/** * Revision history for the Content Administration module */ version 2009-03-30 -- fixed support for sites not using clean URLs [thanks to GuyPaddock] -- fixed bug causing error messages if no JavaScript or CSS is included version 2009-03-09 (6.x-1.0-beta1) -- testing white-space CSS modification [thanks to KNOFF] -- restructured AJAX handler and added query building component -- added paginated and sorted queries through an interactive table interface -- added filters for content type, author, and full text search -- removed administrative settings page -- clarified delete node confirmation message version 2009-02-06 -- improved interface design -- reorganized JavaScript file version 2008-11-06 -- added smart loading of embedded JavaScript/CSS files (each is only loaded once by AJAX client) version 2008-11-05 -- added support for relaying CSS files included by forms version 2008-10-29 -- added 'working' status message during operations -- converted all data exchange to JSON -- added support for relaying Drupal status/warning/error messages -- added support for relaying JavaScript files included by forms -- fixed initializing AHAH and other Drupal behaviors from embedded forms -- reworked node delete process to use standard form-based method -- removed jquery.form.js as it is included with Drupal -- improved handling of response from save operation (triggers redirect) version 2008-10-24 -- initial release on drupal.org TO-DO -- do not rewrite the entire table so that underway changes are not overwritten -- show operation buttons/add content types based on user's permissions -- add result index at the bottom of the page -- improve translation possibilities -- check cross-browser compatibility -- consider using json-sans-eval or other methods for parsing JSON -- better JavaScript compliance with jslint -- retain state data in cookies to allow returning to the last-saved state -- allow adding/removing fields as table columns