style_plugin->options; /* Handle Term and Node views */ switch($view->base_table) { case "term_data": $base_field_name = 'td.tid'; foreach ($view->result as $term) { $ids[] = $term->tid; } break; case "node": default: $base_field_name = 'n.nid'; foreach ($view->result as $node) { $ids[] = $node->nid; } break; } $base_restrictor = '('. implode(',', $ids) .')'; if ($options['vocab'] != '') { $vocabs_selected = split(',', $options['vocab']); $taxonomy_vocabs = array(); foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vocab) { $taxonomy_vocabs[$vocab->vid] = $vocab->name; } foreach ($vocabs_selected as $key => &$vocab) { $vocab = trim($vocab); if ($vocab == '') { array_splice($vocabs_selected, $key, 1); }; } $vocabs_to_use = array_intersect($taxonomy_vocabs, $vocabs_selected); foreach (array_keys($vocabs_to_use) as $vocabid) { $vids[] = $vocabid; } if (isset($vids)) { $vid_restrictor = ' AND td.vid IN ('. implode(',', $vids) .')'; } } else { $vid_restrictor = ''; } if (!isset($vid_restrictor)) { $vars['output'] = 'Could not find '. implode(', ', $vocabs_selected) .'!'; } else { $result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, td.tid, td.vid,, td.description ' . 'FROM {term_data} td INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON td.tid = tn.tid ' . 'INNER JOIN {node} n ON tn.vid = n.vid ' . 'WHERE ' . $base_field_name . ' IN '. $base_restrictor . $vid_restrictor . 'GROUP BY td.tid, td.vid,, td.description ' . 'HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ' . 'ORDER BY count DESC'), 0, $options['size']); $tags = tagadelic_build_weighted_tags($result, $options['steps']); $tags = tagadelic_sort_tags($tags); $vars['output'] = theme('tagadelic_weighted', $tags); if (empty($vars['output'])) { $view->result = NULL; } } }