comparison here is cautious but ensures that the strongarm cache // actually was populated after the variable cache. It is possible with // >= for the var cache to be populated again during the same stale second. if (!$reset && ($cache && $varcache && $cache->created > $varcache->created)) { $var_conf = $cache->data; } else { // Ensure that the schema cache is not stale when we init. $schema = drupal_get_schema('variable'); if (!isset($schema['export'])) { drupal_get_schema('variable', TRUE); } $var_conf = array(); ctools_include('export'); foreach (ctools_export_load_object('variable') as $var) { $var_conf[$var->name] = $var->value; } cache_set('strongarm', $var_conf); } global $conf; $conf = array_merge($var_conf, $conf); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function strongarm_menu() { $items = array(); $items['admin/settings/strongarm'] = array( 'title' => 'Strongarm', 'description' => 'Manage Drupal variable settings that have been strongarmed.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('strongarm_admin_form'), 'access callback' => 'user_access', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter() for system_module form. * Clear strongarm & variable caches on modules page. */ function strongarm_form_system_module_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { strongarm_flush_caches(); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). */ function strongarm_theme() { return array( 'strongarm_admin_form' => array( 'arguments' => array(), 'file' => '', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'strongarm'), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_flush_caches(). */ function strongarm_flush_caches() { cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache'); cache_clear_all('strongarm', 'cache'); } /** * Implementation of hook_schema_alter(). * Makes the variables table usable by ctools' */ function strongarm_schema_alter(&$schema) { $schema['variable']['export'] = array( 'key' => 'name', 'identifier' => 'strongarm', 'default hook' => 'strongarm', 'api' => array( 'owner' => 'system', 'api' => 'strongarm', 'minimum_version' => 1, 'current_version' => 1, ), // We declare this explicitly -- otherwise, CTools will use // 'system_export_variable' as the default export callback. 'export callback' => 'strongarm_export_variable', ); $schema['variable']['fields']['value']['serialize'] = TRUE; } /** * CTools export function. * * Workaround for var_export() #fail with stdClass objects. See: * A proper patch is in the * CTools issue queue here: Once this is * committed & included in a CTools release, this workaround will no * longer be necessary. */ function strongarm_export_variable($variable, $indent = '') { $export = ctools_export_object('variable', $variable, $indent); return str_replace('stdClass::__set_state(', '(object) (', $export); } /** * Implementation of hook_features_revert(). */ if (!function_exists('variable_features_revert')) { function variable_features_revert($module) { ctools_component_features_revert('variable', $module); cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache'); } }