' . t('The subqueue !title is empty.', array('!title' => $subqueue->title)) . '';
* Print the privacy setting.
function theme_smartqueue_users_privacy($privacy) {
return '' . t('Public') . '';
return '' . t('Private') . '';
else {
return '';
* Preprocess the smartqueue users profile page.
function smartqueue_users_preprocess_smartqueue_users_profile_page(&$vars) {
$uid = $vars['account']->uid;
// Check if the current user can manipulate this account's queues.
$vars['can_manipulate'] = smartqueue_users_can_manipulate($vars['account']);
$vars['viewable_subqueues'] = FALSE;
foreach ($vars['queues'] as $qid => $queue) {
// Set the headers for the table
$header = array(t('Subqueue'));
// Set the table's caption and attributes
$caption = check_plain($queue->title);
$attributes = array('class' => "smartqueue-users-queue smartqueue-users-queue-$qid");
if (!$vars['can_manipulate']) {
// Users that can't manipulate might not be able to view every subqueue, so filter those out
$vars['subqueues'][$qid] = smartqueue_users_subqueue_filter_viewable($vars['user'], $queue, $vars['subqueues'][$qid]);
else {
// Manipulators can see more columns
$header[] = t('Privacy');
$header[] = t('Operations');
// Create a row for each subqueue
$rows = array();
foreach ($vars['subqueues'][$qid] as $sqid => $subqueue) {
// Basic information - the title of the subqueue (as a link to view it)
$row = array(
'data' => l($subqueue->title, "user/$uid/queue/$qid/view/$sqid"),
'class' => "smartqueue-users-subqueue-title smartqueue-users-subqueue-title-$sqid",
// Manipulators get more columns - Add privacy information and subqueue operations
if ($vars['can_manipulate']) {
$row[] = array(
'data' => theme('smartqueue_users_privacy', $subqueue->privacy),
'class' => "smartqueue-users-subqueue-privacy smartqueue-users-subqueue-privacy-$sqid",
$row[] = array(
'data' => l(t('Edit'), "user/$uid/queue/$qid/edit/$sqid") . ' ' . l(t('Delete'), "user/$uid/queue/$qid/delete/$sqid"),
'class' => "smartqueue-users-subqueue-operations smartqueue-users-subqueue-operations-$sqid",
// Add the new row to the rows object
$rows[] = $row;
// Decide whether a user can add a subqueue to this queue
$vars['queues'][$qid]->can_add_subqueue = ($vars['can_manipulate'] && !smartqueue_users_reached_subqueue_limit($vars['account']->uid, $queue->qid));
// Add a row to add a new subqueue at the end of the table for privileged users
if ($vars['queues'][$qid]->can_add_subqueue) {
$rows[] = array(
'data' => l(t('Add a new subqueue'), "user/$uid/queue/$qid/add"),
'class' => 'smartqueue-users-subqueue-add',
'colspan' => 3,
if (!empty($rows)) {
// Invoke hook_nodequeue_table()s.
foreach (module_implements('nodequeue_table') as $module) {
$implementation = $module.'_nodequeue_table';
$implementation('smartqueue_users_profile', $header, $rows, $attributes, $caption, $queue, $vars['subqueues'][$qid]);
$vars['queues'][$qid]->output = theme('table', $header, $rows, $attributes, $caption);
else {
$vars['queues'][$qid]->output = '';
// If the subqueue is not empty then we mark that there are some viewable subqueues
if (!empty($rows)) {
$vars['viewable_subqueues'] = TRUE;