t('User application required'), ); } /** * Retrieve a list of necessary requirements that each applicant must agree to * in order to get the application approved. This list can be replaced by * implementing versioncontrol_account_status_local_conditions() in the * versioncontrol_account_status_local.inc file. * * @return * An array of conditions that are afterwards transformed into form elements. * Each condition will be shown to the user together with "No"/"Yes" * radio buttons. All the elements must be marked with "Yes" by the user * in order to get the application submitted. * The array key of each element will be the array key of the corresponding * form element, and the value is the again a structured array that contains * the following user-visible (translated) strings: * - 'description': The statement that is shown on the application form. * - 'error': The error message that is shown if the user stays with "No". */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_get_conditions($default_condition_description, $default_condition_error) { if (function_exists('versioncontrol_account_status_local_conditions')) { return versioncontrol_account_status_local_conditions(); } else { return array( 'policy' => array( 'description' => $default_condition_description, 'error' => $default_condition_error, ), ); } } /** * Return information about the VCS account status of a given user, * either globally or for a given repository. * * @param $uid * The Drupal user id of the user whose account status data * should be retrieved. * @param $repo_id * The repository id of the repository for which the user's status data * should be retrieved. * * @return * A structured array of account status data, * containing the following elements: * * - 'uid': The user id that was passed to this function. * - 'repo_id': The repository id that was passed to this function. * - 'motivation': The motivation text that the user submitted. * If no motivation text has been submitted yet, * this is an empty string. * - 'status': One of the status constants: * - VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_UNDEFINED: * There is no status data yet for this user and repository, * which means that the user hasn't applied for approval yet. * - VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED: * The user has applied for an approval, but the VCS administrator * hasn't yet looked at the application. * - VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_PENDING: * The administrator needs more information from the applicant * in order to properly evaluate the application. * - VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_APPROVED: * The application has been evaluated and approved, * and the user may have access to the repository. * - VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DECLINED: * The application has been evaluated and disapproved. * The user can, however, reapply. * - VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DISABLED: * The application had been approved in the past, but was revoked. * The user doesn't have repository access anymore. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_get($uid, $repo_id) { $result = db_query('SELECT uid, repo_id, motivation, status FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_users} WHERE uid = %d AND repo_id = %d', $uid, $repo_id); while ($data = db_fetch_array($result)) { return $data; } // If there is no entry, return a default result value. return array( 'uid' => $uid, 'repo_id' => $repo_id, 'motivation' => '', 'status' => VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_UNDEFINED, ); } /** * Store VCS account status information in the database. * * @param $data * A structured array containing the 'uid', 'repo_id', 'motivation' * and 'status' elements, in the same format as the result value * of versioncontrol_account_status_get(). */ function versioncontrol_account_status_set($status_data) { db_query('DELETE FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_users} WHERE uid = %d AND repo_id = %d', $status_data['uid'], $status_data['repo_id']); db_query("INSERT INTO {versioncontrol_account_status_users} (uid, repo_id, motivation, status) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', %d)", $status_data['uid'], $status_data['repo_id'], $status_data['motivation'], $status_data['status']); } /** * Implementation of hook_versioncontrol_is_account_authorized(): * Let the Version Control API know whether the given user is approved or not. * * @return * TRUE if the account is authorized, or FALSE if it's not. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_versioncontrol_is_account_authorized($uid, $repository) { if ($repository['authorization_method'] != 'versioncontrol_account_status_repository') { return TRUE; } $result = db_query('SELECT status FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_users} WHERE uid = %d AND repo_id = %d', $uid, $repository['repo_id']); while ($account = db_fetch_object($result)) { return ($account->status == VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_APPROVED); } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of hook_versioncontrol_alter_repository_selection(): * Alter the list of repositories that are available for user registration * and editing. Mind that this function is only called for non-admin users, * as the version control administrator should always be able to create any * accounts without being restricted. * * @param $repository_names * The list of repository names as it is shown in the select box * at 'versioncontrol/register'. Array keys are the repository ids, * and array elements are the captions in the select box. * There's two things that can be done with this array: * - Change (amend) the caption, in order to provide more information * for the user. (E.g. note that an application is necessary.) * - Unset any number of array elements. If you do so, the user will not * be able to register a new account for this repository. * @param $repositories * A list of repositories (with the repository ids as array keys) that * includes at least all of the repositories that correspond to the * repository ids of the @p $repository_names array. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_versioncontrol_alter_repository_selection(&$repository_names, $repositories) { foreach ($repository_names as $repo_id => $caption) { if ($repositories[$repo_id]['authorization_method'] == 'versioncontrol_account_status_repository') { $repository_names[$repo_id] = t('!repository (application required)', array( '!repository' => $repository_names[$repo_id], )); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_versioncontrol_alter_account_list(): * Add additional columns into the list of VCS accounts. * By changing the @p $header and @p $rows_by_uid arguments, * the account list can be customized accordingly. * * @param $accounts * The list of accounts that is being displayed in the account table. This is * a structured array like the one returned by versioncontrol_get_accounts(). * @param $repositories * An array of repositories where the given users have a VCS account. * Array keys are the repository ids, and array values are the * repository arrays like returned from versioncontrol_get_repository(). * @param $header * A list of columns that will be passed to theme('table'). * @param $rows_by_uid * An array of existing table rows, with Drupal user ids as array keys. * Each row already includes the generic column values, and for each row * there is an account with the same uid given in the @p $accounts parameter. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_versioncontrol_alter_account_list($accounts, $repositories, &$header, &$rows_by_uid) { $accounts_column_index = 1; $status_column_index = NULL; $new_header = array(); // insert a new 'Account status' column after the 'Accounts' one foreach ($header as $index => $column) { if ($index == $accounts_column_index) { $new_header[] = $column; $new_header[] = t('Account status'); } else { $new_header[] = $column; } } $header = $new_header; // Same for the actual status field in each row. foreach ($rows_by_uid as $uid => $row) { $new_row = array(); foreach ($row as $index => $column) { if ($index == $accounts_column_index) { $new_row[] = $column; $new_row[] = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_cell( $uid, $accounts[$uid], $repositories ); } else { $new_row[] = $column; } } $rows_by_uid[$uid] = $new_row; } } /** * The actual 'Status' cell for each row in the accounts list. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_get_cell($uid, $usernames_by_repository, $repositories) { $status_options = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_status_options(TRUE); $statuses = array(); foreach ($usernames_by_repository as $repo_id => $username) { if ($repositories[$repo_id]['authorization_method'] == 'versioncontrol_account_status_repository') { $status_data = versioncontrol_account_status_get($uid, $repo_id); $statuses[] = t('@repository: !status', array( '!status' => $status_options[$status_data['status']], '@repository' => $repositories[$repo_id]['name'], )); } else { $statuses[] = t('@repository: !status', array( '!status' => t('n/a'), '@repository' => $repositories[$repo_id]['name'], )); } } return theme('item_list', $statuses); } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter(): * Change the form according to the user's account status. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter($form_id, &$form) { switch ($form['#id']) { case 'versioncontrol-repository-form': versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_repository_settings($form_id, $form); break; case 'versioncontrol-account-form': if ($form['#repository']['authorization_method'] == 'versioncontrol_account_status_repository') { versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_account( $form_id, $form, $form['#repository']['repo_id'] ); } break; case 'versioncontrol-account-filter-form': versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_account_filter($form_id, $form); break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter() for Version Control API's * account filtering form on the admin account list. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_account_filter($form_id, &$form) { $options = array_merge( array(VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ALL => t('All')), _versioncontrol_account_status_get_status_options() ); if (!isset($_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter'])) { $_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter'] = VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED; } $form['#submit']['versioncontrol_account_status_account_filter_form_submit'] = array(); $form['fieldset']['filters']['versioncontrol_account_status'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Status'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter'], '#weight' => 0, ); } /** * Additional submit handler for the account filter form. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_account_filter_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { $_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter'] = $form_values['versioncontrol_account_status']; } /** * Implementation of hook_versioncontrol_filter_accounts(): * Unset filtered accounts before they are even attempted to be displayed * on the account list. * * @param $accounts * The accounts that would normally be displayed, in the same format as the * return value of versioncontrol_get_accounts(). Entries in this list * may be unset by this filter function. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_versioncontrol_filter_accounts(&$accounts) { if (empty($accounts)) { return; } if (!isset($_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter'])) { $_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter'] = 0; } $filter_status = $_SESSION['versioncontrol_account_status_filter']; if ($filter_status == VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ALL) { return; // Don't change the list if "All" statuses are selected. } $uid_constraints = array(); $params = array($filter_status); foreach ($accounts as $uid => $usernames_by_repository) { $uid_constraints[] = 'uid = %d'; $params[] = $uid; } // Retrieve all users with the given status. $result = db_query('SELECT DISTINCT(uid) FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_users} WHERE status = %d AND ('. implode(' OR ', $uid_constraints) .')', $params); $filtered_accounts = array(); while ($account = db_fetch_object($result)) { $filtered_accounts[$account->uid] = $accounts[$account->uid]; } $accounts = $filtered_accounts; } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter() for Version Control API's * repository settings form. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_repository_settings($form_id, &$form) { $backends = versioncontrol_get_backends(); $vcs_name = $backend[$form['#vcs']]['name']; $repository = $form['#repository']; // Get form and email messages (only the default ones for new repositories). $strings = ($repository['repo_id'] == 0) ? _versioncontrol_account_status_get_presets() : _versioncontrol_account_status_get_strings($repository['repo_id']); // Save screen space as there are going to be more fieldsets in here. $form['account_registration']['repository_messages']['#collapsed'] = TRUE; // Markup strings for the application/registration form. $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_application_form'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Account application form messages'), '#description' => t('If account applications are required, the following messages are also shown on the account registration form.'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#weight' => 4, ); if (!function_exists('versioncontrol_account_status_local_conditions')) { $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_application_form']['versioncontrol_account_status_default_condition_description'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Required pledge'), '#description' => t('A statement that the user needs to answer with "Yes" in order to proceed with the application. (If more of these statements are required, you can add those with custom code.)'), '#default_value' => $strings['default_condition_description'], '#size' => 100, ); $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_application_form']['versioncontrol_account_status_default_condition_error'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Error message for the required pledge'), '#description' => t('The error text that is shown when the user doesn\'t select "Yes" for the above statement.'), '#default_value' => $strings['default_condition_error'], '#size' => 100, ); } else { $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_default_condition_description'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $strings['default_condition_description'], ); $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_default_condition_error'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $strings['default_condition_error'], ); } $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_application_form']['versioncontrol_account_status_motivation_description'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Motivation message description'), '#description' => t('Text to display below the motivation field of an application.'), '#default_value' => $strings['motivation_description'], ); // Email messages for account status updates. $form['account_registration']['versioncontrol_account_status_email'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Account application e-mail messages'), '#description' => t('The following messages are templates for e-mail messages sent to users who have applied for a @vcs account. The following variables are substituted (where available) when the message is sent.
', '#suffix' => '
', ); if (module_exists('contact')) { $form['contact'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('If there has been an undue delay in the processing of your application, please use the !contact-form to get in touch with us.', array('!contact-form' => l(t('contact form'), 'contact'))), '#prefix' => '', '#suffix' => '
', ); } // We can't unset account because other modules might still want // to add elements to the 'account' array, such as a password field. $form['account']['#prefix'] = ''; unset($form['submit']); } function versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_account_edit(&$form, $status_data, $admin_access) { global $user; if (!valid_email_address($user->mail)) { drupal_set_message(t('You need to provide a valid e-mail address to request commit access. Please edit your user information.'), 'error'); drupal_goto('user/'. $user->uid .'/edit'); } if ($status_data['status'] == VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_UNDEFINED) { // The status will not stay undefined when submitting this form. $status_data['status'] = VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED; } // Remember a few values for later on. $form['versioncontrol_account_status_repo_id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $status_data['repo_id'], ); $form['versioncontrol_account_status_uid'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $status_data['uid'], ); $is_reapplication = FALSE; $reapplication_statuses = array( VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DECLINED, VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DISABLED, ); if (!$admin_access && in_array($status_data['status'], $reapplication_statuses)) { $is_reapplication = TRUE; // let the user try again. $status_data['status'] = VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED; } $is_application = (empty($status_data['motivation']) || $is_reapplication); $strings = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_strings($status_data['repo_id']); // Users with declined or disabled accounts can reapply. if ($is_reapplication) { _versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_reapplication($form); } $conditions = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_conditions( $strings['default_condition_description'], $strings['default_condition_error'] ); $form['motivation_fieldset'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Motivation'), '#weight' => 2, ); // The motivation message is editable for new application submissions, // otherwise it will just be displayed as unmodifiable markup. if ($is_application) { $form['send_application_mails'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => TRUE, ); if (!isset($form['overview'])) { $registration_message = versioncontrol_get_repository_registration_message($status_data['repo_id']); if (!empty($registration_message)) { $form['overview'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Overview'), '#weight' => -100, ); $form['overview']['overview'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => $registration_message, ); } } foreach ($conditions as $element_name => $texts) { $form['motivation_fieldset'][$element_name] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => $texts['description'], '#default_value' => 0, '#options' => array(0 => t('No'), 1 => t('Yes')), ); } $form['motivation_fieldset']['motivation'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Motivation'), '#default_value' => $status_data['motivation'], '#cols' => 60, '#rows' => 9, '#description' => $strings['motivation_description'], '#required' => TRUE, ); } else { $form['skip_conditions_check'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => TRUE, ); $form['motivation_fieldset']['motivation'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $status_data['motivation'], ); $form['motivation_fieldset']['motivation_display'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Motivation message'), '#value' => check_markup($status_data['motivation']), ); } // On account edit forms, admins can change the status of // and send mails to the respective user. if ($admin_access) { _versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_status_admin($form, $status_data); } else { $form['status'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $status_data['status'], ); } // Adapt the caption of the submit button, and add our validation handler. if (!$admin_access && isset($form['submit'])) { // not set in the demo mode $form['submit']['#value'] = t( 'Request @vcs account', array('@vcs' => $form['vcs_name']['#value']) ); } $form['#validate']['versioncontrol_account_status_application_validate'] = array(); } /** * Add a message for reapplying users as well as a 'is_reapplication' * form value, and disable the VCS username for account edit forms. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_reapplication(&$form) { $form['is_reapplication'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => TRUE, ); $form['reapplication_message'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#value' => t('If you are interested in reapplying for commit access, please amend your application accordingly and resubmit.'), '#prefix' => '', '#suffix' => '
', '#weight' => -101, // -100 is for the registration message ); } /** * Construct the fieldset that appears on the account edit form * if viewed by a version control administrator. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_form_alter_status_admin(&$form, $status_data) { $form['status_admin'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Account status administration'), '#weight' => 3, ); // Move the motivation textarea or the value plus display item // to this fieldset, and remove the obsolete other one. $form['status_admin']['motivation'] = $form['motivation_fieldset']['motivation']; if (isset($form['motivation_fieldset']['motivation_display'])) { $form['status_admin']['motivation_display'] = $form['motivation_fieldset']['motivation_display']; } $form['skip_conditions_check'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => TRUE, ); unset($form['motivation_fieldset']); // Provide the admin with tools to edit the account status. $form['status_admin']['status'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Account status'), '#default_value' => $status_data['status'], '#options' => _versioncontrol_account_status_get_status_options(), '#description' => t('You can change the status of the user\'s VCS account.'), ); $form['status_admin']['send_admin_message'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Inform the user by e-mail.'), '#default_value' => 1, ); $form['status_admin']['admin_message'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Reason/Message'), '#cols' => 50, '#rows' => 5, '#description' => t('The message you want to send to the user. This can be the reason for declining the application or an additional message after approval (used in e-mail).'), ); } /** * Validation handler for the application form: * Make sure that all conditions have been answered with "Yes". */ function versioncontrol_account_status_application_validate($form_id, $form_values) { $strings = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_strings( $form_values['versioncontrol_account_status_repo_id'] ); $conditions = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_conditions( $strings['default_condition_description'], $strings['default_condition_error'] ); if (!isset($form_values['skip_conditions_check'])) { foreach ($conditions as $element_name => $texts) { if ($form_values[$element_name] != 1) { form_set_error($element_name, $texts['error']); } } } } /** * Implementation of hook_versioncontrol_extract_account_data(): * Extract account status data from the edit/register user account form's * submitted values. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_versioncontrol_extract_account_data($form_values) { // If the form wasn't altered at all, let it be. if (!isset($form_values['versioncontrol_account_status_uid'])) { return array(); } $applicant_uid = $form_values['versioncontrol_account_status_uid']; $repo_id = $form_values['versioncontrol_account_status_repo_id']; $status_data = versioncontrol_account_status_get($applicant_uid, $repo_id); if (isset($form_values['send_admin_message'])) { // if status administration was on the form if ($status_data['status'] == $form_values['status'] && $status_data['status'] == VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED) { // The QUEUED status should only indicate the initial status of an // application. Once it has been replied to, it should be set to PENDING. // In case the administrator forgets to do this, do it automatically. $form_values['status'] = VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_PENDING; } } $status_data['motivation'] = $form_values['motivation']; $status_data['status'] = $form_values['status']; return array('versioncontrol_account_status' => array( 'status_data' => $status_data, 'admin_message' => array( 'is_send' => $form_values['send_admin_message'], 'contents' => $form_values['admin_message'], ), 'is_reapplication' => !empty($form_values['is_reapplication']), 'send_application_mails' => $form_values['send_application_mails'], )); } /** * Implementation of hook_versioncontrol_account(): * Insert the account status for accounts that are being inserted or updated, * and delete the account status for those that are being deleted. */ function versioncontrol_account_status_versioncontrol_account($op, $uid, $username, $repository, $additional_data = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'insert': case 'update': // Recap: if form_alter() wasn't applied, our array element is not set. $additional_data = $additional_data['versioncontrol_account_status']; if (!isset($additional_data)) { // Auto-approve the account if it was inserted programmatically and // the caller doesn't know anything about this module. if ($op == 'insert') { $additional_data = array( 'status_data' => array( 'uid' => $uid, 'repo_id' => $repository['repo_id'], 'motivation' => 'Inserted programmatically.', 'status' => VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_APPROVED, ), 'admin_message' => array('is_send' => FALSE, 'contents' => ''), 'send_application_mails' => FALSE, ); } // Don't change the status for programmatical updates, though. if ($op == 'update') { break; } } $status_data = $additional_data['status_data']; versioncontrol_account_status_set($status_data); if ($additional_data['admin_message']['is_send']) { $contents = $additional_data['admin_message']['contents']; _versioncontrol_account_status_send_status_update_mails($status_data, $contents); } if ($additional_data['send_application_mails']) { $is_reapplication = !empty($additional_data['is_reapplication']); _versioncontrol_account_status_send_application_mails($status_data, $is_reapplication); } break; case 'delete': db_query('DELETE FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_users} WHERE uid = %d', $uid); break; } } /** * Send out notification mails in response to an application submission. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_send_application_mails($status_data, $is_reapplication) { // Don't send notification mails if the admin submitted the application. if (user_access('administer version control systems')) { return; } // Gather data for the notification mails. $applicant = user_load(array('uid' => $status_data['uid'])); $admin_mail = variable_get('versioncontrol_email_address', 'versioncontrol@example.com'); $strings = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_strings($status_data['repo_id']); $client_information = array(); $client_information[] = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) { $client_information[] = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); } $client_information[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $repository = versioncontrol_get_repository($status_data['repo_id']); $backends = versioncontrol_get_backends(); $vcs_name = $backends[$repository['vcs']]['name']; $message_variables = array( '%account-name' => $applicant->name, '%user-account-url' => url('user/'. $applicant->uid, NULL, NULL, TRUE), '%manage-account-url' => url('user/'. $status_data['uid'] .'/edit/versioncontrol/'. $status_data['repo_id'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), '%vcs-name' => $vcs_name, '%repository-name' => check_plain($repository['name']), '%motivation-message' => wordwrap($status_data['motivation'], 72), '%client-information' => implode("\n", $client_information), ); $subject = t('@vcs account request', array('@vcs' => $vcs_name)); if ($is_reapplication) { $subject = t('!subject [reapplication]', array('!subject' => $subject)); } // Send an e-mail to the version control administrators. $from = "$applicant->name <$applicant->mail>"; $message = strtr($strings['admin_notification_email'], $message_variables); drupal_mail( 'versioncontrol_email_admin', $admin_mail, $subject, $message, $from, array('X-Mailer' => 'Drupal') ); // Send an e-mail to the applicant. $from = t('!site @vcs administrator ', array( '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'), '@vcs' => $vcs_name, '!mail' => $admin_mail )); $message = strtr($strings['user_notification_email'], $message_variables); drupal_mail( 'versioncontrol_email_applicant', $applicant->mail, $subject, $message, $from, array('X-Mailer' => 'Drupal') ); // Display a status message. drupal_set_message(t('Your application has been sent to the version control administrators and will be processed as soon as possible.')); } /** * Send a mail to the user with updated account status if the admin says so. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_send_status_update_mails($status_data, $admin_message) { global $user; // = the admin who submitted the update form // Gather data for the status update mails. $updated_user = user_load(array('uid' => $status_data['uid'])); $admin_mail = variable_get('versioncontrol_email_address', 'versioncontrol@example.com'); $strings = _versioncontrol_account_status_get_strings($status_data['repo_id']); $backends = versioncontrol_get_backends(); $repository = versioncontrol_get_repository($status_data['repo_id']); $vcs_name = $backends[$repository['vcs']]['name']; if ($admin_message) { $admin_message = t('Message from the @vcs maintainer:', array('@vcs' => $vcs_name)) ."\n". $admin_message ."\n"; } switch ($status_data['status']) { case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED: case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_PENDING: $admin_message = $admin_message ? t('Question:') ."\n". $admin_message ."\n\n" : ''; break; case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DECLINED: case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DISABLED: $admin_message = $admin_message ? t('Reason:') ."\n". $admin_message ."\n\n" : ''; break; default: break; } $message_variables = array( '%account-name' => $updated_user->name, '%user-account-url' => url('user/'. $status_data['uid'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), '%manage-account-url' => url('user/'. $status_data['uid'] .'/edit/versioncontrol/'. $status_data['repo_id'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), '%vcs-name' => $vcs_name, '%repository-name' => check_plain($repository['name']), '%admin-message' => $admin_message, '%admin-name' => $user->name, '%motivation-message' => wordwrap($status_data['motivation'], 72), ); switch ($status_data['status']) { case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_PENDING: case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_QUEUED: $message = strtr($strings['pending_email'], $message_variables); break; case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_APPROVED: $message = strtr($strings['approved_email'], $message_variables); break; case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DECLINED: $message = strtr($strings['declined_email'], $message_variables); break; case VERSIONCONTROL_ACCOUNT_STATUS_DISABLED: $message = strtr($strings['disabled_email'], $message_variables); break; default: $message = 'Error in versioncontrol_account_status.module, should not happen.'; break; } // Send an e-mail to the user whose account status has been updated. $from = t('!site @vcs administrator ', array( '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'), '@vcs' => $vcs_name, '!mail' => $admin_mail, )); $subject = t('@vcs account maintenance', array('@vcs' => $vcs_name)); drupal_mail( 'versioncontrol_email_updated_user', "$updated_user->mail, $admin_mail", $subject, $message, $from, array('X-Mailer' => 'Drupal') ); } /** * Return the admin-defined strings for the given repository id, or an array of * preset strings if the admin hasn't defined any yet. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_get_strings($repo_id) { $result = db_query('SELECT default_condition_description, default_condition_error, motivation_description, user_notification_email, admin_notification_email, approved_email, pending_email, declined_email, disabled_email FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_strings} WHERE repo_id = %d', $repo_id); while ($strings = db_fetch_array($result)) { return $strings; } // If no entry was found, return the default values. return _versioncontrol_account_status_get_presets(); } /** * Store a set of admin-defined strings for the given repository id * in the database. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_set_strings($repo_id, $strings) { db_query('DELETE FROM {versioncontrol_account_status_strings} WHERE repo_id = %d', $repo_id); db_query( "INSERT INTO {versioncontrol_account_status_strings} (repo_id, default_condition_description, default_condition_error, motivation_description, user_notification_email, admin_notification_email, approved_email, pending_email, declined_email, disabled_email) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $repo_id, $strings['default_condition_description'], $strings['default_condition_error'], $strings['motivation_description'], $strings['user_notification_email'], $strings['admin_notification_email'], $strings['approved_email'], $strings['pending_email'], $strings['declined_email'], $strings['disabled_email'] ); } /** * Return preset values that are used in the application forms. */ function _versioncontrol_account_status_get_presets() { $presets = array(); $presets['default_condition_description'] = t('I will adhere to both commit policies and licensing policies of this project'); $presets['default_condition_error'] = t('Your application cannot be considered: you need to agree with our policies in order to gain commit access.'); $presets['motivation_description'] = t('A message providing information about yourself and your planned contributions.