* http://sparkline.org * * Dual-licensed under the BSD (LICENSE-BSD.txt) and GPL (LICENSE-GPL.txt) * licenses. * * $Id: Sparkline_Bar.php,v 2008-09-05 22:23:45 chris Exp $ * */ require_once('Sparkline.php'); class Sparkline_Bar extends Sparkline { var $dataSeries; var $dataSeriesStats; var $dataSeriesConverted; var $yMin; var $yMax; var $barWidth; var $barSpacing; var $barColorDefault; var $barColorUnderscoreDefault; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor // function Sparkline_Bar($catch_errors = true) { parent::Sparkline($catch_errors); $this->dataSeries = array(); $this->dataSeriesStats = array(); $this->dataSeriesConverted = array(); $this->barWidth = 1; $this->barSpacing = 1; $this->barColorDefault = 'black'; $this->barColorUnderscoreDefault = 'black'; } // function Sparkline //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // color, image property setting // function SetBarWidth($value) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetBarWidth($value)", DEBUG_SET); $this->barWidth = $value; } // function SetBarWidth function SetBarSpacing($value) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetBarSpacing($value)", DEBUG_SET); $this->barSpacing = $value; } // function SetBarSpacing function SetBarColorDefault($value) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetBarColorDefault($value)", DEBUG_SET); $this->barColorDefault = $value; } // function SetBarColorDefault function SetBarColorUnderscoreDefault($value) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetBarColorUnderscoreDefault($value)", DEBUG_SET); $this->barColorUnderscoreDefault = $value; } // function SetBarColorUnderscoreDefault //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // data setting // function SetData($x, $y, $color = null, $underscore = false, $series = 1) { $x = trim($x); $y = trim($y); $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetData($x, $y, $series)", DEBUG_SET); if (!is_numeric($x) || !is_numeric($y)) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetData rejected values($x, $y) in series $series", DEBUG_WARNING); return false; } // if if ($color == null) { $color = $this->barColorDefault; } $this->dataSeries[$series][$x] = array('value' => $y, 'color' => $color, 'underscore' => $underscore); if (!isset($this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min']) || $y < $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min']) { $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min'] = $y; } if (!isset($this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max']) || abs($y) > $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max']) { $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max'] = abs($y); } } // function SetData function SetYMin($value) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetYMin($value)", DEBUG_SET); $this->yMin = $value; } function SetYMax($value) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: SetYMax($value)", DEBUG_SET); $this->yMax = $value; } function ConvertDataSeries($series, $xBound, $yBound) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: ConvertDataSeries($series, $xBound, $yBound)", DEBUG_CALLS); if (!isset($this->yMin)) { $this->yMin = $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min']; } if (!isset($this->yMax)) { $this->yMax = $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max']; } while (list(, $v) = each($this->dataSeries[$series])) { $y = floor($v['value'] * ($yBound / (abs($this->yMax) + abs($this->yMin)))); $this->dataSeriesConverted[$series][] = array('value' => $y, 'color' => $v['color'], 'underscore' => $v['underscore']); if (!isset($this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min_converted']) || $y < $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min_converted']) { $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['min_converted'] = $y; } if (!isset($this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max_converted']) || abs($y) > $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max_converted']) { $this->dataSeriesStats[$series]['max_converted'] = abs($y); } } reset($this->dataSeries[$series]); } // function ConvertDataSeries function CalculateImageWidth() { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: CalculateImageWidth()", DEBUG_CALLS); $count = sizeof($this->dataSeries[1]); return (($count - 1) * $this->barSpacing) + ($count * $this->barWidth); } // function CalculateImageWidth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rendering // function Render($y) { $this->Debug("Sparkline_Bar :: Render($y)", DEBUG_CALLS); // calculate size based on sets for init // if (!parent::Init($this->CalculateImageWidth(), $y)) { return false; } // convert based on actual canvas size // $this->ConvertDataSeries(1, $this->GetGraphWidth(), $this->GetGraphHeight()); // stats debugging // $this->Debug('Sparkline_Bar :: Draw' . ' series: 1 min: ' . $this->dataSeriesStats[1]['min'] . ' max: ' . $this->dataSeriesStats[1]['max'] . ' height: ' . $this->GetGraphHeight() . ' yfactor: ' . ($this->GetGraphHeight() / (abs($this->dataSeriesStats[1]['max']) + abs($this->dataSeriesStats[1]['min'])))); $this->DrawBackground(); $yAxis = abs(min($this->dataSeriesStats[1]['min_converted'], 0)); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->dataSeriesConverted[1]); $i++) { $this->DrawRectangleFilled($i * ($this->barWidth + $this->barSpacing), $yAxis, $i * ($this->barWidth + $this->barSpacing) + $this->barWidth - 1, $yAxis + $this->dataSeriesConverted[1][$i]['value'], $this->dataSeriesConverted[1][$i]['color']); if ($this->dataSeriesConverted[1][$i]['underscore']) { $this->DrawLine(max(0, $i * ($this->barWidth + $this->barSpacing) - ($this->barSpacing / 2)), $yAxis, min($this->GetGraphWidth(), $i * ($this->barWidth + $this->barSpacing) + ($this->barSpacing / 2)), $yAxis, $this->barColorUnderscoreDefault); } } } // function Render } // class Sparkline_Bar ?>