// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.15 2010-12-09 19:02:21 islandusurper Exp $ Ubercart 3.0-beta1, 2010-12-09 ------------------------------ - API: * Implemented entity features for orders: - Added $reset parameter to uc_order_load(). - Added uc_order_load_multiple(). - Fields saved and loaded. * Order pane callbacks also changed signatures: uc_order_pane_PANE_ID($op, $order, &$form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL) - This signature applies to all ops, including those defined in 'edit-ops'. * Quote method callbacks no longer need to return formatted rates. * uc_currency_format() changed signature: uc_currency_format($value, $sign = NULL, $thou = NULL, $dec = NULL) * Removed uc_price(). * Removed hook_uc_price_handler(). * theme_uc_price() takes one parameter: 'price', a float. * theme_uc_product_price() expects a render element with a #value and optional #title and #attributes. Element children may be used to display text after the price. * 'view' $op added to hook_uc_cart_item() - Allows modules to modify items before they are shown on the cart page. - Database: * Dropped {cache_uc_price}. * Added {uc_taxed_product_types}. * Added {uc_taxed_line_items}. - Forms: * Submit buttons wrapped in a #type = 'actions' container. * Edit order form now contains field widgets. - Menu: * Customers may view their orders at user/%user/orders/%uc_order to match the parent item user/%user/orders. - Taxes: * Tax rates may be set to be included in product prices. Their associated conditions are not checked until the checkout page, where they are shown as separate line items and not part of product prices. Ubercart 3.0-alpha3, 2010-07-16 ------------------------------- - API: * Dropped Conditional Actions. * Integrated with Rules. * Product features: - Added uc_product_feature_load_multiple(). - Added uc_product_feature_load(). - Added uc_product_feature_delete(). - Theme: * Ported order invoice templates to new token names. Ubercart 3.0-alpha2, 2010-06-11 ------------------------------- - API: * Changed payment method callback signature: uc_payment_method_METHOD($op, &$order, $form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL) * Changed checkout pane callback signature: uc_checkout_pane_PANE_ID($op, &$order, $form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL) * Use $form_state['values']['panes'][PANE_ID] instead of $arg2 during the 'process' $op. * New UcAddress class to initialize address data. * New UcOrder class to initialize order data. * Most of uc_order.js, uc_payment.js, uc_quote.js, and uc_taxes.js removed in favor of Form API AJAX integration. * Removed uc_order_edit_products_form() in favor of AJAX processing. * uc_payment_get_totals() is now an AJAX callback. * _uc_quote_assemble_quotes() renamed to uc_quote_assemble_quotes() * Removed uc_quote_request_quotes(). * uc_product_feature_save() now takes $data as a reference. * Editing and adding products to orders now use AJAX, so nearly all functions in that process have been replaced, removed, or reused. - hook_uc_order_product_alter() has not changed. - Database: * Dropped fields: - {uc_order_quotes}.quote_form Ubercart 3.0-alpha1, 2010-04-14 ------------------------------- - API: * Changed Ubercart hooks use the form hook_uc_hookname(). * uc_payment_process() changed to uc_payment_process_payment(). - Database: * Dropped the following tables: - {uc_catalog_images} * Added fields: - {uc_attributes}.format * Changes were made to the following fields: - {uc_packages}.label_image is an int referring to {file}.file_id. - Fields: * The default product image moved from field_image_cache to uc_product_image. * The catalog term image is an actual field, located at uc_catalog_image. - Files: * Shipment labels are now managed files. * Catalog term images are now managed files in the {file} table.