status || variable_get('themekey_allthemes', 0)) { $options_themes[$themex->name] = $themex->info['name']; } } return $options_themes; } /** * Function _themekey_rebuild(). */ function _themekey_rebuild() { // Create a list of modules in the /modules subfolder (internal modules) _themekey_scan_modules(); // Get property definitions (from internal and other modules) $properties = module_invoke_all('themekey_properties'); // Attributes $attributes = isset($properties['attributes']) ? $properties['attributes'] : array(); variable_set('themekey_attributes', $attributes); $property_names = array_keys($attributes); sort($property_names); $property_names = array_combine($property_names, $property_names); variable_set('themekey_properties', $property_names); // Property maps $maps = isset($properties['maps']) ? $properties['maps'] : array(); variable_set('themekey_maps', $maps); // Find all previous registered paths $obsolete_paths = array(); $result = db_query('SELECT id, path FROM {themekey_paths}'); while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) { $obsolete_paths[$item['id']] = $item['path']; } // Get (and register) paths from themekey modules $paths = module_invoke_all('themekey_paths'); foreach ($paths as $item) { _themekey_path_set($item); if (isset($item['id'])) { unset($obsolete_paths[$item['id']]); } } // Unregister obsolete paths foreach (array_keys($obsolete_paths) as $id) { _themekey_path_del($id); } } /** * Function _themekey_scan_modules(). */ function _themekey_scan_modules() { $modules = array(); $files = file_scan_directory(drupal_get_path('module', 'themekey') .'/modules', '\themekey.[a-z]$'); foreach ($files as $file) { list( , $module) = explode('.', $file->name); if (module_exists($module)) { $modules[] = $file->name; } } variable_set('themekey_modules', $modules); } /** * Function _themekey_include_modules(). */ function _themekey_include_modules() { foreach (variable_get('themekey_modules', array('themekey.node')) as $module) { if (is_readable(drupal_get_path('module', 'themekey') .'/modules/'. $module .'.inc')) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'themekey') .'/modules/'. $module .'.inc'); } } } /* Path-based */ /** * Function themekey_complete_path(). */ function themekey_complete_path(&$item) { $item['wildcards'] = unserialize($item['wildcards']); if (count($item['wildcards'])) { $parts = explode('/', $item['value'], MENU_MAX_PARTS); foreach ($item['wildcards'] as $index => $wildcard) { $parts[$index] .= $wildcard; } $item['value'] = implode('/', $parts); } } /** * Function _themekey_path_set(). */ function _themekey_path_set(&$item) { $item['callbacks'] = (isset($item['callbacks']) && !empty($item['callbacks'])) ? $item['callbacks'] : array(); list($item['fit'], $item['weight'], $item['wildcards']) = _themekey_prepare_path($item['path']); drupal_write_record('themekey_paths', $item, isset($item['id']) ? 'id' : array()); } /** * Function _themekey_path_del(). */ function _themekey_path_del($id) { db_query('DELETE FROM {themekey_paths} WHERE id = %d', $id); } /** * Function _themekey_prepare_path(). * (based on _menu_router_build() in includes/ */ function _themekey_prepare_path(&$path) { $fit = 0; $weight = 0; $wildcards = array(); $parts = explode('/', $path, MENU_MAX_PARTS); $slashes = count($parts) - 1; foreach ($parts as $index => $part) { if (preg_match('/^(\%|\#)([a-z0-9_:]*)$/', $part, $matches)) { $parts[$index] = $matches[1]; if (!empty($matches[2])) { $wildcards[$index] = $matches[2]; } if ($matches[1] == '#') { $weight |= 1 << ($slashes - $index); } } else { $fit |= 1 << ($slashes - $index); } } $path = implode('/', $parts); return array($fit, $weight, $wildcards); } /** * Function themekey_prepare_custom_path(). * (based on _menu_router_build() in includes/ */ function themekey_prepare_custom_path($path) { $wildcards = array(); $parts = explode('/', $path, MENU_MAX_PARTS); foreach ($parts as $index => $part) { if (preg_match('/^(\%|\#)([a-z0-9_:]*)$/', $part, $matches)) { $parts[$index] = $matches[1]; if (!empty($matches[2])) { $wildcards[$index] = $matches[2]; } } } $path = implode('/', $parts); return array($path, $wildcards); } /** * Function _themekey_load_properties(). */ function _themekey_load_properties($parent = 0, $depth = 0) { static $properties = array(); static $parent_lookups = array(); if (isset($parent_lookups[$parent])) { // prevent endless recursion in case of malformated data in database return $properties; } $query = 'SELECT * FROM {themekey_properties} WHERE parent = %d ORDER BY weight'; $result = db_query($query, $parent); while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) { if ('drupal:path' == $item['property']) { themekey_complete_path($item); } $item['depth'] = $depth; $properties[$item['id']] = $item; _themekey_load_properties($item['id'], $depth + 1); $parent_lookups[$item['id']] = TRUE; } return $properties; } /** * Function _themekey_properties_set(). */ function _themekey_properties_set(&$item) { if ('drupal:path' == $item['property']) { list($item['value'], $item['wildcards']) = themekey_prepare_custom_path($item['value']); } else { $item['wildcards'] = array(); } drupal_write_record('themekey_properties', $item, isset($item['id']) ? 'id' : array()); } /** * Function _themekey_properties_del(). */ function _themekey_properties_del($id) { db_query('DELETE FROM {themekey_properties} WHERE id = %d', $id); }