", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_string_boolean($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': if ('true' !== $rule['value'] && 'false' !== $rule['value']) { $errors['value'] = t('Possible values are "true" and "false"'); } break; default: $errors['operator'] = t('Possible operators are "=" and "!"'); } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: "=", "!" * Allowed values: "1", "0" * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_nummeric_boolean($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': if (!ctype_digit($rule['value']) || 1 < $rule['value']) { $errors['value'] = t('Possible values are "0" and "1"'); } break; default: $errors['operator'] = t('Possible operators are "=" and "!"'); } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: "=", "!", "<", "<=", ">", ">=" * Allowed values: string of digits (numbers) * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_ctype_digit($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '~': $errors['operator'] = t('Possible operators are "=", "!", "<", "<=", ">" and ">="'); break; } if (!ctype_digit($rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t('Value must be a number'); } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: any * Allowed values: * - configured drupal language as string or 'neutral' if operator is "=" * - valid regular expression if operator is "~" * - any string for different operators * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_language($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': $languages = language_list(); // add 'neutral' to the list of languages $languages['neutral'] = TRUE; if (!array_key_exists($rule['value'], $languages)) { $errors['value'] = t('Possible values are %languages', array('%languages' => '"' . implode('", "', array_keys($languages)) . '"')); } break; case '~': $errors = themekey_validator_regex($rule); break; } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: "<", "<=", ">", ">=" and "~" * Allowed values: * - valid regular expression if operator is "~" * - string formatted like "2009-12-24 23:56:17" for different operators * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_date_time($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': // It seems senseless to switch a theme for one second $errors['operator'] = t('Possible operators are "<", "<=", ">", ">=" and "~"'); break; case '~': $errors = themekey_validator_regex($rule); break; default: if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}[0-9\- :]*$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t("Value isn't suitable for checks against dates formatted like \"2009-12-24 23:56:17\""); } } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: any * Allowed values: * - valid regular expression if operator is "~" * - a vaild date like "2009-12-24" if operator is "=" or "!" * - fragment of a date which contains at least the year as four digits * for different operators * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_date($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}-[0-1]{1}[0-9]{1}-[0-3]{1}[0-9]{1}$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t('Not a valid date string. Format should look like "2009-12-24"'); } break; case '~': $errors = themekey_validator_regex($rule); break; default: if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}[0-9\-]*$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t("Value isn't suitable for checks against dates formatted like \"2009-12-24\""); } } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: any * Allowed values: * - valid regular expression if operator is "~" * - a vaild time like "23:16:56" if operator is "=" or "!" * - fragment of a time which contains at least the hour as two digits * for different operators * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_time($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': if (!preg_match("/^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t('Not a valid date string. Format should look like "23:16:56"'); } break; case '~': $errors = themekey_validator_regex($rule); break; default: if (!preg_match("/^[0-2][0-9][0-9:]*$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t("Value isn't suitable for checks against dates formatted like \"23:16:56\""); } } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: any * Allowed values: * - valid regular expression if operator is "~" * - an existing content type if operator is "=" or "!" * - must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores * for different operators * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_node_type($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': $node_types = node_get_types(); if (!array_key_exists($rule['value'], $node_types)) { $errors['value'] = t('Possible values are %node_types', array('%node_types' => '"' . implode('", "', array_keys($node_types)) . '"')); } break; case '~': $errors = themekey_validator_regex($rule); break; default: if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z_]+$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t("Value isn't suitable. It must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores"); } } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: any * Allowed values: * - valid regular expression if operator is "~" * - must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens * for different operators * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_http_host($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '~': $errors = themekey_validator_regex($rule); break; default: if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z\-.]+$/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t("Value isn't suitable. It must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens"); } } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: all * Allowed values: any string without whitespaces * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_no_whitespace($rule) { $errors = array(); if (preg_match("/\s/", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t('Value must not contain white spaces'); } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: any * Allowed wildcards: any string without whitespaces and not starting with "#" or "%" * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_wildcard($rule) { $errors = themekey_validator_no_whitespace($rule); if (preg_match("/^[#%]/", $rule['wildcard'])) { $errors['wildcard'] = t('Wildcard must not start with type identifier "#" or "%" at this point'); } elseif (preg_match("/\s/", $rule['wildcard'])) { $errors['wildcard'] = t('Wildcard must not contain white spaces'); } return $errors; } /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: "~" * Allowed values: valid regular expression * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/pcre.pattern.php * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_regex($rule) { $errors = array(); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '~': if (FALSE === @preg_match($rule['value'], 'dummy')) { $errors['value'] = t('Regular expression seems to be malformed. See !link for details', array('!link' => l(t('PHP Manual'), 'http://php.net/manual/en/pcre.pattern.php'))); } break; default: $errors['operator'] = t('Only possible operators is "~"'); break; } return $errors; } /** * @file * Provides set of validators which could be used to validate * ThemeKey Theme Switching Rules. * @see themekey_admin.inc * * @author Markus Kalkbrenner | Cocomore AG * @see http://drupal.org/user/124705 * * @author Carsten Müller | Cocomore AG * @see http://drupal.org/user/124707 */ /** * Validates a Theme Switichng Rule. * Allowed Operators: "=", "!" * Allowed values: paths without whitespaces * * * @param $rule * A Theme Switching Rule as associative array: * - property: ThemeKey property as string (p.e. "drupal:path") * - wildcard: optional string, only used if property is "drupal:path:wildcard" * - operator: ThemeKey operator as string ("=", "!", "<". "<=", ">", ">=", "~") * - value: ThemeKey property value as string * * @return * An associative array of errors: * - property: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the property * - wildcard: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the wildcard * - operator: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the operator * - value: translated error message as string * describing a problem with the value * If no errors detected the array is empty. */ function themekey_validator_drupal_path($rule) { $errors = themekey_validator_no_whitespace($rule); switch ($rule['operator']) { case '=': case '!': if (strpos($rule['value'], '/') === 0) { $errors['value'] = t('A drupal path must not start with "/"'); } if (preg_match("@[^/][%#]@", $rule['value'])) { $errors['value'] = t('A wildcard could only be used to replace part(s) of the path but not for parts of a word'); } if (strpos($rule['value'], '?') !== FALSE) { $errors['value'] = t('Query strings will be striped before a drupal path is precessed. Maybe you want to chain drupal:path and system:query_string or system:query_param (both provided by additional module ThemeKey Properties).'); } break; default: $errors['operator'] = t('Possible operators are "=" and "!"'); } return $errors; }