* http://sparkline.org * * Dual-licensed under the BSD (LICENSE-BSD.txt) and GPL (LICENSE-GPL.txt) * licenses. * * $Id: stock_chart2.php,v 2008-09-05 22:23:45 chris Exp $ * * stock_chart2 adds min/max price bounds and an endpoint value label to * stock_chart * * layout inspired by Mariano Belinky's SVG sparklines: * http://www.interactiva.com.ar/mariano/?pname=sparklines * */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // verify parameters; bad form, but die to text error on failure // if (!isset($_GET['s']) || !eregi('^[a-z\^]{1,5}$', $_GET['s'])) { die('bad ticker ' . $_GET['s']); } if (!isset($_GET['y']) || !is_numeric($_GET['y']) || $_GET['y'] > 5 || $_GET['y'] < 0) { die('bad year ' . $_GET['y']); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // load and process data from Yahoo! ichart csv source // $m = date('n') - 1; $d = date('d'); $y2 = date('Y'); $y1 = $y2 - $_GET['y']; // data sample: // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj. Close* // 5-Nov-04,29.21,29.36,29.03,29.31,95337696,29.31 // $url = "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=" . $_GET['s'] . "&a=$m&b=$d&c=$y1&d=$m&e=$d&f=$y2&g=d&ignore=.csv"; if (!$data = @file($url)) { die('error fetching stock data; verify ticker symbol'); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build sparkline using standard flow: // construct, set, render, output // require_once('../lib/Sparkline_Line.php'); $sparkline = new Sparkline_Line(); $sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_NONE); //$sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_ERROR | DEBUG_WARNING | DEBUG_STATS | DEBUG_CALLS, '../log.txt'); if (isset($_GET['b'])) { $sparkline->SetColorHtml('background', $_GET['b']); $sparkline->SetColorBackground('background'); } $data = array_reverse($data); $i = 0; $min = null; $max = null; $last = null; while (list(, $v) = each($data)) { $elements = explode(',', $v); $value = @trim($elements[6]); if (ereg('^[0-9\.]+$', $value)) { $sparkline->SetData($i, $value); if (null == $max || $value >= $max[1]) { $max = array($i, $value); } if (null == $min || $value <= $min[1]) { $min = array($i, $value); } $last = array($i, $value); $i++; } } // set y-bound, min and max extent lines // $sparkline->SetYMin(0); $sparkline->SetPadding(2); // setpadding is additive $sparkline->SetPadding(imagefontheight(FONT_2), imagefontwidth(FONT_2) * strlen(" $last[1]"), 0, //imagefontheight(FONT_2), 0); $sparkline->SetFeaturePoint($min[0], $min[1], 'red', 5, $min[1], TEXT_TOP, FONT_2); $sparkline->SetFeaturePoint($max[0], $max[1], 'green', 5, $max[1], TEXT_TOP, FONT_2); $sparkline->SetFeaturePoint($last[0], $last[1], 'blue', 5, " $last[1]", TEXT_RIGHT, FONT_2); if (isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == '0') { $sparkline->Render(200, 50); } else { $sparkline->SetLineSize(3); // for renderresampled, linesize is on virtual image $sparkline->RenderResampled(200, 50); } // manually add a stock ticker label // $sparkline->DrawText(strtoupper($_GET['s']), $sparkline->GetImageWidth() - (imagefontwidth(FONT_5) * strlen($_GET['s'])), $sparkline->GetImageHeight() - imagefontheight(FONT_5), 'black', FONT_5); $sparkline->Output(); ?>