SimpleReporter(); drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') .'/simpletest.css'); $this->_character_set = $character_set; } /** * Paints the top of the web page setting the * title to the name of the starting test. * @param string $test_name Name class of test. * @access public **/ function paintHeader($test_name) { } /** * Paints the end of the test with a summary of * the passes and failures. * @param string $test_name Name class of test. * @access public */ function paintFooter($test_name) { $ok = ($this->getFailCount() + $this->getExceptionCount() == 0); $class = $ok ? 'simpletest-pass' : 'simpletest-fail'; $this->writeContent('' . $this->getPassCount() . ' passes, ' . $this->getFailCount() . ' fails and ' . $this->getExceptionCount() . ' exceptions.'); } /** * Paints the test passes * @param string $message Failure message displayed in * the context of the other tests. * @access public **/ function paintPass($message) { parent::paintPass($message); $this->test_stack[] = array( 'data' => array($this->_htmlEntities($message), 'OK'), 'class' => 'simpletest-pass', ); //$this->writeContent($this->_htmlEntities($message). ' OK', NULL, 'simpletest-pass'); } /** * Paints the test failure with a breadcrumbs * trail of the nesting test suites below the * top level test. * @param string $message Failure message displayed in * the context of the other tests. * @access public */ function paintFail($message) { parent::paintFail($message); $this->test_stack[] = array( 'data' => array($this->_htmlEntities($message), 'FAIL'), 'class' => 'simpletest-fail', ); //$this->writeContent($this->_htmlEntities($message). ' FAIL', NULL, 'simpletest-fail'); } /** * Paints a PHP error or exception. * @param string $message Message is ignored. * @access public **/ function paintError($message) { parent::paintError($message); $this->test_stack[] = array( 'data' => array($this->_htmlEntities($message), 'EXCEPTION'), 'class' => 'simpletest-fail', ); //$this->writeContent($this->_htmlEntities($message). ' EXCEPTION', NULL, 'simpletest-fail'); } /** * Paints the start of a group test. Will also paint * the page header and footer if this is the * first test. Will stash the size if the first * start. * @param string $test_name Name of test that is starting. * @param integer $size Number of test cases starting. * @access public */ function paintGroupStart($test_name, $size, $extra = '') { $this->_progress_stack[] = $this->_progress; $this->_progress = 0; $this->_exceptions_stack[] = $this->_exceptions; $this->_exceptions = 0; $this->_fails_stack[] = $this->_fails; $this->_fails = 0; $this->_passes_stack[] = $this->_passes; $this->_passes = 0; $this->form_depth[] = $test_name; $this->writeToLastField($this->form, array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $test_name, '#weight' => $this->weight++, ), $this->form_depth); if (! isset($this->_size)) { $this->_size = $size; } if (($c = count($this->test_info_stack)) > 0) { $info = $this->test_info_stack[$c - 1]; $this->writeContent('' . $info['name'] . ': ' . $info['description'], $this->getParentWeight() ); } $this->_test_stack[] = $test_name; } function paintCaseStart($test_name) { $this->_progress++; $this->paintGroupStart($test_name, 1); } /** * Paints the end of a group test. Will paint the page * footer if the stack of tests has unwound. * @param string $test_name Name of test that is ending. * @param integer $progress Number of test cases ending. * @access public */ function paintGroupEnd($test_name) { array_pop($this->_test_stack); $ok = ($this->getFailCount() + $this->getExceptionCount() == 0); $class = $ok ? "simpletest-pass" : "simpletest-fail"; $parent_weight = $this->getParentWeight() - 0.5; /* Exception for the top groups, no subgrouping for singles */ if (($this->_output_stack_id == 2) && ($this->_output_stack[$this->_output_stack_id]['size'] == 1)) { $this->writeContent(format_plural($this->getTestCaseProgress(), '1 test case complete: ', '@count test cases complete: '), -10); $parent_weight = $this->getParentWeight() - 0.5; $this->writeContent('' . $this->getPassCount() . ' passes, ' . $this->getFailCount() . ' fails and ' . $this->getExceptionCount() . ' exceptions.', $parent_weight, $class); array_pop($this->form_depth); } else { $collapsed = $ok ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($this->getTestCaseProgress()) { $this->writeContent(format_plural($this->getTestCaseProgress(), '1 test case complete: ', '@count test cases complete: '), -10); $use_grouping = FALSE; } else { $use_grouping = TRUE; } $write = array('#collapsible' => $use_grouping, '#collapsed' => $collapsed); $this->writeToLastField($this->form, $write, $this->form_depth); $this->writeContent('' . $this->getPassCount() . ' passes, ' . $this->getFailCount() . ' fails and ' . $this->getExceptionCount() . ' exceptions.', $parent_weight, $class); if (count($this->test_stack) != 0) { $this->writeContent(theme('table', array(), $this->test_stack)); $this->test_stack = array(); } array_pop($this->form_depth); } $this->_progress += array_pop($this->_progress_stack); $this->_exceptions += array_pop($this->_exceptions_stack); $this->_fails += array_pop($this->_fails_stack); $this->_passes += array_pop($this->_passes_stack); } function paintCaseEnd($test_name) { $this->paintGroupEnd($test_name); } /** * Character set adjusted entity conversion. * @param string $message Plain text or Unicode message. * @return string Browser readable message. * @access protected */ function _htmlEntities($message) { return htmlentities($message, ENT_COMPAT, $this->_character_set); } /** * Could be extended to show more headers or whatever? **/ function getOutput() { return drupal_get_form('unit_tests', $this); } /** * Recursive function that writes attr to the deepest array */ function writeToLastField(&$form, $attr, $keys) { while(count($keys) != 0) { $value = array_shift($keys); if (isset($form[$value])) { if (count($keys) == 0) { $form[$value] += $attr; } else { $this->writeToLastField($form[$value], $attr, $keys); } $keys = array(); } else { $form[$value] = $attr; } } } /** * writes $msg into the deepest fieldset * @param $msg content to write */ function writeContent($msg, $weight = NULL, $class = 'simpletest') { if (!$weight) { $weight = $this->weight++; } $write['content'.$this->content_count++] = array( '#value' => '
' . $msg . '
', '#weight' => $weight, ); $this->writeToLastField($this->form, $write, $this->form_depth); } /** * Retrieves weight of the currently deepest fieldset */ function getParentWeight($form = NULL, $keys = NULL ) { if (!isset($form)) { $form = $this->form; } if (!isset($keys)) { $keys = $this->form_depth; } if(count($keys) != 0) { $value = array_shift($keys); return $this->getParentWeight($form[$value], $keys); } return $form['#weight']; } } function unit_tests($args, $reporter) { return $reporter->form['Drupal Unit Tests']; } ?>