// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2008-09-23 04:56:29 boombatower Exp $ SimpleTest 6.x-2.5, xxxx-xx-xx (development version) ------------------------------ SimpleTest 6.x-2.4, 2008-09-22 ------------------------------ - Bugs: * #310427: settings.php check doesn't work properly. - Backports: * #305077: Rework simpletest backend. * #308399: The simpletest error handler is broken for PHP functions. * #308262: Clean-up and documentation of simpletest.js. * #308186: cURL 7.18.2 and SimpleTest module bitterly despise one another. * #295697: update cURL requirement. * #299186: assertFieldByXPath does not work for selects or textareas with value. * #308272: Improve test selection page. * #255613: Update clickLink() to use drupalGet() and clean-up code. - Changes: * #310783: Fix up requirements check for settings.php. SimpleTest 6.x-2.3, 2008-09-15 ------------------------------ - Backports: * #297869: Add xpath method to SimpleTest. * #297894: Add assertLink and assertNoLink to SimpleTest. * #298137: drupalCreateContentType() should reset node permissions. * #268148: Don't verify SSL certificates. * #293099: Clarify form documentation and error handling. * #296027: {simpletest} indexes come with wrong array expression. * #299461: assertEqual() does not work with arrays. * #246261: Simpletest-light doesn't handle selects with 's correctly. - Changes: * #297890: Add notice to INSTALL.txt instructing users on Windows to encode settings file with the UNIX standard. * #302606: Usability: improve installation error message. SimpleTest 6.x-2.2, 2008-08-15 ------------------------------ - Bugs: * #292062: fixed role creation permission check for 6.x style. - Backports: * #290316: test_id field name corrected. * #293500: change message field to type text. * #268063: added instruction in INSTALL.txt about hidden property. * #291750: remove results after displayed. - Changes: * #295001: clarified INSTALL.txt and installation requirements message. * Updated README.txt with issue information. SimpleTest 6.x-2.1, 2008-08-05 ------------------------------ - Complete backport of Drupal 7.x SimpleTest module.