condition('bid', '%' . UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR . $rtype->rtid) ->execute(); } /** * Implementation for hook_theme */ function user_relationship_blocks_theme() { return array( 'user_relationship_block_subject' => array( 'variables' => array('account' => NULL, 'rtid' => NULL, 'extra' => NULL) ), 'user_relationships_block' => array( 'variables' => array('account' => NULL, 'settings' => NULL, 'extra' => NULL), 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'user_relationship_blocks') .'/templates', 'template' => 'user_relationships-block', ), 'user_relationships_pending_block' => array( 'variables' => array('account' => NULL, 'settings' => NULL), 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'user_relationship_blocks') .'/templates', 'template' => 'user_relationships-pending_block', ), 'user_relationships_actions_block' => array( 'variables' => array('account' => NULL, 'settings' => NULL) , 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'user_relationship_blocks') .'/templates', 'template' => 'user_relationships-actions_block', ), ); } /** * Theme function to generate the title of a block */ function theme_user_relationship_block_subject($variables) { $bid = $variables['bid']; $account = $variables['account']; $rtid = $variables['rtid']; $extra = $variables['extra']; if ($bid == 'pending') { return t('Relationship requests'); } elseif ($bid == 'actions') { return t('Relationship actions'); } //one-way relationships need special wording depending on the direction //this implies that we're showing a single relationship, no need to check for UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES elseif ($extra == 'you_to_them') { global $user; $rtype = user_relationships_type_load($rtid); if ($account->uid == $user->uid) { return t('I am a @rel_name of', array('@rel_name' => ur_tt("user_relationships:rtid:$rtid:name", $rtype->name), '@rel_plural_name' => $rtype->plural_name)); } else { return t('@username is a @rel_name of', array('@username' => format_username($account), '@rel_name' => ur_tt("user_relationships:rtid:$rtid:name", $rtype->name), '@rel_plural_name' => $rtype->plural_name)); } } else { global $user; $user_name = ($account->uid == $user->uid) ? 'My' : t("@username's", array('@username' => format_username($account))); if ($rtid == UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES) { $output = ($account->uid == $user->uid) ? t('My relationships') : t("@username's relationships", array('@username' => format_username($account))); } else { $rtype = user_relationships_type_load($rtid); $output = ($account->uid == $user->uid) ? t('My @relationships', array('@relationships' => ur_tt("user_relationships:rtid:$rtid:plural_name", $rtype->plural_name))) : t("@username's @relationships", array('@username' => format_username($account), '@relationships' => ur_tt("user_relationships:rtid:$rtid:plural_name", $rtype->plural_name))); } return $output; } } /***************************** * * "Private" helper methods * *****************************/ /** * helper function user_relationship_blocks_block delegates to when $op == 'configure' */ function user_relationship_blocks_block_configure($delta) { //pad array with nulls before calling list() to avoid php notices $exploded = explode(UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR, $delta); while (count($exploded) < 3) { $exploded[] = NULL; } list($block, $rtid, $extra) = $exploded; // No form needed for the pending block so don't even bother if ($block == 'pending') { return; } // need this file. it has the validator in it include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'user_relationships_ui') .'/'); //current block settings $settings = user_relationship_blocks_block_save($delta); if ($block != 'actions') { if ($rtid == UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES) { $relationship_name = t('All'); } else { $type = user_relationships_type_load($rtid); $relationship_name = ur_tt("user_relationships:rtid:$rtid:name", $type->name); } $form['size'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 4, '#weight' => 1, '#required' => TRUE, '#title' => t('Number of relationships to display in block'), '#description' => t('Enter the maximum number of relationships to display in this block.'), '#default_value' => $settings->size, '#validate' => array('user_relationships_ui_setting_validation' => array(array( 'is_positive' => array('size' => t('Number of relationships to display must be an integer greater than 0.')) ))) ); $user_identifier = ($block == UR_BLOCK_MY) ? t('currently logged in user') : t('author whose node is being viewed'); $msg = t("NOTE: This block displays @relationship_name relationships of the @user_identifier.", array('@relationship_name' => ur_tt("user_relationships:rtid:$rtid:name", $relationship_name), '@user_identifier' => $user_identifier)); if ($extra) { $relation = $extra == 'you_to_them' ? t('requester') : t('requestee'); $msg .= "\n". t("Because this relationship is one-way this block will show relationships where the @user_identifier is the @relation", array('@user_identifier' => $user_identifier, '@relation' => $relation)); } //$sort_var = "{$var}_sort"; $form['sort'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Which relationships should be displayed'), '#options' => array( 'newest' => t('Newest'), 'oldest' => t('Oldest'), 'random' => t('Random'), ), '#default_value' => $settings->sort, '#required' => TRUE, '#weight' => 3, '#suffix' => $msg, ); } $form['bid'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $delta, ); return $form; } /** * helper function user_relationship_blocks_block delegates to when $op == 'view' */ function user_relationship_blocks_block_view($delta) { global $user; if (!user_access('can have relationships')) { return FALSE; } //pad array with nulls before calling list() to avoid php notices $exploded = explode(UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR, $delta); while (count($exploded) < 3) { $exploded[] = NULL; } list($block_type, $rtid, $extra) = $exploded; $is_my_block = ($block_type == UR_BLOCK_MY || in_array($block_type, array('pending'))); if ($is_my_block && !$user->uid) { return; } $settings = user_relationship_blocks_block_save($delta); $settings->rtid = $rtid; $settings->block_type = $block_type; // determine which user's relationships to display if ($is_my_block && $user->uid) { $account = $user; } else if ($uid = _user_relationship_blocks_get_uid($delta)) { $account = user_load($uid); } if (!empty($account)) { $add_to_string = in_array($block_type, array('pending', 'actions')) ? "_{$block_type}" : ''; return array( 'subject' => theme('user_relationship_block_subject', array('bid' => $delta, 'account' => $account, 'rtid' => $rtid, 'extra' => $extra)), 'content' => theme("user_relationships{$add_to_string}_block", array('account' => $account, 'settings' => $settings, 'extra' => $extra)), ); } } /** * Figure out which account is currently viewed. * * @param $delta * The delta of the block that is currently viewed. * * @return * Either the uid of the user owning the displayed profile, node or blog. */ function _user_relationship_blocks_get_uid($delta) { // Call hook, this allows other modules to declare other ways to detect the // currently viewed user. foreach (module_implements('user_relationship_blocks_get_uid') as $module) { $function = $module . '_user_relationship_blocks_get_uid'; if ($uid = $function($delta)) { return $uid; } } if ($node = menu_get_object()) { return $node->uid; } if ($user = menu_get_object('user')) { return $user->uid; } if (arg(0) == 'blog' && arg(1) > 0) { return arg(1); } } /** * helper function user_relationship_blocks_block delegates to when $op == 'list' */ function user_relationship_blocks_block_info() { $my = UR_BLOCK_MY . UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR; $usr = UR_BLOCK_USER . UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR; // return list of all blocks defined by the module $blocks = array( $my . UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES => array('info' => t('My Relationships: All relationships'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE), $usr . UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES => array('info' => t('User Relationships: All relationships'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE), 'pending' => array('info' => t('My Pending Relationships'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE), 'actions' => array('info' => t('User Relationships: Actions'), 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE), ); $types = user_relationships_types_load(); foreach ($types as $type) { $my_delta = "{$my}{$type->rtid}"; $usr_delta = "{$usr}{$type->rtid}"; $extras = array('' => ''); if ($type->is_oneway) { $extras = array( //add a little explanation about one-way relationships UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR .'you_to_them' => t('(You to Them, backward direction)'), UR_BLOCK_SEPARATOR .'them_to_you' => t('(Them to You, normal direction)'), ); } foreach ($extras as $token => $extra) { $block_types = array( "{$my_delta}{$token}" => t('My Relationships: @type @extra', array('@type' => $type->plural_name, '@extra' => $extra)), "{$usr_delta}{$token}" => t('User Relationships: @type @extra', array('@type' => $type->plural_name, '@extra' => $extra)), ); foreach ($block_types as $bid => $title) { $blocks[$bid] = array( 'info' => $title, 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE, ); } } } return $blocks; } /** * Push or pull the settings from the database */ function user_relationship_blocks_block_save($delta = NULL, $edit = NULL) { static $settings = array(); if (isset($edit)) { if (empty($edit['bid'])) { $edit['bid'] = $edit['delta']; } drupal_write_record('user_relationship_blocks', $edit, 'bid'); $settings[$delta] = (object)$edit; } else if ($delta && (!isset($settings[$delta]) || !$settings[$delta])) { $settings[$delta] = db_query("SELECT * FROM {user_relationship_blocks} WHERE bid = :bid", array(':bid' => $delta))->fetchObject(); } else { $settings = db_query("SELECT * FROM {user_relationship_blocks}")->fetchAllAssoc('bid'); } return $delta ? $settings[$delta] : $settings; } /** * Update the table with default values * This makes sure it's not writing over user defined settings */ function _user_relationship_blocks_insert_defaults() { $current_bids = array_keys(user_relationship_blocks_block_save()); $all_bids = user_relationship_blocks_block_info(); foreach ($all_bids as $bid => $block) { if (!in_array($bid, $current_bids)) { db_insert('user_relationship_blocks') ->fields(array( 'bid' => $bid, 'size' => 10, 'sort' => 'newest', 'get_account' => _user_relationship_blocks_find_user_php(), )) ->execute(); } } } /** * Template pre processor for the main block view */ function template_preprocess_user_relationships_block(&$variables) { $user =& $variables['user']; $account =& $variables['account']; $settings =& $variables['settings']; $extra =& $variables['extra']; $query_opts = array('include_user_info' => TRUE); if (empty($settings->sort)) { $settings->sort = 'newest'; } if (empty($settings->size)) { $settings->size = 10; } // select the appropriate set of relationships based on admin's configuration settings switch ($settings->sort) { case 'newest': $query_opts['order'] = array('updated_at', 'DESC'); break; case 'oldest': $query_opts['order'] = array('updated_at', 'ASC'); break; case 'random': $query_opts['order'] = 'RAND()'; break; } $query_opts['limit'] = $settings->size; $key = $extra ? ($extra == 'you_to_them' ? 'requester_id' : 'requestee_id') : 'user'; $args = array($key => $account->uid, 'approved' => TRUE); if ($settings->rtid != UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES) { $args['rtid'] = $settings->rtid; } $variables['relationships'] = user_relationships_load($args, $query_opts); } /** * Template pre processor for the pending relationships block */ function template_preprocess_user_relationships_pending_block(&$variables) { $account =& $variables['account']; $variables['relationships'] = user_relationships_load(array('user' => $account->uid, 'approved' => FALSE), array('include_user_info' => TRUE)); } /** * Template pre processor for the relationship actions block */ function template_preprocess_user_relationships_actions_block(&$variables) { $user =& $variables['user']; $account =& $variables['account']; if ($user != $account) { $variables['current_relationships'] = _user_relationships_ui_actions_between($user, $account, array('remove' => 1)); } $variables['actions'] = _user_relationships_ui_actions_between($user, $account, array('add' => 1, 'requested' => 1, 'received' => 1)); }