$Id: README.txt,v 2009-05-10 16:51:54 mikeryan Exp $ OVERVIEW The Table Wizard facilitates dealing with database tables: * It allows surfacing any table in the Drupal default database through Views 2. * Relationships between the tables it manages can be defined, so views combining data in the tables can be constructed. * It performs analysis of the tables it manages, reporting on empty fields, data ranges, ranges of string lengths, etc. * It provides an API for other modules to views-enable their tables. * It provides an API for importing data into tables in the Drupal default database (automatically doing the views integration above). * It is bundled with an implementation of this API, for importing comma- and tab-delimited files. Applications of Table Wizard include: * Module developers can use Table Wizard to views-enable their data tables without writing their own Views hook. * Developers and administrators can use Table Wizard to create views of all tables in the database, whether or not their creators provided Views integration. * Users could upload spreadsheets and apply Views to them. INSTALLATION Table Wizard requires the Schema and Views modules. In addition, you may need to install the following patches to support external tables (check to see if these patches are in the Schema and Views versions you have installed): Schema 1.3 or earlier: http://drupal.org/node/411538 Views 2.3 or earlier: http://drupal.org/node/380560 For versions of Views up through at least 2.5, you need the patch at this location to be able to create custom views for tables with more than 32 characters in their name: http://drupal.org/node/437070 USAGE Please see the detailed documentation at http://drupal.org/node/452374 CREDITS Table Wizard was developed by Cyrve (http://cyrve.com/). Much of the initial development was sponsored by GenomeWeb (http://www.genomeweb.com/) and The Economist (http://www.economist.com/). The basis of the tw_import_delimited module was Node Import (http://drupal.org/project/node_import).