Module Terms Of Use This module was written as sample code for a "How to write a module" tutorial. You can find that tutorial at Instructions: 1. Move or copy or extract the 'terms_of_use' folder to sites/all/modules. 2. Enable the module 'Terms of Use' on the page admin/build/modules. 3. Create a Terms of Use page at node/add/page. Do not promote the node. TAKE NOTE OF THE NODE ID. 4. Go to admin/settings/terms_of_use and TYPE THE NODE ID in the field "Node id where Terms of Use are published". 5. Save your module configuration. 6. Clear your Drupal cache at admin/settings/performance by clicking 'Clear cached data'. 7. Log out and access the registeration page at user/register. It will now be required for anyone wishing to sign in to check the 'I agree with these terms.' checkbox.