uid, TRUE))); if (count($twitter_accounts)) { $form = array(); $form['status'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#id' => 'twitter-textfield', ); if (count($twitter_accounts) > 1) { $form['account'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Account'), '#options' => $twitter_accounts, '#access' => user_access(''), '#id' => 'twitter-account', ); } else { $form['account'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => array_pop(array_keys($twitter_accounts)) ); } return $form; } } /** * Twitter API functions */ /** * Fetch the public timeline for a Twitter.com account. * * Note that this function only requires a screen name, and not a password. As * such, it can only retrieve statuses for publically visible Twitter accounts. * Because it doesn't require authentication, it is also easier on the Twitter * servers. Be kind, use this version whenever you can. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @param $filter_since * A boolean indicating that Twitter should only return statuses that have not * been locally cached. This incurs an extra database hit, to retrieve the date * of the most recent locally cached twitter message for the screen name. * @param $cache * A boolean indicating whether the statuses should be cached in the local * site's database after they're retrieved. * @return * An array of Twitter statuses. * * @see twitter_fetch_statuses() */ function twitter_fetch_timeline($screen_name, $filter_since = TRUE, $cache = TRUE) { if ($filter_since) { $sql = "SELECT t.created_at FROM {twitter} t WHERE t.screen_name = '%s' ORDER BY t.created_at DESC"; $since = db_result(db_query($sql, $screen_name)); } $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/statuses/user_timeline/$screen_name.xml"; if (!empty($since)) { $url .= '?since='. urlencode($since); } $results = drupal_http_request($url, array(), 'GET'); if (_twitter_request_failure($results)) { return array(); } else { $results = _twitter_convert_xml_to_array($results->data); if ($cache) { foreach($results as $status) { twitter_cache_status($status); } twitter_touch_account($screen_name); } return $results; } } /** * Post a message to a Twitter.com account. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @param $password * The password of a Twitter.com user. * @param $text * The text to post. Strings longer than 140 characters will be truncated by * Twitter. * @param $source * A string indicating the program or site used to post the message. Source * strings should be registered with Twitter, as unrecgonized sources are * ignored. * @return * The full results of the Drupal HTTP request, including the HTTP response * code returned by Twitter.com. */ function twitter_set_status($screen_name, $password, $text, $source = 'drupal') { $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/statuses/update.xml"; $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Basic '. base64_encode($screen_name .':'. $password), 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $data = 'status='. urlencode($text); if (!empty($source)) { $data .= "&source=". urlencode($source); } return drupal_http_request($url, $headers, 'POST', $data); } /** * Fetch the full information for a Twitter.com account. * * This function requires an authenticated connection for the account in * question. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @param $password * The password of a Twitter.com user. * @param $cache * A boolean indicating whether the account info should be cached in the local * site's database after it's retrieved. * @return * An single Twitter account. */ function twitter_fetch_account_info($screen_name, $password, $cache = TRUE) { $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/users/show/$screen_name.xml"; $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Basic '. base64_encode($screen_name .':'. $password), 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $results = drupal_http_request($url, $headers, 'GET'); if (_twitter_request_failure($results)) { return array(); } if ($results = _twitter_convert_xml_to_array($results->data)) { if ($cache) { foreach($results as $user) { twitter_cache_account($user); } } return $results[0]; } return array(); } /** * Fetch the latest statuses for a Twitter.com account, regardless of privacy. * * This function is the authenticated version of twitter_fetch_timeline(), and * is the only way to retrieve statuses for a 'private' account. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @param $password * The password of a Twitter.com user. * @param $cache * A boolean indicating whether the statuses should be cached in the local * site's database after they're retrieved. * @return * An array of Twitter statuses. * * @see twitter_fetch_timeline() */ function twitter_fetch_statuses($screen_name, $password, $cache = TRUE) { $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/statuses/$screen_name.xml"; $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Basic '. base64_encode($screen_name .':'. $password), 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $results = drupal_http_request($url, $headers, 'GET'); if (_twitter_request_failure($results)) { return array(); } $results = _twitter_convert_xml_to_array($results->data); if ($cache && !empty($results)) { foreach($results as $status) { twitter_cache_status($status); } twitter_touch_account($screen_name); } return $results; } /** * Fetch information about Twitter.com accounts followed by a given user. * * This function does not require authentication. It is mostly useful for mining * information about connections, and locating existing Twitter friends who have * signed up for the same Drupal site. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @return * An array of Twitter accounts. * * @see twitter_fetch_followers() */ function twitter_fetch_friends($screen_name) { $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/statuses/friends/$screen_name.xml"; $results = drupal_http_request($url, array(), 'GET'); if (_twitter_request_failure($results)) { return array(); } return _twitter_convert_xml_to_array($results->data); } /** * Fetch information about users following a given Twitter.com account. * * This function is mostly useful for mining information about connections, and * locating existing Twitter friends who have also signed up for the same Drupal * site. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @param $password * The password of a Twitter.com user. * @return * An array of Twitter accounts. * * @see twitter_fetch_friends() */ function twitter_fetch_followers($screen_name, $password) { $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/statuses/followers/$screen_name.xml"; $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Basic '. base64_encode($screen_name .':'. $password), 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $results = drupal_http_request($url, $headers, 'GET'); if (_twitter_request_failure($results)) { return array(); } return _twitter_convert_xml_to_array($results->data); } /** * Attempts to authenticate a username/password on Twitter.com. * * @param $screen_name * The screen name of a Twitter.com user. * @param $password * The password of a Twitter.com user. * @return * A boolean indicating success or failure. */ function twitter_authenticate($screen_name, $password) { $url = "http://" . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . "/account/verify_credentials.xml"; $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Basic '. base64_encode($screen_name .':'. $password), 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $results = drupal_http_request($url, $headers, 'GET'); drupal_http_request('http://' . variable_get('twitter_api_url', 'twitter.com') . '/account/end_session', $headers, 'GET'); return ($results->code == '200'); } /** * Internal helper function to deal cleanly with various HTTP response codes. */ function _twitter_request_failure($results) { switch ($results->code) { case '304': // 304 Not Modified: there was no new data to return. return TRUE; case 400: // 400 Bad Request: your request is invalid, and we'll return an error message that tells you why. This is the status code returned if you've exceeded the rate limit watchdog('twitter', '400 Bad Request.'); return TRUE; case 401: // 401 Not Authorized: either you need to provide authentication credentials, or the credentials provided aren't valid. watchdog('twitter', '401 Not Authorized.'); return TRUE; case 403: // 403 Forbidden: we understand your request, but are refusing to fulfill it. An accompanying error message should explain why. watchdog('twitter', '403 Forbidden.'); return TRUE; case 404: // 404 Not Found: either you're requesting an invalid URI or the resource in question doesn't exist (ex: no such user). watchdog('twitter', '404 Not Found.'); return TRUE; case 500: // 500 Internal Server Error: we did something wrong. Please post to the group about it and the Twitter team will investigate. watchdog('twitter', '500 Internal Server Error.'); return TRUE; case 502: // 502 Bad Gateway: returned if Twitter is down or being upgraded. watchdog('twitter', '502 Bad Gateway.'); return TRUE; case 503: // 503 Service Unavailable: the Twitter servers are up, but are overloaded with requests. Try again later. watchdog('twitter', '503 Service Unavailable.'); return TRUE; } // 200 OK: everything went awesome. return FALSE; } /** * Caching functions */ /** * Saves Twitter account information to the database. * * @param $twitter_account * A Twitter user account in array form. * * @see twitter_touch_account() * @see twitter_cache_status() */ function twitter_cache_account($twitter_account = array()) { db_query("DELETE FROM {twitter_account} WHERE twitter_uid = %d", $twitter_account['twitter_uid']); drupal_write_record('twitter_account', $twitter_account); } /** * Updates the 'last refreshed on' timestamp of a given locally cached Twitter * account. * * @param $screen_name * A Twitter screen name.. * * @see twitter_cache_account() * @see twitter_cache_status() */ function twitter_touch_account($screen_name = '') { db_query("UPDATE {twitter_account} SET last_refresh = %d WHERE screen_name = '%s'", time(), $screen_name); } /** * Saves Twitter status message to the database. * * If the $silent parameter is set to TRUE, this function will also notify other * modules via hook_twitter_status_update() that a new stauts has been retrieved * and saved. This is normally set to FALSE, but may be useful when integrating * Twitter into complex workflows. * * @param $status * A Twitter status updated in array form. * @param $silent * A boolean indicating whether hook_twitter_status_update should be fired. * * @see twitter_touch_account() * @see twitter_cache_status() */ function twitter_cache_status($status = array(), $silent = FALSE) { db_query("DELETE FROM {twitter} WHERE twitter_id = %d", $status['twitter_id']); drupal_write_record('twitter', $status); if (!$silent) { module_invoke_all('twitter_status_update', $status); } } /** * User/account relationship code */ function twitter_get_user_accounts($uid, $full_access = FALSE) { $drupal_user = user_load($uid); return module_invoke_all('twitter_accounts', $drupal_user, $full_access); } function twitter_user_save($account = array(), $force_import = FALSE) { $account += array( 'screen_name' => '', 'import' => 1, ); if (db_result(db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {twitter_user} WHERE uid = %d AND screen_name = '%s'", $account['uid'], $account['screen_name']))) { drupal_write_record('twitter_user', $account, array('uid', 'screen_name')); } else { drupal_write_record('twitter_user', $account); } if ($force_import && $account['import']) { if (empty($account['protected']) || empty($account['password'])) { $statuses = twitter_fetch_timeline($account['screen_name']); } else { twitter_fetch_account_info($account['screen_name'], $account['password']); $statuses = twitter_fetch_statuses($account['screen_name'], $account['password']); } if (!empty($statuses)) { twitter_cache_account($statuses[0]['account']); twitter_touch_account($account['screen_name']); } } } function twitter_user_delete($uid, $screen_name = NULL) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {twitter_user} WHERE uid = %d"; $args = array($uid); if (!empty($screen_name)) { $sql .= " AND screen_name = '%s'"; $args[] = $screen_name; } db_query($sql, $args); } /** * Internal XML munging code */ function _twitter_convert_xml_to_array($data) { $results = array(); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data); if (!empty($xml->name)) { // Top-level user information. $results[] = _twitter_convert_user($xml); return $results; } if (!empty($xml->user)) { foreach($xml->user as $user) { $results[] = _twitter_convert_user($user); } } elseif (!empty($xml->status)) { foreach($xml->status as $status) { $results[] = _twitter_convert_status($status); } } return $results; } function _twitter_convert_status($status) { $result = (array)$status; $result['twitter_id'] = $result['id']; if (!empty($result['user']) && is_object($result['user'])) { $result['account'] = _twitter_convert_user($result['user']); $result['screen_name'] = $result['account']['screen_name']; } else { $result['screen_name'] = NULL; } $result['created_time'] = strtotime($result['created_at']); return $result; } function _twitter_convert_user($user) { $result = (array)$user; $result['twitter_uid'] = $result['id']; if (!empty($result['status']) && is_object($result['status'])) { $result['status'] = _twitter_convert_status($result['status']); } return $result; } function _twitter_account_fields($user, $account = array()) { $form['uid'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $user->uid, ); $form['screen_name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#required' => TRUE, '#title' => t('Twitter user name'), '#default_value' => $twitter['screen_name'], ); $form['password'] = array( '#type' => 'password', '#required' => TRUE, '#title' => t('Password'), '#default_value' => $twitter['password'], ); return $form; }