'admin/settings/tapir', 'title' => t('Configure tables'), 'callback' => 'tapir_master_list', 'access' => user_access('edit tables'), 'description' => t('View and configure the dynamic tables on your site.'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); } else { $tables = module_invoke_all('table_settings'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $path = isset($table['path']) ? $table['path'] : 'admin/settings/tapir'; $items[] = array( 'path' => $path .'/'. $table['id'], 'title' => isset($table['menu title']) ? $table['menu title'] : $table['id'], 'callback' => 'tapir_edit', 'callback arguments' => array($table['id'], $path, $table['preview']), 'access' => isset($table['access']) ? user_access($table['access']) : user_access('edit tables'), 'description' => t('Configure the fields and settings for !table_id.', array('!table_id' => $table['id'])), 'type' => ((!isset($table['path']) && variable_get('tapir_table_menu_items', FALSE)) || $table['menu item'] === TRUE) ? MENU_NORMAL_ITEM : MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items[] = array( 'path' => $path .'/'. $table['id'] .'/view', 'title' => t('View !table_id', array('!table_id' => $table['id'])), 'callback' => 'tapir_view', 'callback arguments' => array($table['id'], $path), 'access' => isset($table['access']) ? user_access($table['access']) : user_access('edit tables'), 'description' => t('View !table_id with the current settings.', array('!table_id' => $table['id'])), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); } } return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_perm(). */ function tapir_perm() { return array('edit tables'); } /******************************************************************************* * Callback Functions, Forms, and Tables ******************************************************************************/ /** * Display a list of all dynamic tables defined in enabled modules. */ function tapir_master_list() { $output = '

'. t("Click on a table's ID to configure the display of that table:") .'

' .'

'. tapir_table_list() .'

' .'

'. t('Use the form below to adjust the TAPIr settings:') .'

' . drupal_get_form('tapir_settings_form'); return $output; } /** * Build the settings form for the TAPIr module. */ function tapir_settings_form() { $form['tapir_table_menu_items'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show table settings pages in this path as menu items.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('tapir_table_menu_items', FALSE), ); return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Display the edit page for the table specified by $table_id. */ function tapir_edit($table_id, $path, $preview = TRUE) { if (!function_exists($table_id)) { return t('Error generating settings form for table %table_id.', array('%table_id' => $table_id)); } $null = NULL; $fields = array_merge($table_id('fields', $null), module_invoke_all('table_alter', $table_id, 'fields', $null)); if (!is_array($fields)) { return t('No fields have been defined for this column.'); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) { $fields[$i]['weight'] = variable_get($table_id .'_'. $fields[$i]['name'] .'_weight', $fields[$i]['weight']); } usort($fields, '_tapir_field_sort'); $output .= '

'. drupal_get_form('tapir_edit_form', $table_id, $fields) .'

'; if ($preview !== FALSE) { $output .= '

'. l(t('View table'), $path .'/'. $table_id .'/view') .'

'; } if (user_access('edit tables')) { $output .= '

'. l(t('Table master list'), 'admin/settings/tapir') .'

'; } return $output; } /** * Build the settings form for an individual table. */ function tapir_edit_form($table_id, $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $form['field_'. $field['name']][$table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_name'] = array( '#value' => check_plain($field['title']) ); if ($field['locked'] == TRUE) { $form['field_'. $field['name']][$table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_enabled'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $field['enabled'], '#disabled' => TRUE, '#value' => $field['enabled'], ); } else { $form['field_'. $field['name']][$table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_enabled'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_enabled', $field['enabled']), ); } $form['field_'. $field['name']][$table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_title'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_title', $field['title']), '#size' => 32, ); $form['field_'. $field['name']][$table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_weight'] = array( '#type' => 'weight', '#default_value' => variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_weight', $field['weight']), ); } $form[$table_id . '_footer'] = array( '#title' => t('Display the table footer.'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => variable_get($table_id . '_footer', TRUE), ); return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Theme the table settings form to display compactly in a table. */ function theme_tapir_edit_form($form) { foreach (element_children($form) as $field) { if (substr($field, 0, 6) == 'field_') { $row = array(); foreach (array_keys($form[$field]) as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) != '#') { $row[] = drupal_render($form[$field][$key]); } } $rows[] = $row; } } $header = array(t('Field'), t('Enable'), t('Title'), t('Weight')); $output .= '

'. theme('table', $header, $rows) .'

' .'

'. drupal_render($form) .'

'; return $output; } /** * Preview a table with its current settings, mostly used for debugging. */ function tapir_view($table_id, $path) { $output = '

'. tapir_get_table($table_id, NULL) .'

' .'

'. l(t('Back to settings'), $path .'/'. $table_id) .'

'; return $output; } /******************************************************************************* * Module and Helper Functions ******************************************************************************/ /** * Generate a list of defined tables that link to their edit forms. * * When no arguments are passed, this function generates a table of every * table defined by TAPIr in the enabled modules. This is how the table is * generated at admin/settings/tapir. * * The path for a table's settings page is auto-generated by TAPIr to be * admin/settings/tapir/table_id where table_id is the ID of the table as * defined by TAPIr. The path may be specified as any_path/table_id in a * module's implementation of TAPIr hook_table_settings(). To generate a list * of tables whose path (not including the table_id) matches a certain set of * paths, you may pass them in as a list of string arguments. * * For example, if hook_table_settings() defines the path of a few tables as * module/tables, you can generate a list of these tables by calling this * function with the following line: * * $output = tapir_table_list('module/tables'); * * You can generate a list for as many paths as you wish in this way. * * @param ... * A list of paths for which you want to display the tables. * @return * A string containing the HTML of a themed table that displays available * Table IDs as links to their settings pages along with a short description * of the table as defined in the module's implementation of the TAPIr * hook_table_settings(). */ function tapir_table_list() { $args = func_get_args(); $tables = module_invoke_all('table_settings'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $access = isset($table['access']) ? user_access($table['access']) : user_access('edit tables'); if ($access && (count($args) == 0 || in_array($table['path'], $args))) { $path = isset($table['path']) ? $table['path'] : 'admin/settings/tapir'; $rows[] = array(l($table['id'], $path .'/'. $table['id']), $table['description']); } } $header = array(t('Table ID'), t('Description')); $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows); return $output; } /** * Build a table based on its current configuration for display on a page. * * The heart and soul of TAPIr, this function is responsible for gathering all * the information about a table and serving it up properly. All a developer * needs to do is pass along the ID of the table they want to build and this * function will create the appropriate header and row data by including only * enabled fields and ordering them by their weight. * * @param $table_id * The ID of the table you wish to build. The ID must match the name of the * builder function for that table, and it must have a corresponding entry * in TAPIr hook_table_settings() for a settings form to be generated for it. * @param $arg * Argument that is passed on to the table building function. Must pass a * variable set to NULL if this is not needed to get around a PHP 5 change. :( * @return * A string containing the HTML of the dynamically generated table. */ function tapir_get_table($table_id, &$arg) { if (!function_exists($table_id)) { return ''; } $fields = array_merge($table_id('fields', $arg), _tapir_invoke_all('table_alter', $table_id, 'fields', $arg)); if (!is_array($fields)) { return ''; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) { $fields[$i]['weight'] = variable_get($table_id .'_'. $fields[$i]['name'] .'_weight', $fields[$i]['weight']); } usort($fields, '_tapir_field_sort'); $table_data = $table_id('data', $arg); if (!is_array($table_data)) { $table_data = array(); } $data = array_merge($table_data, _tapir_invoke_all('table_alter', $table_id, 'data', $arg)); $attributes = $table_id('attributes', $arg); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_enabled', $field['enabled']) == TRUE) { if (!is_array($field['attributes'])) { $field['attributes'] = array(); } $header[] = array_merge(array('data' => variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_title', $field['title'])), $field['attributes']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data[$field['name']]); $i++) { $rows[$i]['data'][] = $data[$field['name']][$i]; } } } if (isset($data['#attributes'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['#attributes']); $i++) { $rows[$i] = array_merge($rows[$i], $data['#attributes'][$i]); } } if (isset($data['#footer']) && variable_get($table_id . '_footer', TRUE)) { $rows[] = $data['#footer']; } $output = theme('table', $header, $rows, $attributes); return $output; } function tapir_get_header($table_id, $arg){ if (!function_exists($table_id)) { return; } $fields = array_merge($table_id('fields', $arg), _tapir_invoke_all('table_alter', $table_id, 'fields', $arg)); if (!is_array($fields)) { return ''; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) { $fields[$i]['weight'] = variable_get($table_id .'_'. $fields[$i]['name'] .'_weight', $fields[$i]['weight']); } usort($fields, '_tapir_field_sort'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_enabled', $field['enabled']) == TRUE) { if (!is_array($field['attributes'])) { $field['attributes'] = array(); } $header[] = array_merge(array('data' => variable_get($table_id .'_'. $field['name'] .'_title', $field['title'])), $field['attributes']); } } return $header; } /** * Sort the fields of a table by weight using this function with usort(). */ function _tapir_field_sort($a, $b) { if ($a['weight'] == $b['weight']) { return 0; } return ($a['weight'] > $b['weight']) ? 1 : -1; } /** * Perform an invoke_all but pass in the $data by reference. */ function _tapir_invoke_all($hook, $table_id, $op, &$arg) { $return = array(); foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) { $function = $module .'_'. $hook; $result = $function($table_id, $op, $arg); if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) { $return = array_merge($return, $result); } else if (isset($result)) { $return[] = $result; } } return $return; }