mode = variable_get('subdomain_mode', 'user'); $this->source = variable_get('subdomain_source', 'default'); $this->home = variable_get('subdomain_home', 'default'); $this->view = variable_get('subdomain_view', ''); if ($this->source == 'default') { $this->form_field = $this->default_form_field(); } else { $this->form_field = 'subdomain'; } } function default_form_field() { return 'name'; } function get_homepage_path($sid) { if ($this->home == 'default') { return subdomain()->base_path($sid); } else { return "subdomain/homepage/$sid"; } } function data_handler($op, $object) { switch ($op) { case 'insert': if (user_access('create subdomains')) { $this->save($object); } break; case 'update': if (user_access('edit subdomains')) { $this->save($object); } break; case 'delete': $this->delete($object); break; } } /** * Prepares subdomain for saving */ function clean($raw) { // Replace spaces with dashes] & convert to lower case $raw = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $raw)); return preg_replace("/[^a-z-]/", "", $raw); } function exists($value) { $sid = subdomain_get_sid($value); return !empty($sid); } function save_record($id, $raw, $insert = FALSE) { $row->sid = $id; $row->subdomain = $this->clean($raw); if ($row->subdomain) { drupal_write_record('subdomain', $row, $insert ? array() : array('sid')); } else { // Delete subdomain if blank (site admins can enter blank subdomains) $this->delete_record($row->sid); } } function delete_record($sid) { db_query('DELETE FROM {subdomain} WHERE sid = %d', $sid); } } /** * Checks whether protocol is https or http * Based on code from */ function _subdomain_get_protocol() { static $protocol; if (!isset($protocol)) { if (isset($_SERVER['https']) && $_SERVER['https'] == 1 /* Apache */ || isset($_SERVER['https']) && $_SERVER['https'] == 'on' /* IIS */ || isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) /* others */ { $protocol = 'https://'; } else { $protocol = 'http://'; } } return $protocol; } function _subdomain_id_from_path($type, $path) { // Borrowed from Domain Access: Advanced pattern matching, we find the node id based on token %n in the path string. static $paths; $default_paths = array( 'nid' => "node/%n\r\nnode/%n/edit\r\ncomment/reply/%n\r\nnode/add/book/parent/%n\r\nbook/export/html/%n\r\nnode/%n/outline", 'uid' => "user/%n\r\nuser/%n/edit", 'tid' => "taxonomy/term/%n", ); $id = NULL; if (!isset($paths[$type])) { $pathdata = variable_get('subdomain_'. $type .'_paths', $default_paths[$type]); $path_match = preg_replace('/(\r\n?|\n)/', '|', $pathdata); $paths[$type] = explode("|", $path_match); } $pattern = explode('/', $path); foreach ($paths[$type] as $match) { $match_array = explode('/', $match); $placeholder = array_search('%n', $match_array); if (isset($pattern[$placeholder])) { $match_array[$placeholder] = $pattern[$placeholder]; if (is_numeric($pattern[$placeholder]) && $match_array == $pattern) { $id = (int) $pattern[$placeholder]; break; } } } return $id; } function _subdomain_get_custom_form_field($default, $editable = FALSE) { if ($editable) { // Make subdomain entry required unless user is site admin... return array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Choose a subdomain'), '#description' => t('Letters and underscores only. Choose carefully, once set, this cannot be changed.'), '#required' => !user_access('administer site configuration'), '#weight' => -5, '#default_value' => $default, ); } // If user can't create subdomains, don't show this... elseif (user_access('create subdomains')) { return array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => subdomain()->static_form_text(), '#weight' => -5, '#value' => 'http://'. $default .'.'. subdomain_get_domain(), ); } } function _subdomain_add_js_validation($sid = NULL) { drupal_add_js(array('subdomain' => array('selector' => "edit-". subdomain()->form_field, 'sid' => $sid)), 'setting'); } /** * Stores and retrieves subdomain form values * Currently used for contenttype form, b/c additional form values aren't passed through * to hook_node_type(). */ function _subdomain_cached_form_values($form_values = NULL) { static $cached_form_values; if (!empty($form_values)) { $cached_form_values = $form_values; } return $cached_form_values; } function _subdomain_filtered_content_types_sql() { static $filtered; if (!isset($filtered)) { // Filter "0" values (i.e. unchecked content types) from array $filtered = implode("','", array_filter(variable_get('subdomain_filter_contenttypes', array()))); } return $filtered; } function _subdomain_validate_subdomain($form, &$form_state) { if ($subdomain = subdomain()->clean($form_state['values'][subdomain()->form_field])) { if (in_array($subdomain, subdomain_get_reserved_subdomains())) { form_set_error(subdomain()->form_field, t('The '. subdomain()->form_field .' you entered is reserved and cannot be used.')); } } }