'swftools_flowplayer3', 'version' => 9, 'title' => t('FlowPlayer 3'), 'download' => 'http://flowplayer.org', 'width' => 500, 'height' => 375, 'library' => $library . '/' . variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_file', SWFTOOLS_FLOWPLAYER3_FILE), 'profile' => array( 'path' => 'flowplayer3', 'settings' => array('swftools_flowplayer3', 'swftools_flowplayer3_palette', 'swftools_flowplayer3_scheme'), 'file' => 'swftools_flowplayer3.admin.inc', 'page argument' => 'swftools_flowplayer3_profile_form', ), ); /** * Define actions that the player can support by returning an array with keys * [action][name_of_player] = [player_details] */ $methods['video']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; $methods['video_list']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; $methods['audio']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; $methods['audio_list']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; $methods['image_list']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; $methods['swftools_media_display']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; $methods['media_list']['flowplayer3'] = $flowplayer3; // Return the method results return $methods; } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function swftools_flowplayer3_menu() { $items['admin/settings/swftools/flowplayer3'] = array( 'title' => 'FlowPlayer 3', 'description' => 'Settings for ' . l('FlowPlayer 3', 'http://flowplayer.org') . '.', 'access arguments' => array('administer flash'), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('swftools_flowplayer3_admin_settings'), 'file' => 'swftools_flowplayer3.admin.inc', ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_swftools_preprocess_[player](). */ function swftools_flowplayer3_swftools_preprocess_flowplayer3(&$data) { // Retrieve the current FlowPlayer3 settings $saved_settings = _swftools_flowplayer3_settings($data['othervars']['profile']); // Initialise playlist $playlist = array(); // If an image was supplied to be the splash then put this first in the list if ($data['othervars']['image']) { // Get source path to the image file $source = swftools_get_url_and_path($data['othervars']['image']); // If $source succeeded add image to the playlist if ($source) { // See if we need to apply an imagecache preset if ($saved_settings['imagecache_player'] != SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED) { $source['fileurl'] = swftools_imagecache_create_path($saved_settings['imagecache_player'], $source['fileurl']); }; $playlist[] = '{ "url": "' . $source['fileurl'] . '", "autoPlay": true, "duration": "0" }'; } } // Attach the playlist from earlier, if we have it if (isset($data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['playlist'])) { // Attach the playlist after the splash image $playlist = $playlist + $data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['playlist']; // Implode the playlist to a string $playlist = '[ ' . implode(', ', $playlist) . ' ]'; } else { // If there is no splash image just use the file_url if (!$playlist) { $playlist[] = $data['othervars']['file_url']; } else { // Attach file url to the splash image $playlist[] = '{ "url": "' . $data['othervars']['file_url'] . '" }'; // Implode the playlist to a string $playlist = '[ ' . implode(', ', $playlist) . ' ]'; } } // Initialise array of FlowPlayer3 configuration settings $flowplayer = array(); // Over-ride embedding to use FlowPlayer? if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_embed', FALSE)) { $data['resolved_methods']['embed']['theme'] = 'swftools_flowplayer3'; } else { // Assign a playerId flashvar to initiate the external interface outside of FlowPlayer embedding $flowplayer['playerId'] = $data['othervars']['id']; } // Attach the FlowPlayer playlist to the configuration $flowplayer['playlist'] = $playlist; // Attach logo settings, if required if ($saved_settings['logo']['use_logo']) { unset($saved_settings['logo']['use_logo']); $flowplayer['logo'] = $saved_settings['logo']; } // Create accessible controls if necessary if ($saved_settings['accessibility']['accessible']) { $data['othervars']['#suffix'] = theme('swftools_flowplayer3_accessible', $data['othervars']['id'], $saved_settings['accessibility']['accessible']); } // TODO: Can we just array merge here? And can we recursively unset blank entries? // TODO: Use swftools_array_merge as a common way to merge a multi-dimensional array // TODO: See swftools_wijering4.admin.inc for use of array_diff() to unset blanks. // TODO: Can we optimise this to use fewer passes? Pre-filter the settings to eliminate blanks? Like JW4. // Scan through each setting to see if it is over-ridden in $data['othervars'] // Unset properties that are blank to keep the resulting code 'tidy' // TODO: Do the same as wijering4 - we should clear out blanks during form submission // There is no need to do this here? The only issue is that anything passed on othervars // is a flat array of keys and values, so we need to locate its key within the FlowPlayer3 // structure. We will also have to consider if anything might have duplicate key names // (not sure - need to check. Or we could simply make it that FlowPlayer can't be // over-ridden from the input filter - I've never been sure if anyone even uses that feature! // We could flatten the FlowPlayer3 saved settings, then try an array check to see if we // have any matches - but then we still have to know where to put the thing afterwards... // Maybe with the new caching mechanism we shouldn't worry too much - we only run this // function when we generate content, and then it's done. It we filtered the blanks we // would have no way of locating the proper place for the value in the array. foreach ($saved_settings as $category => $values) { foreach (array_keys($values) as $property) { if (isset($data['othervars'][$property])) { $saved_settings[$category][$property] = $data['othervars'][$property]; } if ($saved_settings[$category][$property] === '') { unset($saved_settings[$category][$property]); } } } // If the object doesn't have a width set then assign one if (!isset($data['params']['width'])) { $data['params']['width'] = $saved_settings['canvas']['width']; } // If the object doesn't have a height set then assign one if (!isset($data['params']['height'])) { $data['params']['height'] = $saved_settings['canvas']['height']; } // Translate labels if they are set if (isset($saved_settings['play']['label'])) { $saved_settings['play']['label'] = t($saved_settings['play']['label']); } if (isset($saved_settings['play']['replayLabel'])) { $saved_settings['play']['replayLabel'] = t($saved_settings['play']['replayLabel']); } // Add the properties to the flowplayer array ready for rendering $flowplayer['canvas'] = $saved_settings['canvas']; $flowplayer['clip'] = $saved_settings['clip']; $flowplayer['play'] = $saved_settings['play']; // Configure the control bar $flowplayer['plugins']['controls'] = $saved_settings['controls']; // Assign the control bar url if required if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_controls', '')) { $flowplayer['plugins']['controls']['url'] = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_controls', ''); } //swftools_get_library('flowplayer3') . '/' . // If we are streaming this file, add the stream plugin(s) if ($data['othervars']['stream']) { $stream_url = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_stream_plugin', SWFTOOLS_FLOWPLAYER3_STREAM_PLUGIN); // Is the playlist a mix of streams / providers? if ($data['othervars']['stream'] === TRUE) { foreach ($data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['providers'] as $provider => $index) { $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp' . $index]['url'] = $stream_url; $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp' . $index]['netConnectionUrl'] = $provider; } } // The whole playlist is streamed by the same provider so add provider to the global clip else { $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp']['url'] = $stream_url; $flowplayer['clip']['provider'] = 'rtmp'; $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp']['netConnectionUrl'] = $data['othervars']['stream']; } } // Add product key if it has been set if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_product_key', '')) { $flowplayer['key'] = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_product_key', ''); } // For now we will attach the complete flowplayer array to othervars so we can access it elsewhere $data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['config'] = $flowplayer; // Convert flowplayer array to JSON, ready to assign to a flashvar called config $config = drupal_to_js($flowplayer); // Replace " with ', and remove quotes from around true and false, to satisfy FlowPlayer $config = str_replace(array('"', "'false'", "'true'", "'[", "]'"), array("'", "false", "true", "[", "]"), $config); // The ' has been escaped, so reverse it where it occurs in the playlist (it gets escaped again later!) $config = str_replace(array("\'"), array("'"), $config); // Attach config to flashvars $data['flashvars']['config'] = $config; // Add JavaScript to enable auto-close behavior and accessibility swftools_flowplayer3_add_js(); } /* * Implementation of hook_swftools_variable_mapping(). * * @return * Array of data describing how parameters passed to the player should be * mapped. The first keys describe the name of the player, and this contains * a sub-array that consists of key/value pairs. The key describes the name * of the parameter, the value describes what it maps to, e.g. flashvars */ function swftools_flowplayer3_swftools_variable_mapping() { // FlowPlayer3 doesn't need to make any variable mappings return array( 'flowplayer3' => array(), ); } /** * Returns an array of default settings for the player. */ function _swftools_flowplayer3_settings($profile = '', $static = TRUE) { // Cache this static $saved_settings = array(); // We need a name to access the default profile in the array $_profile = $profile ? $profile : SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED; // Build settings if we don't already have them // TODO : What is $static for??!! if (!isset($saved_settings[$_profile]) || !$static) { // Define the settings list $defaults['clip'] = array( 'autoPlay' => 'false', 'autoBuffering' => 'false', 'scaling' => 'scale', 'start' => '', 'duration' => '', 'accelerated' => 'false', 'bufferLength' => '', 'provider' => '', 'fadeInSpeed' => '', 'fadeOutSpeed' => '', 'linkUrl' => '', 'linkWindow' => '_blank', 'live' => 'false', 'cuePointMultiplier' => '', ); $defaults['controls'] = array( 'backgroundColor' => '#000000', 'timeColor' => '#01DAFF', 'durationColor' => '#FFFFFF', 'progressColor' => '#015B7A', 'backgroundGradient' => 'medium', 'progressGradient' => 'medium', 'bufferColor' => '#6C9CBC', 'bufferGradient' => 'none', 'sliderColor' => '#000000', 'sliderGradient' => 'none', 'buttonColor' => '#889AA4', 'buttonOverColor' => '#92B2BD', 'volumeSliderColor' => '#000000', 'volumeSliderGradient' => 'none', 'timeBgColor' => '#555555', 'autoHide' => 'fullscreen', 'hideDelay' => 4000, 'play' => 'true', 'volume' => 'true', 'mute' => 'true', 'time' => 'true', 'stop' => 'false', 'playlist' => 'false', 'fullscreen' => 'true', 'scrubber' => 'true', 'top' => '', 'left' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'right' => '', 'opacity' => '', 'borderRadius' => 0, 'scrubberHeightRatio' => 0.4, 'scrubberBarHeightRatio' => 1, 'volumeSliderHeightRatio' => 0.4, 'volumeBarHeightRatio' => 1, 'timeBgHeightRatio' => 0.7, ); $defaults['canvas'] = array( 'width' => 500, 'height' => 375, 'backgroundColor' => '#000000', 'backgroundImage' => '', 'backgroundRepeat' => 'repeat', 'backgroundGradient' => 'low', 'border' => '', 'borderRadius' => '', ); $defaults['logo'] = array( 'use_logo' => FALSE, 'displayTime' => 100, 'fadeSpeed' => 2, 'opacity' => 1, 'top' => '45%', 'right' => '50%', 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '100%', 'zIndex' => 0, 'url' => '', 'fullscreenOnly' => 'false', 'linkUrl' => '', 'linkWindow' => '_blank', ); $defaults['play'] = array( 'url' => '', 'opacity' => 0.8, 'label' => '', 'replayLabel' => 'Play again', 'fadeSpeed' => 500, 'rotateSpeed' => 50, 'height' => '10%', 'width' => '10%', ); $defaults['accessibility'] = array( 'accessible' => SWFTOOLS_ACCESSIBLE_DISABLED, ); $defaults['playlists'] = array( 'playlist' => 0, 'scrollable' => 0, 'style' => 'petrol', 'images' => 1, 'fillemptyimages' => 0, ); $defaults['imagecache'] = array( 'imagecache_player' => SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED, 'imagecache_playlist' => SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED, ); // Retrieve settings from the database if available $saved_settings[$_profile] = swftools_variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3', $defaults, $profile); //$saved_colors = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_palette', array()); $saved_colors = swftools_variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_palette', array(), $profile); if ($saved_colors) { // Move background color to canvas $saved_settings[$_profile]['canvas']['backgroundColor'] = $saved_colors['backgroundColor']; // Move control bar background color to controls $saved_colors['backgroundColor'] = $saved_colors['controlbarbackgroundColor']; unset($saved_colors['controlbarbackgroundColor']); $saved_settings[$_profile]['controls'] += $saved_colors; } } // Return resulting defaults return $saved_settings[$_profile]; } /** * Implementation of hook_help(). */ function swftools_flowplayer3_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/settings/swftools/flowplayer3': return '

' . t('These are the settings for the FlowPlayer 3 media player. For details of what each parameter does refer to the FlowPlayer 3 documentation. It is possible that you do not need to change any of these settings and blank values will use FlowPlayer defaults. If content is embedded using the SWF Tools filter then each parameter can be over-ridden by specifying a new value in the filter string.', array('@flowplayer' => 'http://flowplayer.org/documentation/configuration')) . '

'; } } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). */ function swftools_flowplayer3_theme() { return array( 'swftools_flowplayer3_scheme_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'file' => 'swftools_flowplayer3.admin.inc', ), 'swftools_flowplayer3_playlist' => array( 'template' => 'swftools-flowplayer3-playlist', // 'arguments' => array('data' => NULL, 'parameters' => NULL, 'config' => NULL, 'settings' => NULL, 'html_alt' => NULL, 'scrollable' => NULL, 'style' => NULL), 'arguments' => array('data' => NULL, 'parameters' => NULL, 'config' => NULL, 'settings' => NULL, 'load_player' => NULL), ), 'swftools_flowplayer3_playlist_element' => array( 'template' => 'swftools-flowplayer3-playlist-element', 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), 'swftools_flowplayer3_accessible' => array( 'arguments' => array('id' => NULL, 'visible' => NULL), ), 'swftools_flowplayer3' => array( 'arguments' => array('file' => NULL, 'options' => NULL, 'script_location' => NULL), ), ); } /** * Embeds media on the page using the FlowPlayer3 embedding JavaScript. * * $data * An array of SWF Tools data. * * @return * A string of markup that includes both HTML and JavaScript necessary to embed the player. */ function theme_swftools_flowplayer3($file, $data, $script_location = SWFTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_INLINE) { // Get saved settings ready to decide if we want a playlist $saved_settings = _swftools_flowplayer3_settings($data['othervars']['profile']); // Ensure FlowPlayer3 embedding script is added to the page swftools_flowplayer3_add_js(); // Convert config array to JSON $config = drupal_to_js($data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['config']); // Remove quotes from around true and false $config = str_replace(array('"false"', '"true"'), array("false", "true"), $config); // Reverse escaped quotes - temporary code while working up template based JSON $config = str_replace('\"', '"', $config); // Reverse quoting around [ and ] - temporary code while working up template based JSON $config = str_replace(array('"[', ']"'), array("[", "]"), $config); // Clear wmode parameter as if this is not window then FlowPlayer will not display unset($data['params']['wmode']); // Clear the version parameters as having it seems to upset IE6/7 unset($data['params']['version']); // Put the src in to the params ready to be output $data['params']['src'] = $data['othervars']['fileurl']; // Convert parameters to JSON $parameters = drupal_to_js($data['params']); // Remove quotes from around true and false $parameters = str_replace(array('"false"', '"true"'), array("false", "true"), $parameters); // If we have a playlist then use this code, based on http://flowplayer.org/plugins/javascript/playlist.html if (isset($data['othervars']['playlist_data']) && $saved_settings['playlists']['playlist']) { // Generate mark up for the combined player and playlist using the flowplayer3_playlist template // Using a template lets a website completely over-ride the appearance of the player $html = theme('swftools_flowplayer3_playlist', $data, $parameters, $config, $saved_settings, variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_load', TRUE)); // Return placeholder and JavaScript ready to be cached return "\n" . $html . "\n"; } // We have a single file, so use this code // Build a simple HTML string to act as the container - this version excludes alternate text so the player appears $html = t('
', array( '!id' => $data['othervars']['id'], '!alt' => variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_load', TRUE) ? '' : $html_alt, )); // Start adding scripts to the page // Rather than add each script separately with drupal_add_js build an array and then collapse it and add once $script = array(); // Provision ready for later to add some JavaScript immediately after FlowPlayer embedding $post_js = ''; // Script to add player instance $script[] = t('flowplayer("!id", !url, !config); !post_js ', array( '!id' => $data['othervars']['id'], '!url' => $parameters, '!config' => $config, '!post_js' => $post_js, )); // Script to set height and width of container // TODO: We could make this a behavior and use Drupal.settings to pass the details $script[] = t('$("#!id").height(!height).width(!width);', array( '!id' => $data['othervars']['id'], '!height' => $data['othervars']['height'], '!width' => $data['othervars']['width'], )); // Test code to add some JavaScript after the player - hard coded for now, but will be exposed // $script[] = 'alert($f("'. $id . '").getVersion());'; // Implode the array to a single string ready for inclusion $script = implode("\n", $script); // Generate inline script, or place script in the footer if ($script_location == SWFTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_INLINE) { // Add script using container id as context and then retrieve it so we get it formatted and wrapped in CDATA drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', $data['othervars']['id']); $script = drupal_get_js($data['othervars']['id']); } else { // Add script to the footer, but we also put a copy inline, using id as context, so SWF Tools can cache it // Note - Flowplayer3 embedding doesn't work if the script is in the header, so always place in the footer drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', 'footer'); drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', $data['othervars']['id']); $script = ''; } // // Add script using container id as context to retrieve only scripts relevant to this player // drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', $data['othervars']['id']); // // // Retrieve formatted string containg scripts for this player // $script = drupal_get_js($data['othervars']['id']); // Return placeholder and JavaScript ready to be cached return $html . "\n" . $script; } /** * Implementation of hook_init(). */ function swftools_flowplayer3_init() { // Add JavaScript to enable auto-close behavior and accessibility if (variable_get('swftools_always_add_js', SWFTOOLS_ALWAYS_ADD_JS)) { swftools_flowplayer3_add_js(); } } /** * Attaches FlowPlayer3 JavaScript and CSS to the page. * * @return * Nothing. */ function swftools_flowplayer3_add_js() { // Add CSS to ensure FlowPlayer containers are set as block drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'swftools_flowplayer3') . '/swftools_flowplayer3.js'); // If FlowPlayer3 embedding is active then put this in place too if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_embed', FALSE)) { // Get the path to the library $library = swftools_get_library('flowplayer3'); // Add css to ensure container is set as block drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'swftools_flowplayer3') . '/swftools_flowplayer3.css'); // Add flowplayer3 embedding script drupal_add_js($library . '/' . variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_javascript', SWFTOOLS_FLOWPLAYER3_JAVASCRIPT)); // Add flowplayer3 playlist script if feature is enabled drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'swftools_flowplayer3') . '/swftools_flowplayer3.playlist.js'); // Add scrollable if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_scrollable_script', FALSE)) { drupal_add_js($library . '/tools.scrollable-1.1.2.js'); } } } /** * Returns markup to enable accessible controls for FlowPlayer 3. * * @param $id * id of the player to be made accessible. * @param $visible * Whether the controls should be visible on the page. * * @return * Mark up to place accessible controls on the page. */ function theme_swftools_flowplayer3_accessible($id, $visible) { $actions = array( 'play' => t('Play'), 'pause' => t('Pause'), 'mute' => t('Mute'), 'unmute' => t('Unmute'), 'stop' => t('Rewind and stop'), ); return theme('swftools_accessible_controls', 'flowplayer3', $id, $actions, $visible); } /** * Implementation of hook_swftools_playlist_PLAYER(). */ function swftools_flowplayer3_swftools_playlist_flowplayer3(&$data) { // Initialise array to hold data $playlist = array(); // Initialise a stream counter and array of providers static $stream_count = 1; static $providers = array(); // Get current defaults for the player $saved_settings = _swftools_flowplayer3_settings($data['othervars']['profile']); // Get path to the empty image (used in conjunction with playlists) $empty_image = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'swftools_flowplayer3') . '/images/empty.gif'; // Get file paths out of the playlist_data array and add to FlowPlayer playlist foreach ($data['othervars']['playlist_data']['playlist'] as $play) { // Check to see if there is an image if ($play['image']) { // Store the original image (unmodified by imagecache) $original_image = $play['image']; // If an imagecache preset is set we need to use a modified thumbnail if ($saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache_player'] != SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED) { $play['image'] = swftools_imagecache_create_path($saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache_player'], $play['image']); } // Attach this thumbnail to the playlist $playlist[] = '{ "url": "' . $play['image'] . '" , "autoPlay": true, "swftoolsThumb": true }'; // If we are also generating an HTML playlist, the playlist includes images, and we are using imagecache, then create the proper path if ($saved_settings['playlists']['playlist'] && $saved_settings['playlists']['images'] && $saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache_playlist'] != SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED) { $play['image'] = swftools_imagecache_create_path($saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache_playlist'], $original_image); } } elseif ($saved_settings['playlists']['playlist'] && $saved_settings['playlists']['images'] && $saved_settings['playlists']['fillemptyimages']) { $play['image'] = theme('swftools_empty_image', $data); } // If this element is streamed then see if it is a new provider, and set the provider key on the play element if ($play['stream']) { if (!isset($providers[$play['stream']])) { $providers[$play['stream']] = $stream_count++; } $play['provider'] = 'rtmp' . $providers[$play['stream']]; } // Generate playlist element, already formatted to JSON $element = theme('swftools_flowplayer3_playlist_element', $play); // Attach this playlist element $playlist[] = $element; } // Attach the completed playlist to flowplayer array $data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['playlist'] = $playlist; // Attach the list of stream providers $data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['providers'] = $providers; // Show we are not offering xml return SWFTOOLS_NON_XML_PLAYLIST; }