data)) { $cache = $data->data; } if (empty($cache)) { views_include_handlers(); $cache = module_invoke_all('views_data'); foreach (module_implements('views_data_alter') as $module) { $function = $module . '_views_data_alter'; $function($cache); } views_cache_set('views_data', $cache, TRUE); } } if (!$table) { return $cache; } if (isset($cache[$table])) { return $cache[$table]; } // Return an empty array if there is no match. return array(); } /** * Fetch the plugin data from cache. */ function _views_fetch_plugin_data($type = NULL, $plugin = NULL, $reset = FALSE) { static $cache = NULL; if (!isset($cache) || $reset) { $start = microtime(TRUE); views_include('plugins'); views_include_handlers(); $cache = views_discover_plugins(); } if (!$type && !$plugin) { return $cache; } elseif (!$plugin) { // Not in the if above so the else below won't run if (isset($cache[$type])) { return $cache[$type]; } } elseif (isset($cache[$type][$plugin])) { return $cache[$type][$plugin]; } // Return an empty array if there is no match. return array(); } /** * Scan all modules for default views and rebuild the default views cache. * * @return An associative array of all known default views. */ function _views_discover_default_views($reset = FALSE) { static $cache = NULL; if (!isset($cache) || $reset) { $index = views_cache_get('views_default_views_index', TRUE); // Retrieve each cached default view if (!$reset && isset($index->data) && is_array($index->data)) { $cache = array(); foreach ($index->data as $view_name) { $data = views_cache_get('views_default:' . $view_name, TRUE); if (isset($data->data) && is_object($data->data)) { $cache[$view_name] = $data->data; } } } // If missing index, rebuild the cache else { views_include_default_views(); $cache = array(); foreach (module_implements('views_default_views') as $module) { $results = call_user_func($module . "_views_default_views"); if (!empty($results) && is_array($results)) { foreach($results as $name => $view) { // Only views with a sufficiently high api version are eligible. if (!empty($view->api_version) && $view->api_version >= 2) { // Do not cache dead handlers. $view->destroy(); if (!isset($cache[$name])) { $cache[$name] = $view; } else { watchdog('view', "View name '@name' is already taken", array('@name' => $name), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } } } } // Allow modules to modify default views before they are cached. drupal_alter('views_default_views', $cache); // Cache the index $index = array_keys($cache); views_cache_set('views_default_views_index', $index, TRUE); // Cache each view foreach ($cache as $name => $view) { views_cache_set('views_default:' . $name, $view, TRUE); } } } return $cache; } /** * Set a cached item in the views cache. * * This is just a convenience wrapper around cache_set(). * * @param $cid * The cache ID of the data to store. * @param $data * The data to store in the cache. Complex data types will be automatically serialized before insertion. * Strings will be stored as plain text and not serialized. * @param $use_language * If TRUE, the data will be cached specific to the currently active language. */ function views_cache_set($cid, $data, $use_language = FALSE) { global $language; if (variable_get('views_skip_cache', FALSE)) { return; } if ($use_language) { $cid .= ':' . $language->language; } cache_set($cid, $data, 'cache_views'); } /** * Return data from the persistent views cache. * * This is just a convenience wrapper around cache_get(). * * @param $cid * The cache ID of the data to retrieve. * @param $use_language * If TRUE, the data will be requested specific to the currently active language. */ function views_cache_get($cid, $use_language = FALSE) { global $language; if (variable_get('views_skip_cache', FALSE)) { return 0; } if ($use_language) { $cid .= ':' . $language->language; } return cache_get($cid, 'cache_views'); }