t('Help functionality'), 'description' => t('Verify help display and user access to help based on persmissions.'), 'group' => t('Help'), ); } /** * Enable modules and create users with specific permissions. */ function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // Loading these (and other?) modules will result in failures? // $this->drupalModuleEnable('blog'); // $this->drupalModuleEnable('poll'); $this->getModuleList(); // Create users. $this->big_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access administration pages')); // 'administer blocks', 'administer site configuration', $this->any_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array()); } /** * Login users, create dblog events, and test dblog functionality through the admin and user interfaces. */ function testHelp() { // Login the admin user. $this->drupalLogin($this->big_user); $this->verifyHelp(); // Login the regular user. $user = $this->drupalLogin($this->any_user); $this->verifyHelp(403); } /** * Verify the logged in user has the desired access to the various help nodes and the nodes display help. * * @param integer $response HTTP response code. */ private function verifyHelp($response = 200) { $crumb = '›'; foreach ($this->modules as $module => $name) { // View module help node. $this->drupalGet('admin/help/'. $module); $this->assertResponse($response); if ($response == 200) { // NOTE: The asserts fail on blog and poll because the get returns the 'admin/help' node instead of the indicated node??? // if ($module == 'blog' || $module == 'poll') { // continue; // } $this->assertTitle($name. ' | Drupal', t('['. $module .'] Title was displayed')); $this->assertRaw('

'. t($name) .'

', t('['. $module .'] Heading was displayed')); $this->assertText(t('Home '. $crumb .' Administer '. $crumb .' Help'), t('['. $module .'] Breadcrumbs were displayed')); } } } /** * Get list of enabled modules. * * @return array Enabled modules. */ private function getModuleList() { $this->modules = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename, info FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC"); while ($module = db_fetch_object($result)) { if (file_exists($module->filename)) { $fullname = unserialize($module->info); $this->modules[$module->name] = $fullname['name']; } } } }