// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.2 2010-06-11 19:16:05 islandusurper Exp $ Ubercart 3.0-alpha2, 2010-06-11 ------------------------------- - API: * Changed payment method callback signature: uc_payment_method_METHOD($op, &$order, $form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL) * Changed checkout pane callback signature: uc_checkout_pane_PANE_ID($op, &$order, $form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL) * Use $form_state['values']['panes'][PANE_ID] instead of $arg2 during the 'process' $op. * New UcAddress class to initialize address data. * New UcOrder class to initialize order data. * Most of uc_order.js, uc_payment.js, uc_quote.js, and uc_taxes.js removed in favor of Form API AJAX integration. * Removed uc_order_edit_products_form() in favor of AJAX processing. * uc_payment_get_totals() is now an AJAX callback. * _uc_quote_assemble_quotes() renamed to uc_quote_assemble_quotes() * Removed uc_quote_request_quotes(). * uc_product_feature_save() now takes $data as a reference. * Editing and adding products to orders now use AJAX, so nearly all functions in that process have been replaced, removed, or reused. - hook_uc_order_product_alter() has not changed. - Database: * Dropped fields: - {uc_order_quotes}.quote_form Ubercart 3.0-alpha1, 2010-04-14 ------------------------------- - API: * Changed Ubercart hooks use the form hook_uc_hookname(). * uc_payment_process() changed to uc_payment_process_payment(). - Database: * Dropped the following tables: - {uc_catalog_images} * Added fields: - {uc_attributes}.format * Changes were made to the following fields: - {uc_packages}.label_image is an int referring to {file}.file_id. - Fields: * The default product image moved from field_image_cache to uc_product_image. * The catalog term image is an actual field, located at uc_catalog_image. - Files: * Shipment labels are now managed files. * Catalog term images are now managed files in the {file} table.