property) { return FALSE; } $get_q = $get_q_to_split = themekey_get_q(); if (!variable_get('themekey_path_case_sensitive', 0)) { $condition->value = drupal_strtolower($condition->value); $get_q_to_split = drupal_strtolower($get_q_to_split); } $condition_parts = explode('/', $condition->value); $get_q_parts = explode('/', $get_q_to_split); $wildcards = themekey_match_path_parts($get_q_parts, $condition_parts); if (FALSE === $wildcards && module_exists('path')) { if (empty($alias_uri)) { // Derive path from request_uri $offset = (variable_get('clean_url', 0) ? 0 : 3) + drupal_strlen(base_path()); $alias_uri = drupal_substr(request_uri(), $offset); if (strpos($alias_uri, '?') !== FALSE) { // Remove query string from request uri $alias_uri_parts = explode('?', $alias_uri); $alias_uri = $alias_uri_parts[0]; } // For $alias_uri != $_GET['q'] the page was requested using an // aliased path, otherwise get the path alias internally if ($alias_uri == $get_q) { $alias_uri = drupal_get_path_alias($get_q); } } if ($alias_uri != $get_q) { $alias_parts = explode('/', $alias_uri); $wildcards = themekey_match_path_parts($alias_parts, $condition_parts); } } if (is_array($wildcards)) { $parameters['internal:temp_wildcards'] = $wildcards; return TRUE; } $parameters['internal:temp_wildcards'] = array(); return FALSE; } /** * Compares if two paths are identical accepting * wildcards "%" and "#". * * @param $path_parts * array containing single parts of a path * * @param $condition_parts * array containing single parts of a path * whereas a part could be a wildcard * * @return * FALSE if paths doesn't match or array containing * the wildcards if paths matched */ function themekey_match_path_parts($path_parts, $condition_parts) { if (count($path_parts) < count($condition_parts)) { return FALSE; } $wildcards = array(); foreach ($condition_parts as $key => $part) { if ('#' == $part) { if (ctype_digit($path_parts[$key])) { $wildcards[$key] = $path_parts[$key]; continue; } return FALSE; } if ('%' == $part) { if (isset($path_parts[$key])) { $wildcards[$key] = $path_parts[$key]; continue; } return FALSE; } if ($part == $path_parts[$key]) { continue; } return FALSE; } return $wildcards; } /** * Assigns global parameters' values to ThemeKey properties. * Therefore it calls hook_themekey_global() * * @return * associative array containing some * ThemeKey properties and their values */ function themekey_get_global_parameters() { static $global_parameters = NULL; if (is_null($global_parameters)) { $global_parameters = array_merge_recursive(themekey_invoke_modules('themekey_global'), module_invoke_all('themekey_global')); $get_q_parts = explode('/', themekey_get_q()); $paths = variable_get('themekey_paths', array()); foreach ($paths as $item) { $item_parts = explode('/', $item['path']); $wildcards = themekey_match_path_parts($get_q_parts, $item_parts); if (!empty($wildcards)) { foreach ($item['wildcards'] as $index => $item_wildcard) { $global_parameters[$item_wildcard] = $wildcards[$index]; } if (count($item['callbacks'])) { foreach ($item['callbacks'] as $callback) { $callback($item, $global_parameters); } } } } } return $global_parameters; } /** * This function steps through * the rule chain and returns a theme. * * @return * a theme as string or NULL */ function themekey_match_rules() { $parameters = themekey_get_global_parameters(); $theme = themekey_match_rule_childs($parameters); if (FALSE === $theme || TRUE === $theme) { $theme = NULL; } elseif ('ThemeKeyAdminTheme' === $theme) { $theme = variable_get('admin_theme', '0'); } return $theme; } /** * Helper function of * @see themekey_match_rules() * * @param $parameters * reference to an array containing all * ThemeKey properties and their values * * @param $parent * id of parent rule * * @return * NULL in case of an error * string name of the theme if child rule matched * FALSE if no child rule matches * TRUE if no child properties in the chain */ function themekey_match_rule_childs(&$parameters, $parent = 0) { static $child_lookups = array(); if (isset($child_lookups[$parent])) { // prevent endless recursion in case of malformatted data in database return $child_lookups[$parent]; } if ($result = db_select('themekey_properties', 'tp') ->fields('tp') ->condition('enabled', 1) ->condition('parent', $parent) ->condition('value', '', '<>') ->orderBy('weight', 'asc') ->execute() ) { $num_childs = 0; foreach ($result as $item) { $num_childs++; if (themekey_match_condition($item, $parameters)) { if ('drupal:path' == $item->property && !empty($parameters['internal:temp_wildcards'])) { $wildcards = unserialize($item->wildcards); if (!empty($wildcards)) { foreach ($wildcards as $index => $wildcard) { $parameters[$wildcard] = $parameters['internal:temp_wildcards'][$index]; } } } if (variable_get('themekey_debug_trace_rule_switching', FALSE)) { themekey_set_debug_message('Match: %rule', array('%rule' => themekey_format_rule_as_string($item->id))); } $child_lookups[$parent] = themekey_match_rule_childs($parameters, $item->id); if (FALSE === $child_lookups[$parent]) { continue; } elseif (TRUE === $child_lookups[$parent]) { if (!themekey_check_theme_enabled($item->theme)) { if (variable_get('themekey_debug_trace_rule_switching', FALSE)) { themekey_set_debug_message('Theme disabled: %theme', array('%theme' => $item->theme)); } continue; } $child_lookups[$parent] = $item->theme; } // return own theme or theme from child property or NULL in case of a database error return $child_lookups[$parent]; } elseif (variable_get('themekey_debug_trace_rule_switching', FALSE)) { themekey_set_debug_message('No match: %rule', array('%rule' => themekey_format_rule_as_string($item->id))); } } $child_lookups[$parent] = (!$num_childs); return $child_lookups[$parent]; } $child_lookups[$parent] = NULL; return $child_lookups[$parent]; } /** * Detects if a ThemeKey rule matches to the current * page request. * * @param $condition * ThemeKey rule as object: * - property * - operator * - value * * @param $parameters * reference to an array containing all * ThemeKey properties an their values * * @return * boolean */ function themekey_match_condition($condition, &$parameters) { $custom_theme = &drupal_static('themekey_custom_theme', ''); if (is_object($condition)) { // Default operator is 'equal' if (empty($condition->operator)) { $condition->operator = '='; } if ('drupal:path' == $condition->property) { return themekey_match_path($condition, $parameters); } $value = themekey_property_value($parameters, $condition->property); if ('static' === $value && $custom_theme) { if (variable_get('themekey_debug_trace_rule_switching', FALSE)) { themekey_set_debug_message('A static rule set custom theme %custom_theme', array('%custom_theme' => $custom_theme)); } return TRUE; } if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } if (!empty($value)) { foreach ($value as $single_value) { if (!is_null($single_value)) { // Supported operators for condition check: // smaller ('<'), greater ('>'), equal ('='), not equal ('!'), regex match ('~') if ($condition->operator == '<' && $single_value >= $condition->value) { return FALSE; } elseif ($condition->operator == '>' && $single_value <= $condition->value) { return FALSE; } elseif ($condition->operator == '<=' && $single_value > $condition->value) { return FALSE; } elseif ($condition->operator == '>=' && $single_value < $condition->value) { return FALSE; } elseif ($condition->operator == '=' && $single_value == $condition->value) { return TRUE; } elseif ($condition->operator == '!' && $single_value == $condition->value) { return FALSE; } elseif ($condition->operator == '~' && preg_match($condition->value, $single_value)) { return TRUE; } } else { // value is NULL return FALSE; } } if ($condition->operator == '=' || $condition->operator == '~') { // no value matched return FALSE; } else { // condition matched for all values return TRUE; } } else { // value array is empty => value is NULL return FALSE; } } else { trigger_error(t('Function themekey_match_condition() called with illegal parameters'), E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Detects if a ThemeKey property's value for the current * page request. * * @param $parameters * reference to an array containing all * ThemeKey properties and their values * * @param $property * the name of the property as string * * @return * The value of the property: * - string if it's a single value * - array of strings if there're multiple values * - NULL if no value */ function themekey_property_value(&$parameters, $property) { // TODO Warning if property is not part of variable_get('themekey_attributes') // Property value is available directly if (isset($parameters[$property])) { return $parameters[$property]; } $parameters[$property] = NULL; $src_candidates = array(); $maps = variable_get('themekey_maps', array()); foreach ($maps as $pos => $map) { if ($map['dst'] == $property) { if (!empty($parameters[$map['src']])) { $map_func = $map['callback']; if (!function_exists($map_func) && isset($map['file'])) { themekey_load_function( $map_func, $map['file'], isset($map['path']) ? $map['path'] : ''); } if (function_exists($map_func)) { $parameters[$property] = $map_func($parameters[$map['src']], $parameters); } else { themekey_set_debug_message('Map function %map_function does not exists', array('%map_function' => $map_func)); watchdog('php', 'ThemeKey map function %map_function does not exists', array('%map_function' => $map_func), 'error'); } break; } $src_candidates[$pos] = $map['src']; } } if (is_null($parameters[$property]) && !empty($src_candidates)) { foreach ($src_candidates as $pos => $src) { $return = themekey_property_value($parameters, $src); if ($return) { $map_func = $maps[$pos]['callback']; $parameters[$property] = $map_func($return, $parameters); break; } } } return $parameters[$property]; } /** * Checks if a theme is enabled and fires warning messages * to the site's administrator * * @param $theme * name of the theme as string * * @param $settings_page * boolean that indicates if the function * is called from ThemeKey's administration * backend which causes a different message * * @return * TRUE if the theme is enabled, otherwise FALSE */ function themekey_check_theme_enabled($theme, $settings_page = FALSE) { static $themes_enabled = array(); static $warned = FALSE; static $displayed_error = FALSE; if (!$theme || 'default' == $theme) { return TRUE; } if (empty($themes_enabled)) { if ($result = db_select('system', 's') ->fields('s', array('name')) ->condition('type', 'theme') ->condition('status', '1') ->execute() ) { foreach ($result as $row) { $themes_enabled[] = $row->name; } } } if (in_array($theme, $themes_enabled)) { return TRUE; } elseif ('ThemeKeyAdminTheme' == $theme && variable_get('admin_theme', '0') && in_array(variable_get('admin_theme', '0'), $themes_enabled)) { return TRUE; } if ($settings_page) { if (!$displayed_error) { drupal_set_message(filter_xss(t("Your current configuration of theme rules uses at least one theme that is not enabled. Nevertheless, this configuration is stored, but affected rules won't be applied until the targeted theme is enabled at !build_themes.", array('!build_themes' => l(t('!path', array('!path' => 'admin/appearance')), 'admin/appearance')))), 'error'); $displayed_error = TRUE; } } else { if (!$warned && variable_get('themekey_debug_trace_rule_switching', FALSE)) { // Don't use the l() function at this early stage of bootstrapping because it will initialize the theme engine. Use url() instead. themekey_set_debug_message('A matching Theme Switching Rule to select theme %theme was not applied because this theme is disabled. You can enable this theme at !build_themes, remove this Theme Switching Rule at !themekey_properties, or edit the current node if the theme was selected using ThemeKey UI.', array('%theme' => $theme, '!build_themes' => 'admin/appearance', '!themekey_properties' => 'admin/config/user-interface/themekey/properties')); $warned = TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * @todo Please document this function. * @see */ function themekey_format_rule_as_string($themekey_property_id) { module_load_include('inc', 'themekey', 'themekey_build'); // fallback title $title = $themekey_property_id; $item = themekey_rule_get($themekey_property_id); if (!empty($item)) { $properties = variable_get('themekey_properties', array()); if (!in_array($item->property, $properties)) { $item->wildcard = $item->property; $item->property = 'drupal:path:wildcard'; } $title = '"' . $item->property . ' '; if (!empty($item->wildcard)) { $title .= $item->wildcard . ' '; } $title .= $item->operator . ' ' . $item->value . ' >>> ' . $item->theme . '"'; } return $title; } /** * Magic loading of validation and callback functions. * @see _theme_process_registry() * * @return * TRUE if the function has been loaded, otherwise FALSE */ function themekey_load_function($function, $file, $path = '') { if (!empty($file)) { if (empty($path)) { $filename = './' . $file; if (file_exists($filename)) { require_once $filename; if (function_exists($function)) { return TRUE; } } foreach (module_implements('themekey_properties') as $module) { if (themekey_load_function($function, $file, drupal_get_path('module', $module))) { if (function_exists($function)) { return TRUE; } } } } else { $filename = './' . $path . '/' . $file; if (file_exists($filename)) { require_once $filename; if (function_exists($function)) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; }