content['links'] = array( '#prefix' => '', '#weight' => -25, ); // Code to create invoice auto_add link if (module_exists('storminvoice') && user_access('Storm invoice: add')) { if ($node->billable && !$node->billed) { $v = ''; $v = ''. t('Invoice this item:') .''; $v .= ''; } elseif ($node->billed) { $v = ''; $v .= ''. t('Item already billed.') .''; } else { $v = ''; $v .= ''. t('Item marked unbillable.') .''; } $node->content['links']['auto_invoice'] = array( '#prefix' => variable_get('storm_icons_display', TRUE) ? '
' : '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => $v, '#weight' => 1, ); } $node->content['group1'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#weight' => module_exists('content') ? content_extra_field_weight($node->type, 'group1') : -20, ); $node->content['group1']['organization'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => theme('storm_view_item', t('Organization'), l($node->organization_title, 'node/'. $node->organization_nid)), '#weight' => 1, ); $node->content['group1']['project'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => theme('storm_view_item', t('Project'), l($node->project_title, 'node/'. $node->project_nid)), '#weight' => 2, ); $node->content['group1']['task'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => theme('storm_view_item', t('Task'), l($node->task_title, 'node/'. $node->task_nid)), '#weight' => 3, ); $node->content['group1']['ticket'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => theme('storm_view_item', t('Ticket'), l($node->ticket_title, 'node/'. $node->ticket_nid)), '#weight' => 4, ); $node->content['body_field'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => theme('storm_view_item', t('Description'), $node->content['body']['#value']), '#weight' => module_exists('content') ? content_extra_field_weight($node->type, 'body_field') : 0, ); unset($node->content['body']); return $node; } function theme_stormtimetracking_list_form_report_reports() { $reports = array( 'std' => t('Standard'), 'for_organization' => t('For an organization'), 'for_organization_w_task' => t('For an org. with tasks'), 'for_project' => t('For a project'), ); return $reports; } function theme_stormtimetracking_list_report($report, $language, $timetrackings) { switch ($report) { case 'std': $header = array( t('Organization', array(), $language), t('Project', array(), $language), t('Title', array(), $language), t('Date', array(), $language), t('Billing duration (hours)', array(), $language)); $total_billing_duration = 0; foreach ($timetrackings as $timetracking) { $rows[] = array( $timetracking->organization_title, $timetracking->project_title, $timetracking->title, format_date($timetracking->trackingdate, 'small'), array('data' => sprintf('%.2f', $timetracking->billing_duration), 'align' => 'right'), ); $total_billing_duration += $timetracking->billing_duration; } $title = '

'. t('Timetrackings report', array(), $language) .'

'; break; case 'for_organization': $organization = node_load($_SESSION['stormtimetracking_list_filter']['organization_nid']); $header = array( t('Project', array(), $language), t('Title', array(), $language), t('Date', array(), $language), t('Billing duration (hours)', array(), $language)); $total_billing_duration = 0; foreach ($timetrackings as $timetracking) { $rows[] = array( $timetracking->project_title, $timetracking->title, format_date($timetracking->trackingdate, 'small'), array('data' => sprintf('%.2f', $timetracking->billing_duration), 'align' => 'right'), ); $total_billing_duration += $timetracking->billing_duration; } $title = '

'. t('Timetrackings report', array(), $language) .'

'; $title .= t('Organization : @organization', array('@organization' => $organization->fullname), $language) .'
'; break; case 'for_organization_w_task': $organization = node_load($_SESSION['stormtimetracking_list_filter']['organization_nid']); $header = array( t('Project', array(), $language), t('Task', array(), $language), t('Title', array(), $language), t('Date', array(), $language), t('Billing duration (hours)', array(), $language)); $total_billing_duration = 0; foreach ($timetrackings as $timetracking) { $rows[] = array( $timetracking->project_title, $timetracking->task_title, $timetracking->title, format_date($timetracking->trackingdate, 'small'), array('data' => sprintf('%.2f', $timetracking->billing_duration), 'align' => 'right'), ); $total_billing_duration += $timetracking->billing_duration; } $title = '

'. t('Timetrackings report', array(), $language) .'

'; $title .= t('Organization : @organization', array('@organization' => $organization->fullname), $language) .'
'; break; case 'for_project': $organization = node_load($_SESSION['stormtimetracking_list_filter']['organization_nid']); $project = node_load($_SESSION['stormtimetracking_list_filter']['project_nid']); $header = array( t('Task', array(), $language), t('Title', array(), $language), t('Date', array(), $language), t('Duration (hours)', array(), $language)); $total_billing_duration = 0; foreach ($timetrackings as $timetracking) { $rows[] = array( $timetracking->task_title, $timetracking->title, format_date($timetracking->trackingdate, 'small'), array('data' => sprintf('%.2f', $timetracking->billing_duration), 'align' => 'right'), ); $total_billing_duration += $timetracking->billing_duration; } $title = '

'. t('Timetrackings report', array(), $language) .'

'; $title .= t('Organization : @organization', array('@organization' => $organization->fullname), $language) .'
'; $title .= t('Project : @project', array('@project' => $project->title), $language) .'
'; break; } $footer = '

'. t('Total billing duration : %total_billing_duration', array('%total_billing_duration' => format_plural($total_billing_duration, '1 hour', '@count hours', array(), $language)), $language) .'

'; return theme('storm_list_report', $header, $rows, $title, $footer); }