'; $output .= '
' . t('List of the currently available tokens on this site') . '
'; $output .= '
' . theme('token_tree', 'all', TRUE, FALSE) . '
'; $output .= ''; return $output; } } /** * Return an array of the core modules supported by token.module. */ function _token_core_supported_modules() { return array('node', 'user', 'taxonomy', 'comment'); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function token_menu() { $items = array(); // Devel token pages. if (module_exists('devel')) { $items['node/%node/devel/token'] = array( 'title' => 'Tokens', 'page callback' => 'token_devel_token_object', 'page arguments' => array('node', 1), 'access arguments' => array('access devel information'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'file' => 'token.pages.inc', 'weight' => 5, ); $items['user/%user/devel/token'] = array( 'title' => 'Tokens', 'page callback' => 'token_devel_token_object', 'page arguments' => array('user', 1), 'access arguments' => array('access devel information'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'file' => 'token.pages.inc', 'weight' => 5, ); } return $items; } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function token_theme() { return array( 'token_help' => array( 'arguments' => array('type' => 'all', 'prefix' => TOKEN_PREFIX, 'suffix' => TOKEN_SUFFIX), 'file' => 'token.pages.inc', ), 'token_tree' => array( 'arguments' => array('token_types' => array(), 'global_types' => TRUE , 'click_insert' => TRUE), 'file' => 'token.pages.inc', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_token_values(). */ function token_token_values($type, $object = NULL) { global $user; $values = array(); switch ($type) { case 'global': // Current user tokens. $values['user-name'] = $user->uid ? $user->name : variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')); $values['user-id'] = $user->uid ? $user->uid : 0; $values['user-mail'] = $user->uid ? $user->mail : ''; // Site information tokens. $values['site-url'] = url('', array('absolute' => TRUE)); $values['site-name'] = check_plain(variable_get('site_name', t('Drupal'))); $values['site-slogan'] = check_plain(variable_get('site_slogan', '')); $values['site-mission'] = filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_mission', '')); $values['site-mail'] = variable_get('site_mail', ''); $values += token_get_date_token_values(NULL, 'site-date-'); $values['site-date'] = $values['site-date-small']; // Current page tokens. $values['current-page-title'] = drupal_get_title(); $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']); $values['current-page-path'] = $alias; $values['current-page-path-raw'] = check_plain($alias); $values['current-page-url'] = url($_GET['q'], array('absolute' => TRUE)); $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; $pager_page_array = explode(',', $page); $page = $pager_page_array[0]; $values['current-page-number'] = (int) $page + 1; $values['page-number'] = $values['current-page-number']; break; } return $values; } /** * Implements hook_token_list(). */ function token_token_list($type = 'all') { $tokens = array(); if ($type == 'global' || $type == 'all') { // Current user tokens. $tokens['global']['user-name'] = t('The name of the currently logged in user.'); $tokens['global']['user-id'] = t('The user ID of the currently logged in user.'); $tokens['global']['user-mail'] = t('The email address of the currently logged in user.'); // Site information tokens. $tokens['global']['site-url'] = t("The URL of the site's front page."); $tokens['global']['site-name'] = t('The name of the site.'); $tokens['global']['site-slogan'] = t('The slogan of the site.'); $tokens['global']['site-mission'] = t("The optional 'mission' of the site."); $tokens['global']['site-mail'] = t('The administrative email address for the site.'); $tokens['global'] += token_get_date_token_info(t('The current'), 'site-date-'); // Current page tokens. $tokens['global']['current-page-title'] = t('The title of the current page.'); $tokens['global']['current-page-path'] = t('The URL alias of the current page.'); $tokens['global']['current-page-path-raw'] = t('The URL alias of the current page.'); $tokens['global']['current-page-url'] = t('The URL of the current page.'); $tokens['global']['current-page-number'] = t('The page number of the current page when viewing paged lists.'); } return $tokens; } /** * General function to include the files that token relies on for the real work. */ function token_include() { static $run = FALSE; if (!$run) { $run = TRUE; $modules_enabled = array_keys(module_list()); $modules = array_intersect(_token_core_supported_modules(), $modules_enabled); foreach ($modules as $module) { module_load_include('inc', 'token', "token_$module"); } } } /** * Replace all tokens in a given string with appropriate values. * * @param $text * A string potentially containing replaceable tokens. * @param $type * (optional) A flag indicating the class of substitution tokens to use. If * an object is passed in the second param, 'type' should contain the * object's type. For example, 'node', 'comment', or 'user'. If no type is * specified, only 'global' site-wide substitution tokens are built. * @param $object * (optional) An object to use for building substitution values (e.g. a node * comment, or user object). * @param $leading * (optional) Character(s) to prepend to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_PREFIX. * @param $trailing * (optional) Character(s) to append to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_SUFFIX. * @param $options * (optional) A keyed array of settings and flags to control the token * generation and replacement process. * @param $flush * (optional) A flag indicating whether or not to flush the token cache. * Useful for processes that need to slog through huge numbers of tokens * in a single execution cycle. Flushing it will keep them from burning * through memory. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return * Text with tokens replaced. */ function token_replace($text, $type = 'global', $object = NULL, $leading = TOKEN_PREFIX, $trailing = TOKEN_SUFFIX, $options = array(), $flush = FALSE) { $full = token_get_values($type, $object, $flush, $options); $tokens = token_prepare_tokens($full->tokens, $leading, $trailing); return str_replace($tokens, $full->values, $text); } /** * Replace all tokens in a given string with appropriate values. * * Contrary to token_replace() this function supports replacing multiple types. * * @param $text * A string potentially containing replaceable tokens. * @param $types * (optional) An array of substitution classes and optional objects. The key * is a flag indicating the class of substitution tokens to use. If an object * is passed as value, the key should contain the object's type. For example, * 'node', 'comment', or 'user'. The object will be used for building * substitution values. If no type is specified, only 'global' site-wide * substitution tokens are built. * @param $leading * (optional) Character(s) to prepend to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_PREFIX. * @param $trailing * (optional) Character(s) to append to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_SUFFIX. * @param $options * (optional) A keyed array of settings and flags to control the token * generation and replacement process. * @param $flush * (optional) A flag indicating whether or not to flush the token cache. * Useful for processes that need to slog through huge numbers of tokens * in a single execution cycle. Flushing it will keep them from burning * through memory. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return * Text with tokens replaced. */ function token_replace_multiple($text, $types = array(), $leading = TOKEN_PREFIX, $trailing = TOKEN_SUFFIX, $options = array(), $flush = FALSE) { $full = new stdClass(); $full->tokens = $full->values = array(); // Allow global token replacement by default. if (empty($types) || !is_array($types)) { $types = array('global' => NULL); } foreach ($types as $type => $object) { $temp = token_get_values($type, $object, $flush, $options); $full->tokens = array_merge($full->tokens, $temp->tokens); $full->values = array_merge($full->values, $temp->values); } $tokens = token_prepare_tokens($full->tokens, $leading, $trailing); return str_replace($tokens, $full->values, $text); } /** * Return a list of valid substitution tokens and their values for * the specified type. * * @param $type * (optional) A flag indicating the class of substitution tokens to use. If an * object is passed in the second param, 'type' should contain the * object's type. For example, 'node', 'comment', or 'user'. If no * type is specified, only 'global' site-wide substitution tokens are * built. * @param $object * (optional) An object to use for building substitution values (e.g. a node * comment, or user object). * @param $flush * (optional) A flag indicating whether or not to flush the token cache. * Useful for processes that need to slog through huge numbers of tokens * in a single execution cycle. Flushing it will keep them from burning * through memory. Defaults to FALSE. * @param $options * (optional) A keyed array of settings and flags to control the token * generation process. * * @return * An object with two properties: * - tokens: All the possible tokens names generated. * - values: The corresponding values for the tokens. * * Note that before performing actual token replacement that the token names * should be run through token_prepare_tokens(). */ function token_get_values($type = 'global', $object = NULL, $flush = FALSE, $options = array()) { static $tokens; static $running; // Flush the static token cache. Useful for processes that need to slog through // huge numbers of tokens in a single execution cycle. Flushing it will keep // them from burning through memory. if ($flush || !isset($tokens)) { $tokens = array(); } // Since objects in PHP5 are always passed by reference, we ensure we're // working on a copy of the object. if (is_object($object)) { $object = drupal_clone($object); } // Simple recursion check. This is to avoid content_view()'s potential // for endless looping when a filter uses tokens, which load the content // view, which calls the filter, which uses tokens, which... if ($running) { // We'll allow things to get two levels deep, but bail out after that // without performing any substitutions. $result = new stdClass(); $result->tokens = array(); $result->values = array(); return $result; } $running = TRUE; token_include(); $id = _token_get_id($type, $object); if ($id && isset($tokens[$type][$id])) { $tmp_tokens = $tokens[$type][$id]; } else { $tmp_tokens = module_invoke_all('token_values', $type, $object, $options); $tokens[$type][$id] = $tmp_tokens; } // Special-case global tokens, as we always want to be able to process // those substitutions. if (!isset($tokens['global']['default'])) { $tokens['global']['default'] = module_invoke_all('token_values', 'global'); } $all = array_merge($tokens['global']['default'], $tokens[$type][$id]); $result = new stdClass(); $result->tokens = array_keys($all); $result->values = array_values($all); $running = FALSE; return $result; } /** * A helper function that retrieves all currently exposed tokens, * and merges them recursively. This is only necessary when building * the token listing -- during actual value replacement, only tokens * in a particular domain are requested and a normal array_marge() is * sufficient. * * @param $types * A flag indicating the class of substitution tokens to use. If an * object is passed in the second param, 'types' should contain the * object's type. For example, 'node', 'comment', or 'user'. 'types' * may also be an array of types of the form array('node','user'). If no * type is specified, only 'global' site-wide substitution tokens are * built. * * @return * The array of usable tokens and their descriptions, organized by * token type. */ function token_get_list($types = 'all') { token_include(); $return = array(); settype($types, 'array'); foreach (module_implements('token_list') as $module) { foreach ($types as $type) { $module_token_list = module_invoke($module, 'token_list', $type); if (isset($module_token_list) && is_array($module_token_list)) { foreach ($module_token_list as $category => $tokens) { foreach ($tokens as $token => $title) { // Automatically append a raw token warning. if (substr($token, -4) === '-raw' && strpos($title, t('raw user input')) === FALSE && strpos($title, '1269441371') === FALSE) { $title .= ' ' . t('Warning: Token value contains raw user input.') . ''; } $return[$category][$token] = $title; } } } } } return $return; } /** * A helper function to prepare raw tokens for replacement. * * @param $tokens * The array of tokens names with no delimiting characters. * @param $leading * String to prepend to the token. Default is TOKEN_PREFIX. * @param $trailing * String to append to the token. Default is TOKEN_SUFFIX. * * @return * An array of the formatted tokens. */ function token_prepare_tokens($tokens = array(), $leading = TOKEN_PREFIX, $trailing = TOKEN_SUFFIX) { foreach ($tokens as $key => $value) { $tokens[$key] = $leading . $value . $trailing; } return $tokens; } /** * A helper function to return an object's ID for use in static caching. */ function _token_get_id($type = 'global', $object = NULL) { if (!isset($object)) { return "default"; } switch ($type) { case 'node': return isset($object->nid) ? $object->nid : 0; case 'comment': return isset($object->cid) ? $object->cid : 0; case 'user': return isset($object->uid) ? $object->uid : 0; case 'taxonomy': return isset($object->tid) ? $object->tid : 0; default: return crc32(serialize($object)); } } /** * Build a list of common date tokens for use in hook_token_list(). * * @param $description */ function token_get_date_token_info($description, $token_prefix = '') { $tokens[$token_prefix . 'small'] = t("!description date in 'small' format. (06/07/2010 - 23:28)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'yyyy'] = t("!description year (four digit)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'yy'] = t("!description year (two digit)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'month'] = t("!description month (full word)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'mon'] = t("!description month (abbreviated)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'mm'] = t("!description month (two digits with leading zeros)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'm'] = t("!description month (one or two digits without leading zeros)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'ww'] = t("!description week (two digits with leading zeros)", array('!description' => $description)); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=')) { $tokens[$token_prefix . 'date'] = t("!description date (numeric representation of the day of the week)", array('!description' => $description)); } $tokens[$token_prefix . 'day'] = t("!description day (full word)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'ddd'] = t("!description day (abbreviation)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'dd'] = t("!description day (two digits with leading zeros)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'd'] = t("!description day (one or two digits without leading zeros)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'raw'] = t("!description in UNIX timestamp format (1269441371)", array('!description' => $description)); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'since'] = t("!description in 'time-since' format. (40 years 3 months)", array('!description' => $description)); return $tokens; } /** * Build a list of common date tokens for use in hook_token_values(). * * @param $description */ function token_get_date_token_values($timestamp = NULL, $token_prefix = '') { $tokens = array(); $time = time(); if (!isset($timestamp)) { $timestamp = $time; } $timezone = variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0); $formats = array( 'yyyy' => 'Y', 'yy' => 'y', 'month' => 'F', 'mon' => 'M', 'mm' => 'm', 'm' => 'n', 'ww' => 'W', //'date' => 'N', // Provided later since it is PHP 5.1 only. 'day' => 'l', 'ddd' => 'D', 'dd' => 'd', 'd' => 'j', ); foreach ($formats as $token => $format) { $tokens[$token_prefix . $token] = format_date($timestamp, 'custom', $format, $timezone); } $tokens[$token_prefix . 'small'] = format_date($timestamp, 'small', '', $timezone); $tokens[$token_prefix . 'raw'] = $timestamp; $tokens[$token_prefix . 'since'] = format_interval($time - $timestamp); $timestamp += $timezone; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=')) { $tokens[$token_prefix . 'date'] = gmdate('N', $timestamp); } return $tokens; } /** * Validate an tokens in raw text based on possible contexts. * * @param $text * A string with the raw text containing the raw tokens. * @param $valid_types * An array of token types to validage against. * @param $leading * Character(s) to prepend to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_PREFIX. * @param $trailing * Character(s) to append to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_SUFFIX. * * @return * An array with the invalid tokens in their original raw forms. */ function token_get_invalid_tokens_by_context($text, $valid_types = array(), $leading = TOKEN_PREFIX, $trailing = TOKEN_SUFFIX) { // Add the token types that are always valid in global context. $valid_types[] = 'global'; $invalid_tokens = array(); $valid_tokens = token_get_list($valid_types); foreach (token_scan($text, $leading, $trailing) as $token) { $found = FALSE; foreach ($valid_tokens as $category => $tokens) { if (isset($tokens[$token])) { $found = TRUE; break; } elseif (preg_match('/^(.*[_-])\d+$/', $token, $result)) { // Some modules use a 'wildcard' token, e.g. Location.module defines // [location-country_N] but users actually use [location-country_0]. // If the token has a digit on the end and there is a 'wildcard' // token definition, we should allow it. if (isset($tokens[$result[1] . 'N']) || isset($tokens[$result[1] . '?'])) { $found = TRUE; break; } } } if (!$found) { $invalid_tokens[] = $token; } } array_unique($invalid_tokens); $invalid_tokens = token_prepare_tokens($invalid_tokens, $leading, $trailing); return $invalid_tokens; } /** * Build a list of all token-like patterns that appear in the text. * * @param $text * The text to be scanned for possible tokens. * @param $leading * Character(s) to prepend to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_PREFIX. * @param $trailing * Character(s) to append to the token key before searching for * matches. Defaults to TOKEN_SUFFIX. * * @return * An array of discovered tokens. */ function token_scan($text, $leading = TOKEN_PREFIX, $trailing = TOKEN_SUFFIX) { // Matches tokens with the following pattern: [$token] $leading = preg_quote($leading, '/'); $trailing = preg_quote($trailing, '/'); preg_match_all("/{$leading}([^\s]+?){$trailing}/", $text, $matches); return $matches[1]; } /** * Validate a form element that should have tokens in it. * * Form elements that want to add this validation should have the #token_types * parameter defined. * * For example: * @code * $form['my_node_text_element'] = array( * '#type' => 'textfield', * '#title' => t('Some text to token-ize that has a node context.'), * '#default_value' => 'The title of this node is [node:title].', * '#element_validate' => array('token_element_validate_token_context'), * '#token_types' => array('node'), * ); * @endcode */ function token_element_validate_token_context(&$element, &$form_state) { $value = isset($element['#value']) ? $element['#value'] : $element['#default_value']; $invalid_tokens = token_get_invalid_tokens_by_context($value, $element['#token_types']); if ($invalid_tokens) { form_error($element, t('The %element-title is using the following invalid tokens: @invalid-tokens.', array('%element-title' => $element['#title'], '@invalid-tokens' => implode(', ', $invalid_tokens)))); } return $element; } /** * Find tokens that have been declared twice by different modules. */ function token_find_duplicate_tokens() { token_include(); $all_tokens = array(); foreach (module_implements('token_list') as $module) { $module_token_list = module_invoke($module, 'token_list', 'all'); if (!isset($module_token_list) || !is_array($module_token_list)) { // Skip modules that do not return an array as that is a valid return // value. continue; } if (in_array($module, _token_core_supported_modules())) { $module = 'token'; } foreach ($module_token_list as $type => $tokens) { foreach (array_keys($tokens) as $token) { $all_tokens[$type . ':' . $token][] = $module; } } } foreach ($all_tokens as $token => $modules) { if (count($modules) < 2) { unset($all_tokens[$token]); } } return $all_tokens; }