user_store_admin = $this->drupalCreateUser(array( 'administer conditional actions', 'administer order workflow', 'create orders', 'delete orders', 'edit orders', 'view all orders', 'administer product classes', 'administer product features', 'administer products', 'create products', 'delete all products', 'edit all products', 'administer store', 'view customers', 'view store reports', )); // Create a simple customer user account. $this->user_customer = $this->drupalCreateUser(); } /** * Configure basic Ubercart store components. */ function setUpShop() { $this->setupPayment(); $this->setupShipping(); } /** * function setupPaymentMethods() performs the installation and configuration * of payment methods */ function setupPayment() { } /** * function setupShipping() performs the installation and configuraion of * shipping */ function setupShipping() { } /** * function createProduct() adds a new product - You must first login using * $this->drupalLogin. The user must also have create product priviliges */ function createProduct($product = array()) { // Set the default required fields. $defaults = array( 'title' => $this->randomName(8), 'body' => $this->randomName(8), 'model' => $this->randomName(8), 'sell_price' => rand(1, 9999), ); // Merge in any added fields. $product += $defaults; $this->drupalPost('node/add/product', $product, t('Save')); $this->assertRaw(t('Product %title has been created.', array('%title' => $product['title'])), t('"Product %title has been created" was displayed on the node page', array('%title' => $product['title']))); // Find the node id and return the node object. if (preg_match('!node/(\d+)!', $this->getUrl(), $matches)) { return node_load($matches[1]); } else { return FALSE; } } /** * function checkout() executes the checkout process */ function checkout($edit = array()) { $this->drupalPost('cart', array(), 'Checkout'); $this->assertText('Enter your billing address and information here.', t('Viewed cart page: Billing pane has been displayed.')); // Build the panes. $edit += array( 'panes[delivery][delivery_first_name]' => $this->randomName(10, 'Firstname_'), 'panes[delivery][delivery_last_name]' => $this->randomName(10, 'Lastname_'), 'panes[delivery][delivery_street1]' => $this->randomName(10, 'Street_'), 'panes[delivery][delivery_city]' => $this->randomName(10, 'City_'), 'panes[delivery][delivery_zone]' => db_query_range('SELECT zone_id FROM {uc_zones} WHERE zone_country_id = :country ORDER BY rand()', 0, 1, array(':country' => variable_get('uc_store_country', 840)))->fetchField(), 'panes[delivery][delivery_postal_code]' => $this->randomName(4, 'Zip_'), 'panes[billing][billing_first_name]' => $this->randomName(10, 'Firstname_'), 'panes[billing][billing_last_name]' => $this->randomName(10, 'Lastname_'), 'panes[billing][billing_street1]' => $this->randomName(10, 'Street_'), 'panes[billing][billing_city]' => $this->randomName(10, 'City_'), 'panes[billing][billing_zone]' => db_query('SELECT zone_id FROM {uc_zones} WHERE zone_country_id = :country ORDER BY rand()', 0, 1, array(':country' => variable_get('uc_store_country', 840)))->fetchField(), 'panes[billing][billing_postal_code]' => $this->randomName(4, 'Zip_') ); // If the email address has not been set, and the user has not logged in, // add a primary email address. if (!isset($edit['panes[customer][primary_email]']) && !$this->loggedInUser) { $edit['panes[customer][primary_email]'] = $this->randomName(8, 'Email_') . ''; } $this->drupalPost('cart/checkout', $edit, t('Review order')); $this->assertRaw('Your order is almost complete.', t('Review order page: Found text "Your order is almost complete."')); // Complete the review page. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Submit order')); if ($order_id = db_query("SELECT order_id FROM {uc_orders} WHERE delivery_first_name = :name", array(':name' => $edit['panes[delivery][delivery_first_name]']))->fetchField()) { $this->pass(t('Order %order_id has been created', array('%order_id' => $order_id))); } } /** * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::tearDown(). */ function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); } } /** * */ class UcCartBasicCheckout extends UcCartTestCase { /** * */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Basic Checkout'), 'description' => t('Ensures the basic checkout process is functioning for both anonymous and authenticated users'), 'group' => t('Ubercart'), ); } /** * Tests the basic ubercart checkout process */ function testBasicCheckout() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user_store_admin); $product = $this->createProduct(); $this->drupalLogout(); $this->pass(t('Testing authenticated checkout.')); $this->drupalLogin($this->user_customer); $this->drupalPost('node/' . $product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart')); $this->assertRaw($product->title, t('The product name has been displayed on the cart page.')); $this->assertRaw('added to', t('The product name has been displayed on the cart page.')); $this->checkout(); $this->assertRaw('Your order is complete!', t('"Your order is complete!" appears on the thank you page.')); $this->drupalLogout(); $this->pass(t('Testing anonymous checkout.')); $this->drupalPost('node/' . $product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart')); $this->assertRaw($product->title, t('The product name has been displayed on the cart page.')); $this->assertRaw('added to', t('The product name has been displayed on the cart page.')); $this->checkout(); $this->assertRaw('Your order is complete!', t('"Your order is complete!" appears on the thank you page.')); } } /** * */ class UcCartAdminSettings extends UcCartTestCase { /** * */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Cart Settings'), 'description' => t('Tests the ubercart uc_cart administration settings.'), 'group' => t('Ubercart'), ); } /** * */ function testCartSettings() { $this->DrupalLogin($this->user_store_admin); $this->drupalGet('admin/store/settings/cart/edit'); $this->assertField('uc_add_item_redirect', t('Add to cart redirect field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_minimum_subtotal', t('Minimum order subtotal field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_cart_anon_duration', t('Anonymous cart duration field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_cart_anon_unit', t('Anonymous cart unit of time field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_cart_auth_duration', t('Authenticated cart duration field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_cart_auth_unit', t('Authenticated cart unit of time field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_continue_shopping_type', t('Continue shopping element display field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_continue_shopping_url', t('Default continue shopping link URL field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_continue_shopping_text', t('Custom continue shopping link text field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_cart_breadcrumb_text', t('Custom cart breadcrumb text field exists')); $this->assertField('uc_cart_breadcrumb_url', t('Custom cart breadcrumb URL')); // Test the empty cart text. $this->drupalGet('cart'); $this->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.', t('Cart View: An empty cart displays the empty cart text')); $product = $this->createProduct(); $this->drupalPost('node/' . $product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart')); $this->assertTrue(($this->getUrl() == url('cart', array('absolute' => TRUE))), t('Redirected to the cart page after adding a product to the cart')); // Ensure one item was added to the cart. $this->drupalGet('cart'); $this->assertFieldByName('items[0][qty]', 1, t('One product was added to the cart')); // Continue shopping link should take you back to the product page. $shopping_url = url('node/' . $product->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE )); $shopping_link = $this->xpath("a[@href='$shopping_url'][@text()='Continue shopping']"); $this->assertTrue(isset($shopping_link), t('Continue shopping link directs you back to the node page')); $this->drupalPost('cart', array('items[0][remove]' => 1), t('Update cart')); $this->assertText('Your cart has been updated.', t('Update cart button redirects to the view cart page')); $this->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.', t('The product was successfully removed from the shopping cart')); // Modify the default settings. $settings = array( // Greater than 2 dollars to test the above/below limit 'uc_minimum_subtotal' => rand(2, 9999), 'uc_continue_shopping_type' => 'button', 'uc_continue_shopping_use_last_url' => FALSE, 'uc_continue_shopping_url' => $this->randomName(8), 'uc_continue_shopping_text' => $this->randomName(16), 'uc_cart_breadcrumb_text' => $this->randomName(8), 'uc_cart_breadcrumb_url' => $this->randomName(7), ); $this->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart/edit', $settings, t('Save configuration')); $this->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.', t('Saved Cart settings. Found text "The configuration options have been saved."')); // Create two products, one below the minimum price, and one above the // minimum price. $sell_price_below_limit = $settings['uc_minimum_subtotal'] - 1; $sell_price_above_limit = $settings['uc_minimum_subtotal'] + 1; $product_price_below_limit = $this->createProduct(array('sell_price' => $sell_price_below_limit)); $product_price_above_limit = $this->createProduct(array('sell_price' => $sell_price_above_limit)); $this->DrupalLogout(); // Check to see if the lower priced product triggers the minimum price // logic. $this->drupalPost('node/' . $product_price_below_limit->nid, array(), t('Add to cart')); $this->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Checkout')); $this->assertRaw('The minimum order subtotal for checkout is', t('Minimum checkout check: Ubercart prevented checkout below the minimum order')); // Check the custom breadcrumb text. $breadcrumb = $this->xpath("div[@class='" . $settings['uc_cart_breadcrumb_url'] . "']/a[@href='/ubertest/asdf'][@text()='" . $settings['uc_cart_breadcrumb_text'] . "']"); $this->assertTrue(isset($breadcrumb), t('The breadcrumb text and url are properly displayed on the view cart page')); // Check the back button to ensure it goes to the proper page. $this->drupalPost('cart', array(), $settings['uc_continue_shopping_text']); $url_pass = ($this->getUrl() == url($settings['uc_continue_shopping_url'], array('absolute' => TRUE))); $this->assertTrue($url_pass, t('View cart back button is properly labled, and takes the user to the proper url.')); // Add another product to the cart, and verify that we land on the checkout // page. $this->drupalPost('node/' . $product_price_above_limit->nid, array(), t('Add to cart')); $this->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Checkout')); $this->assertText('Enter your billing address and information here.', t('Viewed cart page: Billing pane has been displayed.')); // Check the redirect path. $this->drupalLogin($this->user_store_admin); $uc_add_item_redirect = $this->randomName(8); $this->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart/edit', array('uc_add_item_redirect' => $uc_add_item_redirect), t('Save configuration')); $this->drupalPost('node/' . $product_price_above_limit->nid, array(), t('Add to cart')); $url_pass = ($this->getUrl() == url($uc_add_item_redirect, array('absolute' => TRUE))); $this->assertTrue($url_pass, t('Add item and was redirected to url %url', array('%url' => $uc_add_item_redirect))); } }