name . '_add'])) { $node->$field_name = _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_token($value, $node, $field); } else if (is_array($value)) { // Adding to existing values: do it one by one. foreach ($value as $v_delta => $v_item) { if (is_string($v_delta)) { $node->{$field_name}[$v_delta] = _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_token($v_item, $node, $field, $v_delta); } else { $node->{$field_name}[] = _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_token($v_item, $node, $field, $v_delta); } } } } } } /** * Action form function. */ function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_form($context) { module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.node_form'); // This action form uses static-time settings. If they were not set, pull the defaults now. if (!isset($context['settings'])) { $context['settings'] = views_bulk_operations_fields_action_views_bulk_operations_form_options(); } $form['#settings'] = $context['settings']; $form['#theme'] = 'views_bulk_operations_fields_action_form'; $form['#node'] = (object)array('type' => NULL); $form_state = array(); $weight = -100; // Get the content types of the selected nodes if any. Otherwise, get all types. if (isset($context['selection']) && isset($context['view'])) { $nids = array_map('_views_bulk_operations_get_oid', $context['selection'], array_fill(0, count($context['selection']), $context['view']->base_field)); $result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM {node} WHERE nid IN (%s)", implode(',', $nids)); } else { $result = db_query("SELECT type FROM {node_type}"); } // For each type, get its fields. $fields = array(); while ($type = db_result($result)) { $fields += _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_non_cck($type); $type_info = content_types($type); $fields += $type_info['fields']; } if (empty($fields)) { form_set_error('', t('The selected nodes do not have any editable fields. Please select other nodes and try again.')); return array(); } // Iterate on fields, creating the input widget for each. foreach ($fields as $field) { // Skip fields for which the user has no permission. if (module_exists('content_permissions') && in_array('edit ' . $field['field_name'], module_invoke('content_permissions', 'perm')) && !user_access('edit ' . $field['field_name'])) continue; // Skip fields that are not selected in VBO settings. if (!empty($context['settings']['display_fields']) && !in_array($field['field_name'], $context['settings']['display_fields']) && !in_array(VBO_ACTION_FIELDS_ALL, $context['settings']['display_fields'])) continue; // Set the default value in the synthesized node. $form['#node']->{$field['field_name']} = empty($context[$field['field_name'] . '_check']) ? NULL : $context[$field['field_name']]; // The field info and widget. if ($field['type'] == 'non_cck') { // is it our hacked definition? $form += (array)$field['form']; if (is_array($form['#node']->{$field['field_name']})) { foreach ($form['#node']->{$field['field_name']} as $v_key => $v_item) { $form[$field['field_name']][$v_key]['#default_value'] = $v_item; } } else { $form[$field['field_name']]['#default_value'] = $form['#node']->{$field['field_name']}; } } else { // no, it's CCK $field['required'] = FALSE; $form += (array)content_field_form($form, $form_state, $field); } if (empty($form[$field['field_name']])) continue; // CCK needs this to properly process its fields. $form['#field_info'][$field['field_name']] = $field; // Adjust some settings on the field itself. $form[$field['field_name']]['#weight'] = $weight++; $form[$field['field_name']]['#prefix'] = '
' . @$form[$field['field_name']]['#prefix']; $form[$field['field_name']]['#suffix'] = @$form[$field['field_name']]['#suffix'] . '
'; // Checkbox to enable/disable this field. $form[$field['field_name'] . '_check'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#attributes' => array('class' => 'fields-action-toggler'), '#default_value' => !empty($context[$field['field_name'] . '_check']), ); // Checkbox to add/overwrite values in this field. if ($field['multiple']) { $form[$field['field_name'] . '_add'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#attributes' => array( 'title' => t('Check this box to add new values to this multi-valued field, instead of overwriting existing values.'), ), '#default_value' => !empty($context[$field['field_name'] . '_add']), ); } else { $form[$field['field_name'] . '_add'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => FALSE); } // PHP code to program the value. if (user_access('Use PHP input for field settings (dangerous - grant with care)') && $context['settings']['php_code']) { if ($field['type'] == 'non_cck') { $children = element_children($field['form'][$field['field_name']]); if (empty($children)) { $sample = t("<?php\nreturn value; // value for @column\n?>", array('@column' => $field['field_name'])); } else { $columns = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { if (!empty($field['form'][$field['field_name']][$child]['#ignore'])) continue; $columns[$child] = t("'@column' => value for @column", array('@column' => $child)); } $sample = t( "<?php\n" . "return array(\n" . " @columns\n" . ");\n" . "?>", array('@columns' => implode(",\n ", $columns)) ); } } else { $db_info = content_database_info($field); $columns = array_keys($db_info['columns']); foreach ($columns as $key => $column) { $columns[$key] = t("'@column' => value for @column", array('@column' => $column)); } $sample = t($field['multiple'] ? "<?php\n" . "return array(\n" . " 0 => array(\n @columns\n ),\n" . " 1 => array(\n @columns\n ),\n" . " 2 => ...\n" . ");\n" . "?>" : "<?php\n" . "return array(\n" . " 0 => array(\n @columns\n ),\n" . ");\n" . "?>", array('@columns' => implode(",\n ", $columns)) ); } $form[$field['field_name'] . '_code'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#default_value' => '', '#rows' => 6, '#description' => t('Expected format:
', array( '!sample' => $sample, )), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); } } // Special case for only one field: convert the checkbox into a value that's TRUE by default. if (count($form['#field_info']) == 1) { $field_name = key($form['#field_info']); $form[$field_name . '_check'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => TRUE); } return $form; } function theme_views_bulk_operations_fields_action_form($form) { $output = ''; if (module_exists('token') && !empty($form['#settings']['show_tokens'])) { $output .= t('

Using tokens

In text fields, you can use the following tokens: ', array('!tokens' => theme('token_help', 'node')) ); drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js'); } $access = user_access('Use PHP input for field settings (dangerous - grant with care)'); if ($access && $form['#settings']['php_code']) { $output .= t('

Using the Code widget

', array('@link_devel' => '') ); } if (count($form['#field_info']) == 1) { // Special case for just one field: make the table more usable $field_name = key($form['#field_info']); $header = array(); if ($form[$field_name . '_add']['#type'] == 'checkbox') { $row[] = drupal_render($form[$field_name . '_add']); $header[] = array('data' => t('Add?'), 'title' => t('Checkboxes in this column allow you to add new values to multi-valued fields, instead of overwriting existing values.')); } $row[] = drupal_render($form[$field_name]); $header[] = t('Field'); if ($access && $form['#settings']['php_code']) { $row[] = drupal_render($form[$field_name . '_code']); $header[] = t('Code'); } if (count($header) == 1) { $header = NULL; } $output .= theme('table', $header, array(array('class' => 'fields-action-row', 'id' => 'fields-action-row' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name), 'data' => $row))); } else { // Many fields drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'views_bulk_operations') . '/fields.action.js'); $header = array(theme('table_select_header_cell'), t('Add?'), t('Field')); if ($access && $form['#settings']['php_code']) { $header[] = t('Code'); } if (!empty($form['#field_info'])) foreach ($form['#field_info'] as $field_name => $field) { $row = array( 'class' => 'fields-action-row', 'id' => 'fields-action-row-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name), 'data' => array( drupal_render($form[$field_name . '_check']), drupal_render($form[$field_name . '_add']), drupal_render($form[$field_name]), ), ); if ($access && $form['#settings']['php_code']) { $row['data'][] = drupal_render($form[$field_name . '_code']); } $rows[] = $row; } $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows); } $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_validate($form, $form_state) { $chosen = 0; foreach ($form['#field_info'] as $field_name => $field) { if (empty($form_state['values'][$field_name . '_check'])) continue; $chosen++; if (!empty($form_state['values'][$field_name . '_code'])) continue; if ($field['type'] == 'non_cck') { if (is_array($field['validate'])) foreach ($field['validate'] as $function) { if (!function_exists($function)) continue; $function($form_state['values'][$field_name], $field); } } else { $function = $field['module'] .'_field'; if (!function_exists($function)) continue; $form['#node']->$field_name = $form_state['values'][$field_name]; $items = isset($form['#node']->$field_name) ? $form['#node']->$field_name : array(); $function('validate', $form['#node'], $field, $items, $form, NULL); content_field('validate', $form['#node'], $field, $items, $form, NULL); } } if (!$chosen) { form_set_error('', t('You must select at least one field to modify.')); } } function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_submit($form, $form_state) { $values = array(); foreach ($form['#field_info'] as $field_name => $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'non_cck') { $values[$field_name] = $form_state['values'][$field_name]; } else { unset($form_state['values'][$field_name][$field_name .'_add_more']); $values[$field_name] = content_set_empty($field, $form_state['values'][$field_name]); } $values[$field_name . '_check'] = $form_state['values'][$field_name . '_check']; $values[$field_name . '_add'] = $form_state['values'][$field_name . '_add']; if (isset($form_state['values'][$field_name . '_code'])) { $values[$field_name . '_code'] = $form_state['values'][$field_name . '_code']; } } $values['#field_info'] = $form['#field_info']; return $values; } /** * Implementation of hook_views_bulk_operations_fields(). * Return field definitions for common Drupal node fields: * array( * field_name => array( * 'label' => label to display in admin settings * 'form' => array of form elements * 'validate' => array of functions to handle validation of submitted values for the form elements * 'submit' => array of functions to handle further node changes after values have been copied over * ), * ) */ function views_bulk_operations_views_bulk_operations_fields($type) { $fields = array(); $fields['title'] = array( 'label' => t('Title'), 'form' => array( 'title' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Title'), ), ), ); $fields['body_field'] = array( 'label' => t('Body'), 'form' => array( 'body_field' => array( '#tree' => TRUE, 'body' => array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Body'), ), 'format' => filter_form(FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT, NULL, array('body_field', 'format')), ), ), ); $fields['publishing'] = array( 'label' => t('Publishing options'), 'form' => array( 'publishing' => array( '#tree' => TRUE, 'publishing_options' => array( '#value' => t('Publishing options') . ':', '#prefix' => '
', '#ignore' => TRUE, ), 'status' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Published'), ), 'promote' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Promoted to front page'), ), 'sticky' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Sticky at top of lists'), ), ), ), ); $fields['authoring'] = array( 'label' => t('Authoring information'), 'form' => array( 'authoring' => array( '#tree' => TRUE, 'name' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Authored by'), '#maxlength' => 60, '#autocomplete_path' => 'user/autocomplete', '#weight' => -1, '#description' => t('Leave blank for %anonymous.', array('%anonymous' => variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')))), ), 'date' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Authored on'), '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('Format: %time. Leave blank to use the time of form submission.', array('%time' => !empty($node->date) ? $node->date : format_date($node->created, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O'))), ), ), ), 'validate' => array('_views_bulk_operations_field_action_validate_authoring'), 'submit' => array('_views_bulk_operations_field_action_submit_authoring'), ); if (module_exists('comment')) { $fields['comment'] = array( 'label' => t('Comment settings'), 'form' => array( 'comment' => array( '#title' => t('Comment settings'), '#type' => 'radios', '#parents' => array('comment'), '#options' => array(t('Disabled'), t('Read only'), t('Read/Write')), ), ), ); } if (module_exists('locale')) { $fields['language'] = array( 'label' => t('Language'), 'form' => array( 'language' => array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Language'), '#options' => array('' => t('Language neutral')) + locale_language_list('name'), ), ), ); } return $fields; } /** * Validate function for authoring form element. */ function _views_bulk_operations_field_action_validate_authoring($value, $field) { if (!($account = user_load(array('name' => $value['name'])))) { form_set_error('authoring][name', t('This username does not exist. Please select an existing user.')); } } /** * Submit function for authoring form element. */ function _views_bulk_operations_field_action_submit_authoring(&$node, $value, $field) { if ($account = user_load(array('name' => $node->name))) { $node->uid = $account->uid; } else { $node->uid = 0; } $node->created = !empty($node->date) ? strtotime($node->date) : time(); } /** * VBO settings form function. */ function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_views_bulk_operations_form_options() { $options['php_code'] = FALSE; $options['display_fields'] = array(VBO_ACTION_FIELDS_ALL); $options['show_tokens'] = TRUE; return $options; } function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_views_bulk_operations_form($options) { $form['php_code'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show PHP code area'), '#description' => t('Check this ON to show a textarea for each field to allow the user to write a PHP script that will populate the value of this field.'), '#default_value' => $options['php_code'], ); $form['show_tokens'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show available tokens'), '#description' => t('Check this ON to show tokens that are available for replacement in text fields. Only works with Token module enabled.'), '#default_value' => $options['show_tokens'], ); $fields = array(VBO_ACTION_FIELDS_ALL => t('- All fields -')); foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $info) { foreach (_views_bulk_operations_fields_action_non_cck($type) as $field) { $fields[$field['field_name']] = $field['label'] .' ('. $field['field_name'] .')'; } } foreach (content_fields() as $field) { $fields[$field['field_name']] = $field['widget']['label'] .' ('. $field['field_name'] .')'; } if (empty($options['display_fields'])) { $options['display_fields'] = array(VBO_ACTION_FIELDS_ALL); } $form['display_fields'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Display fields'), '#options' => $fields, '#multiple' => TRUE, '#description' => t('Select which field(s) the action form should present to the user.'), '#default_value' => $options['display_fields'], ); return $form; } function views_bulk_operations_fields_action_views_bulk_operations_form_validate($form, $form_state) { if (empty($form_state['values']['display_fields'])) { form_set_error($form_state['values']['_error_element_base'] . 'display_fields', t('You must select at least one field to be shown to the user.')); } } function _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_token($value, $node, $field, $delta = NULL) { if (module_exists('token')) { if (isset($delta) && isset($field['columns']) && is_array($value)) { foreach (array_keys($field['columns']) as $column) { if (isset($value[$column])) { $value[$column] = token_replace($value[$column], 'node', $node); } } } else if (is_array($value)) foreach ($value as $v_delta => $v_item) { if (is_array($v_item) && isset($field['columns'])) foreach (array_keys($field['columns']) as $column) { if (isset($v_item[$column])) { $value[$v_delta][$column] = token_replace($v_item[$column], 'node', $node); } } else { $value[$v_delta] = token_replace($v_item, 'node', $node); } } else { $value = token_replace($value, 'node', $node); } } return $value; } function _views_bulk_operations_fields_action_non_cck($type, $reset = FALSE) { static $fields = NULL; if (empty($fields[$type]) || $reset) { foreach (module_invoke_all('views_bulk_operations_fields', $type) as $field_name => $field) { $field['field_name'] = $field_name; $field['type'] = 'non_cck'; $fields[$type][$field_name] = $field; } } drupal_alter('views_bulk_operations_fields', $fields, $type); return $fields[$type]; }