"; // Add a context heading if there is more than 1 context in this feature if (count($contexts) > 1) { $output .= "


"; } // List of block regions that should force an empty display $force_empty = array('content'); global $theme_key; init_theme(); $regions = system_region_list($theme_key); foreach ($force_empty as $region) { if (empty($form['contexts'][$identifier][$region]) && !empty($regions[$region])) { $output .= "
"; $output .= "{$regions[$region]}"; $output .= "
". t('There are no options available for this region.') ."
"; $output .= "
"; } } foreach (element_children($form['contexts'][$identifier]) as $a) { drupal_add_tabledrag("spaces-customizer-blocks-{$identifier}-{$a}", 'order', 'sibling', 'block-weight'); $rows = array(); uasort($form['contexts'][$identifier][$a], 'element_sort'); foreach (element_children($form['contexts'][$identifier][$a]) as $b) { $form['contexts'][$identifier][$a][$b]['weight']['#attributes'] = array('class' => 'block-weight'); $row = array( 'dummy' => '', 'status' => drupal_render($form['contexts'][$identifier][$a][$b]['status']), 'title' => array('data' => drupal_render($form['contexts'][$identifier][$a][$b]['subject']), 'class' => 'fill'), 'weight' => drupal_render($form['contexts'][$identifier][$a][$b]['weight']), ); $rows[] = array('data' => $row, 'class' => 'draggable'); } $output .= "
"; $output .= "{$form['contexts'][$identifier][$a]['#title']}"; $output .= theme('table', array(), $rows, array('id' => "spaces-customizer-blocks-{$identifier}-{$a}")); $output .= "
"; } $output .= ""; } $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } /** * Form theme function for spaces presets. */ function theme_spaces_form_presets($form) { $output = ''; // Render presets in a table $rows = array(); foreach (element_children($form['info']) as $id) { unset($form['preset'][$id]['#title']); $row = array( drupal_render($form['preset'][$id]), drupal_render($form['info'][$id]), ); $rows[] = $row; } $output .= theme('table', array(array('data' => $form['preset']['#title'], 'colspan' => 2)), $rows); drupal_render($form['preset']); // Throw out the rest of this element $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } /** * Theme function for spaces_preset_default_form(). */ function theme_spaces_preset_default_form($form) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'spaces') .'/spaces.css'); $output = ''; foreach (element_children($form['types']) as $type) { // Build table rows $rows = array(); if (!empty($form['types'][$type]['info'])) { foreach (element_children($form['types'][$type]['info']) as $preset) { // Determine if this preset is enabled if ($form['types'][$type]['info'][$preset]['#value']['disabled']) { $preset_option = $form['types'][$type]['info'][$preset]['#value']['name']; $disabled = TRUE; } else { $preset_option = drupal_render($form['types'][$type]['default'][$preset]); $disabled = FALSE; } // Build table row $row = array( 'data' => array( $preset_option, $preset, $form['types'][$type]['info'][$preset]['#value']['description'], $form['types'][$type]['info'][$preset]['#value']['links'], ), 'class' => $disabled ? 'disabled' : '', ); $rows[] = $row; } } $rows[] = array(array( 'data' => "
". l(t('Add preset'), 'admin/build/spaces/presets/add/'. $type, array('attributes' => array('class' => 'button'))) ."
", 'colspan' => 4, )); // Add type heading and preset table to output $output .= "


"; $output .= theme('table', array(t('Default'), t('ID'), t('Description'), ''), $rows, array('class' => 'spaces-admin')); } $output .= drupal_render($form['buttons']); $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } /** * Theme for spaces featuers/settings form. * @TODO: this could probably live in a preprocess/template file. */ function theme_spaces_features_form($form) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'features') .'/features.css'); drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'spaces') .'/spaces.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'spaces') .'/spaces.js'); // Add draggable weights drupal_add_js('misc/tableheader.js'); drupal_add_tabledrag('spaces-features', 'order', 'sibling', 'feature-weight'); $output = ''; foreach (array('features', 'settings') as $type) { $header = array( t('Settings'), array('class' => 'action', 'data' => !isset($form['space']['#value']->sid) ? t('Locked') : ''), ''); if ($type == 'features') { $header[0] = t('Features'); $header[] = ''; } $rows = array(); foreach (element_children($form[$type]) as $element) { // Yank title & description fields off the form element for // rendering in their own cells. $feature_name = "{$form[$type][$element]['#title']}"; $feature_name .= "
"; $feature_name = "
"; unset($form[$type][$element]['#title']); unset($form[$type][$element]['#description']); $row = array( 'name' => $feature_name, 'action' => drupal_render($form['customize'][$element]) . drupal_render($form['locked'][$type][$element]), 'option' => drupal_render($form[$type][$element]), ); // Determine row classes $class = ''; if ($type == 'features') { $class = $form[$type][$element]['#default_value'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; } $class .= !empty($form[$type][$element]['#locked']) ? ' locked' : ''; // Add feature weighting if ($type == 'features') { $form['weights'][$element]['#attributes'] = array('class' => 'feature-weight'); $row['weight'] = drupal_render($form['weights'][$element]); $class .= ' draggable'; } // Collect data + classes & add to master array. foreach ($row as $key => $data) { $row[$key] = array('data' => $data, 'class' => $key); } $rows[] = array('data' => $row, 'class' => $class); } $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows, array('id' => 'spaces-'. $type, 'class' => 'features spaces-'. $type)); // Prevent section from being rendered by drupal_render(). unset($form[$type]); } $output .= drupal_render($form['buttons']); $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } /** * Form theme function for customization items. */ function theme_spaces_customize_item($form) { $output = ''; $rows = array(); foreach (element_children($form) as $element) { if ($form[$element]['#type'] == 'fieldset') { $title = $form[$element]['#title']; unset($form[$element]['#title']); unset($form[$element]['#type']); $rows[] = array( "$title", drupal_render($form[$element]), ); } } $output .= theme('table', array(), $rows); return $output; }