Drupal thickbox module: ------------------------ Author - Fredrik Jonsson fredrik at combonet dot se Requires - Drupal 6 License - GPL (see LICENSE) Overview: -------- The Thickbox module is a wrapper for the jQuery plugin ThickBox. The jQuery library is a part of Drupal since version 5+. Thanks to user contributions the module provides login forms, automated integration with the image module and CCK imagefields. * jQuery - http://jquery.com/ * ThickBox - http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/ From the ThickBox homepage: "ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal." Installation: ------------ 1. Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/"). 2. Go to "Administer" -> "Site building" -> "Modules" and enable the module. Configuration: ------------- If you use the image module there is a setting that will automatically activate Thickbox for all image nodes. Contributions: ------------- * imagecache+thickbox formatters to imagefields (CCK) by Jörg Hermsdorf (yojoe) * thickbox_auto.js contributed by Johannes Dillmann (kleingeist). Provides automated integration with the image module. * thickbox_login.js contributed by Jeff Miccolis (jmiccolis). Provides Thickbox login forms. Last updated: ------------ $Id: README.txt,v 1.11 2010-05-18 06:05:23 frjo Exp $