$value) { $culprits[$name] = $module; } } return $culprits; } /** * Variable management strongarm form. */ function strongarm_admin_form($form_state) { global $conf; ctools_include('export'); $vars = ctools_export_load_object('variable'); ksort($vars); $form = array('#theme' => 'strongarm_admin_form',); foreach ($vars as $name => $variable) { if ($variable->export_type & EXPORT_IN_CODE) { $default = ctools_get_default_object('variable', $name); // If variable value does not match global $conf, this value has been // hardcoded (e.g. in settings.php) and has been allowed to pass // through. It cannot be reverted. if ($conf[$name] !== $variable->value) { $storage = t('Hardcoded'); $hardcoded = TRUE; } else { $storage = ($variable->value == $default->value) ? t('Default') : t('Overridden'); $hardcoded = FALSE; } // If the variable is in the database and differs from its code value, // allow administrator to revert its value. if (!$hardcoded && ($variable->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) && ($variable->value != $default->value)) { $form['revert']['#tree'] = TRUE; $form['revert'][$name] = array('#type' => 'checkbox'); } $form['name'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => $name, ); $form['storage'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => $storage, ); $form['value'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => check_plain(_strongarm_readable($variable->value)), ); } } if (!empty($form['revert'])) { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Reset to defaults'), '#submit' => array('strongarm_admin_revert_submit'), ); } return $form; } /** * Revert form submit handler. */ function strongarm_admin_revert_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['values']['revert'])) { foreach ($form_state['values']['revert'] as $name => $revert) { if ($revert) { variable_del($name); } } strongarm_flush_caches(); } } /** * Display variables in a nicer way. */ function _strongarm_readable($var) { if (is_string($var) || is_numeric($var)) { return truncate_utf8($var, 30, TRUE, TRUE); } else if (is_bool($var)) { return $var ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } else if (is_array($var)) { $test = $detected = array(); $test['keys'] = array_keys($var); $test['values'] = array_values($var); foreach ($test as $type => $values) { $numeric = TRUE; $sequential = 0; $boolean = TRUE; foreach ($values as $v) { $numeric = is_numeric($v) && $numeric; $sequential = is_numeric($v) && ($sequential == $v) && $sequential !== FALSE ? $sequential + 1 : FALSE; $boolean = $boolean && ($v === 0 || $v === 1 || $v === '1' || $v === '0' || $v === TRUE || $v === FALSE); } $detected[$type]['numeric'] = $numeric; $detected[$type]['sequential'] = $sequential !== FALSE; $detected[$type]['boolean'] = $boolean; } // List of things if (!empty($var) && $detected['keys']['numeric'] && $detected['keys']['sequential']) { return truncate_utf8(implode(', ', $var), 30, TRUE, TRUE); } return '-'; } } /** * Theme function for the strongarm admin form. */ function theme_strongarm_admin_form($form) { drupal_add_js('misc/tableselect.js'); $rows = $headers = array(); $headers[] = theme('table_select_header_cell'); $headers[] = t('Variable'); $headers[] = t('Storage'); $headers[] = t('Value'); foreach (element_children($form['name']) as $name) { $row = array(); $row[] = isset($form['revert'][$name]) ? drupal_render($form['revert'][$name]) : ''; $row[] = drupal_render($form['name'][$name]); $row[] = drupal_render($form['storage'][$name]); $row[] = drupal_render($form['value'][$name]); $rows[] = $row; } $output = theme('table', $headers, $rows); $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; }