* http://sparkline.org * * Dual-licensed under the BSD (LICENSE-BSD.txt) and GPL (LICENSE-GPL.txt) * licenses. * * $Id: Object.php,v 2008-09-05 22:23:45 chris Exp $ * */ define('DEBUG_NONE', 0); // nothing define('DEBUG_ERROR', 1); // major errors define('DEBUG_WARNING', 2); // warnings define('DEBUG_STATS', 4); // dataset, rendering statistics define('DEBUG_CALLS', 8); // major function calls define('DEBUG_SET', 16); // all Set methods define('DEBUG_DRAW', 32); // all Draw methods define('DEBUG_ALL', 2047); // everything function sparkline_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case E_ERROR: $message = "ERROR: "; break; case E_WARNING: $message = "WARNING: "; break; case E_PARSE: $message = "PARSE: "; break; case E_NOTICE: $message = "NOTICE: "; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $message = "UERROR: "; break; case E_USER_WARNING: $message = "UWARNING: "; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: $message = "UNOTICE: "; break; default: $message = "UNKNOWN: "; break; } // switch $message .= "$errstr in $errfile at line $errline\n"; if (($errno != E_NOTICE) && // suppress notices (error_reporting() != 0)) { // respect supressed errors (@) log_write($message, 'PHP'); } } // function sparkline_error_handler function log_write($string, $type = '', $date = false) { global $LOGFILE; if (isset($LOGFILE)) { if ($date == false) { $date = time(); } $message = date('d/m/Y:H:i:s', $date) . " $type: $string \n"; error_log($message, 3, $LOGFILE); } } // function log_write class Object { var $isError; var $logFile; var $errorList; var $debugList; var $debugLevel; var $startTime; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor // function Object($catch_errors = true) { $this->isError = false; $this->logFile = null; $this->logDate = ''; $this->errorList = array(); $this->debugList = array(); $this->debugLevel = DEBUG_NONE; $this->startTime = $this->microTimer(); // if ($catch_errors) { set_error_handler('sparkline_error_handler'); //} } // function Object //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // utility // function microTimer() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } // function microTimer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // error handling // function SetDebugLevel($level, $file = null) { global $LOGFILE; if ($level >= DEBUG_NONE && $level <= DEBUG_ALL) { $this->debugLevel = $level; } if ($file != null) { if ((!file_exists($file) && !touch($file)) || !is_writable($file)) { die("error log file '$file' is not writable to the web server user"); } else { $this->logFile = $file; $LOGFILE = $file; } } } // function SetDebugLevel function Debug($string, $level = DEBUG_WARNING) { $this->debugList[] = $string; if ($this->debugLevel & $level && $this->logFile != null) { log_write($string, 'DEBUG'); } } // function Debug function Error($string) { $this->isError = true; $this->errorList[] = $string; if ($this->debugLevel & DEBUG_ERROR && $this->logFile != null) { log_write($string, 'ERROR'); } } // function Error function GetDebug() { return $this->debugList; } // function GetDebug function GetError() { return $this->errorList; } // function GetError function IsError() { return $this->isError; } // function IsError } // class Object ?>