t('User registration'), 'desc' => t('Registers a user, fails login, resets password, successfully logs in with the one time password, changes password, logs out, successfully logs in with the new password, visits profile page.') , 'group' => 'User tests'); } function testUserRegistration() { /* We first allow every user to login instantly. */ $this->drupalVariableSet('user_register', 1); /* make sure the profile module is disabled to avoid conflicts */ $this->drupalModuleDisable('profile'); $name = $this->randomName(); $mail = "$name@example.com"; $edit = array('name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail); $this->drupalPost('user/register', $edit, 'Create new account'); $this->assertText(t('Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.'), 'Your password and further instructions ... found'); $this->assertNoText(t('The name %name has been denied access.', array('%name' => $name)), 'not denied access'); // now we check database fields // we can use an 'edit' array to load user variable $user = user_load($edit); $this->assertTrue(isset($user->uid), 'user->uid set'); $this->assertTrue(($user->uid > 0), 'uid > 0'); if (!isset($user->uid) || ($user->uid == 0)) { return FALSE; } $this->assertEqual($user->name, $name, 'Checking name of user'); $this->assertEqual($user->mail, $mail, 'Checking e-mail address'); $this->assertEqual($user->mode, 0, 'Checking mode field'); $this->assertEqual($user->sort, 0, 'Checking sort field'); $this->assertEqual($user->threshold, 0,'Checking treshold field'); $this->assertEqual($user->theme, '','Checking theme field'); $this->assertEqual($user->signature, '','Checking signature field'); $this->assertTrue(($user->created > time() - 20 ), 0,'Checking creation time.'); $this->assertEqual($user->status, variable_get('user_register', 1) == 1 ? 1 : 0,'Checking status field'); $this->assertEqual($user->timezone, variable_get('date_default_timezone', NULL), 'Checking timezone field'); $this->assertEqual($user->language, '', 'Checking language field'); $this->assertEqual($user->picture, '', 'Check picture field'); $this->assertEqual($user->init, $mail, 'Check init field'); /* We try to login with a wrong password */ $login_edit = array('name' => $name, 'pass' => 'foo'); $this->drupalPost('user', $login_edit, 'Log in'); $this->assertText(t('Sorry, unrecognized username or password. Have you forgotten your password?'), 'Test for failed Login'); $url = user_pass_reset_url($user); /* TODO: find a better way, we currently have to do it that way, see user.module line 1041. */ sleep(1); $this->_browser->get($url); // Will proabaly not work localised as the text is sent to tranlate wrapped in
usually $this->assertText(t('This login can be used only once.'), "Check for 'used only once' notice"); $this->_browser->clickSubmit(t('Log in')); $this->assertText(t('You have just used your one-time login link. It is no longer necessary to use this link to login. Please change your password.'), "Check for one time login notice after clicking Login button."); /* now lets change our password */ $new_pass = user_password(); $this->assertTrue($this->_browser->setField('pass[pass1]', $new_pass), 'Pass1 field set.'); $this->assertTrue($this->_browser->setField('pass[pass2]', $new_pass), 'Pass2 field set.'); $this->_browser->clickSubmit(t('Save')); $this->assertText(t('The changes have been saved.'), "Changed password to '$new_pass'"); /* Check if the password changes are present in db */ $user = user_load(array('uid' => $user->uid)); $this->assertEqual($user->pass, md5($new_pass), 'Correct password in database'); /* logout */ $this->clickLink('Log out'); $this->assertNoText($user->name, 'Logged out'); /* login again */ $login_edit['pass'] = $new_pass; $this->drupalPost('user', $login_edit, 'Log in'); $pname = $user->name; $this->assertText($pname, 'Logged in (name found)'); $this->assertNoText(t('Sorry. Unrecognized username or password.'), 'Logged in (no message for unrecognized username or password)'); $this->assertNoText(t('User login'), 'Logged in (no user login form present)'); // I can't find this in Drupal anywhere, but I left it in for now. $this->assertNoUnwantedRaw(t('The username %name has been blocked.', array('%name' => $pname)), 'Not blocked'); $this->assertNoUnwantedRaw(t('The name %name is a reserved username.', array('%name' => $pname)), 'Access granted'); $this->_browser->get(url('user'), array('absolute' => TRUE)); $this->assertText($pname, 'user as auth lands on the user profile'); $this->assertText(t('View'), 'View tab on the profile page'); $this->assertText(t('Edit'), 'Edit tab on the profile page'); /* delete test user, roles and maybe authmap */ db_query('DELETE FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid); db_query('DELETE FROM {users_roles} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid); db_query('DELETE FROM {authmap} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid); } } /** * This class is based on the original Simpletest Module by Moshe Weitzman */ class UserValidationTest extends DrupalTestCase { function get_info() { return array('name' => 'Username/email validation', 'desc' => 'Verify that username/email validity checks behave as designed.' , 'group' => 'User tests'); } // username validation function testMinLengthName() { $name = ''; $result = user_validate_name($name); $this->assertNotNull($result, 'Excessively short username'); } function testValidCharsName() { $name = 'ab/'; $result = user_validate_name($name); $this->assertNotNull($result, 'Invalid chars in username'); } function testMaxLengthName() { $name = str_repeat('a', 61); $result = user_validate_name($name); $this->assertNotNull($result, 'Excessively long username'); } function testValidName() { $name = 'abc'; $result = user_validate_name($name); $this->assertNull($result, 'Valid username'); } // mail validation function testMinLengthMail() { $name = ''; $result = user_validate_mail($name); $this->assertNotNull($result, 'Empty mail'); } function testInValidMail() { $name = 'abc'; $result = user_validate_mail($name); $this->assertNotNull($result, 'Invalid mail'); } function testValidMail() { $name = 'absdsdsdc@dsdsde.com'; $result = user_validate_mail($name); $this->assertNull($result, 'Valid mail'); } } class UserAccessTest extends DrupalTestCase { var $_cleanup_masks = array(); function get_info() { return array('name' => t('User access rules'), 'desc' => t('Assure that negative and positive access rules behave as designed.') , 'group' => 'User tests' ); } function _addMask($mask, $type, $status = 0) { db_query("INSERT INTO {access} (mask, type, status) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d)", $mask, $type, $status); $aid = db_last_insert_id('access', 'aid'); $str_status = ($status == 0) ? 'deny' : 'allow'; $this->assertTrue(db_affected_rows() > 0, "$str_status Mask added for $type '$mask'"); $this->_cleanup_masks[] = $aid; } function tearDown() { while (sizeof($this->_cleanup_masks) > 0) { $aid = array_pop($this->_cleanup_masks); db_query("DELETE FROM {access} WHERE aid = %d", $aid); } } function testAccess() { /* To avoid conflicts with non allowed account creations */ $this->drupalVariableSet('user_register', 1); $this->_addMask('simpletest_block%', 'user'); $this->_addMask('simpletest_block_allow%', 'user', 1); /* first try blocked user */ $name = $this->randomName(2, 'simpletest_block_'); $mail = "$name@example.com"; $edit = array('name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail); $this->drupalPost('user/register', $edit, 'Create new account'); $this->assertNoUnWantedText(t('Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.'), 'blocked user: Your password and further instructions - not found'); $this->assertText(t('The name @name has been denied access.', array('@name' => $name)), 'blocked user: denied access - found'); /* Lets make a new browser for new cookies */ $this->setBrowser($this->createBrowser()); /* now try allowed user */ $name = $this->randomName(2, 'simpletest_block_allow_'); $mail = "$name@example.com"; $edit = array('name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail); $this->drupalPost('user/register', $edit, 'Create new account'); $this->assertText(t('Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.'), 'access user: Your password and further instructions - found'); $this->assertNoText(t('The name @name has been denied access.', array('@name' => $name)), 'access user: denied access - not found'); $user = user_load($edit); $this->assertTrue(isset($user->uid), 'user->uid set'); $this->assertTrue(($user->uid > 0), 'uid > 0'); if (isset($user->uid) && ($user->uid > 0)) { /* delete test user, roles and maybe authmap */ db_query('DELETE FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid); db_query('DELETE FROM {users_roles} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid); db_query('DELETE FROM {authmap} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid); } } } class UserDeleteTest extends DrupalTestCase { function get_info() { return array('name' => t('User delete'), 'desc' => t('Registers a user and deletes it.') , 'group' => 'User tests'); } function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); } function testUserRegistration() { /* We first allow every user to login instantly. */ $this->drupalVariableSet('user_register', 1); /* make sure the profile module is disabled to avoid conflicts */ $this->drupalModuleDisable('profile'); $name = $this->randomName(); $pname = theme('placeholder', $name); $mail = "$name@example.com"; $edit = array('name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail); $this->drupalPost('user/register', $edit, 'Create new account'); $user_to_delete = user_load($edit); $uid = $user_to_delete->uid; $web_user = $this->drupalCreateUserRolePerm(array('administer users')); $this->drupalLoginUser($web_user); $this->_browser->get(url('user/'. $uid .'/edit', array('absolute' => TRUE))); $this->_browser->clickSubmit(t('Delete')); $this->assertWantedRaw(t('Are you sure you want to delete the account %name?', array('%name' => $name)), 'Confirm title'); $this->assertText(t('All submissions made by this user will be attributed to the anonymous account. This action cannot be undone.'), 'Confirm text'); $this->_browser->clickSubmit(t('Delete')); $this->assertWantedRaw(t('%name has been deleted.', array('%name' => $name)), 'User deleted'); $this->assertFalse(user_load($edit), 'User is not found in the database'); } }