/* $Id: README.txt,v 2007-12-20 08:38:11 sprsquish Exp $ */ User Relationship Views Module --------------------------------- This is a plugin module for the User Relationships module. It allows integration with the Views module (http://drupal.org/project/views) Send comments to Jeff Smick: http://drupal.org/user/107579/contact, or post an issue at http://drupal.org/project/user_relationships. Requirements ------------ Drupal 5 User Relationships Module Views Module Installation ------------ Enable User Relationship Views in the "Site building -> Modules" administration screen. Usage ------------ FIELDS ------ Author's Relationships to Current User: provides a list of relationships the author of a node has with the current user can be tunes to show any, only approved, or only non-approved relationships Current User's Relationships to Author: provides a list of relationships the current user has with the author of a node can be tunes to show any, only approved, or only non-approved relationships Approval Status: shows the approval status of a relationship between the author and the current user this is really only useful if you've filtered by a specific relationship Relationship Creation Date: shows the date/time a relationship between the author and the current user was created this is really only useful if you've filtered by a specific relationship FILTERS ------- Author's relationship with Username: show only nodes where the author has or does not have a specified relationship with a specified user OPERATOR: select if the author is or is not related and if that relationship should be approved, non-approved or either VALUE: the relationship to filter by OPTION: the name of the user the author should relate to Author's relationship with the Current User: show only nodes where the author has or does not have a specified relationship with the currenly logged in user OPERATOR: select if the author is or is not related and if that relationship should be approved, non-approved or either VALUE: the relationship to filter by ARGUMENTS --------- UID is related to Author: show only nodes where the author is related to the UID argument VALUE: any valid user ID Author is related to UID through RTID: show only nodes where the author has a relationship type specified by RTID This argument should probably be used in conjunction with "UID is related to Author" as a way of filtering by relationship type VALUE: any valid rtid for a relationship type UID to Author is (Non-)Approved: show only nodes where the author has an approved or non-approved relationship This argument should probably be used in conjunction with "UID is related to Author" as a way of filtering by approval VALUE: 0 = Non-Approved, 1 = Approved Credits ------- Written by Jeff Smick. Thanks to Eaton for ideas.