'SimpleMenu', 'description' => 'Select the menu to display.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('simplemenu_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer simplemenu'), 'file' => 'simplemenu.admin.inc', ); return $items; } /** * Is simplemenu enabled for this page request? */ function simplemenu_enabled() { static $enabled; if (!isset($enabled)) { global $theme; $exclusions = variable_get('simplemenu_exclusions', array()); $enabled = (!isset($exclusions[$theme]) || !$exclusions[$theme]) && user_access('view simplemenu') && _simplemenu_page_visibility() && _simplemenu_superuser_active(); } return $enabled; } /** * Implementation of hook_init(). */ function simplemenu_init() { // do a simple access check here, since theme isn't available to check yet if (simplemenu_enabled()) { _simplemenu_add_menu(); _simplemenu_add_css(); // basic CSS must be before _simplemenu_add_theme() _simplemenu_add_theme(); _simplemenu_add_js(); } } /** \brief Add the simplemenu variable with the menu to be displayed. * * This function loads the menu to be displayed and transforms it so * it works with superfish. * * If the cache version of the simplemenu JavaScript string cannot be * created, then it is sent inline whether or not the user asked for it * to be sent inline. */ function _simplemenu_add_menu() { // XXX -- should we put that in the settings instead? why put it in its own variable? $simplemenu = 'var simplemenu=' . drupal_json_encode(simplemenu_get_menu()) . ';'; $has_file = variable_get('simplemenu_cache_menu', TRUE); if ($has_file) { $js_hash = drupal_hash_base64($simplemenu); $js_path = 'public://js'; // same path as concatenated Core JS $js_filename = $js_path . '/simplemenu_' . $js_hash . '.js'; if (!file_exists($js_filename)) { file_prepare_directory($js_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); if (!file_unmanaged_save_data($simplemenu, $js_filename, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) { $has_file = FALSE; } } } $options = array( 'scope' => variable_get('simplemenu_menu_scope', 'footer'), // 'version' => ?, -- could we make use of the version? ); if ($has_file) { //$options['type'] = 'file'; -- default drupal_add_js($js_filename, $options); } else { // inline adds the value as is (untouched) $options['type'] = 'inline'; drupal_add_js($simplemenu, $options); } } /** \brief Generate the CSS and add it to the page. * * This function generates the dynamic CSS and then insert that to * the header of the page. * * The function regenerates the CSS only when the settings were * modified. Otherwise, it uses the cached version. * * The function has a fall back, in case the dynamic CSS cannot * be created. */ function _simplemenu_add_css() { global $user; $simplemenu_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'simplemenu'); $css_path = 'public://css'; // same path as concatenated Core CSS if (file_prepare_directory($css_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS)) { $fix = variable_get('simplemenu_fix', 'scroll'); // XXX add a variable simplemenu_update which is set to TRUE whenever // the settings get modified and false here $output_filename = variable_get('simplemenu_css_filename', ''); if (!$output_filename) { $tags = array( '@MENUBAR_ZINDEX@' => simplemnu_get_zindex('simplemenu_menubar_zindex', 9999), '@DROPDOWN_ZINDEX@' => simplemnu_get_zindex('simplemenu_dropdown_zindex', 9999), ); switch ($fix) { case 'top': $tags['@FIX@'] = "position: fixed;\n top: 0;"; break; case 'bottom': $tags['@FIX@'] = "position: fixed;\n bottom: 0;"; break; default: // scroll $tags['@FIX@'] = 'position: relative;'; break; } $css = file_get_contents($simplemenu_path . '/simplemenu.css.tpl'); $css = strtr($css, $tags); $css_hash = hash('sha256', $css); $output_filename = $css_path . '/simplemenu-' . $css_hash . '.css'; if (!file_exists($output_filename)) { // new content, create a new file file_put_contents($output_filename, $css); } else { // this call is rather ugly, but we must make sure that the // system cache will take the current Simplemenu CSS in account _drupal_flush_css_js(); } //variable_set('simplemenu_css_filename', $output_filename); } drupal_add_css($output_filename); } else { // in case we cannot create the dynamic CSS $last_msg = variable_get('simplemenu_css_error', 0); if (($last_msg != -1 && $last_msg + 3600 > time()) || $user->uid == 1) { // avoid displaying the error on each page... only once per hour. // (unless you are the admin, in which case you probably want to know!) variable_set('simplemenu_css_error', time()); drupal_set_message(t('Simplemenu could not create the folder @path in order to save the dynamic CSS data.', array('@path' => $css_path)), 'warning'); } // use a default that cannot react to the dynamic changes... drupal_add_css($simplemenu_path .'/simplemenu.css'); } } /** \brief Add the module theme. * * This function adds a theme for the Simplemenu look. * * By default, the original theme is used. The module also offers the * blackblue theme. It is also possible to create new themes or use * the theming of the current theme for simplemenu (so the menu fits * perfectly for that theme.) */ function _simplemenu_add_theme() { // we want to put the simplemenu theme CSS first // so we can change some CSS entries dynamically // but at this time the simplemenu.css is used to // reset many of the CSS entries... Hmmm... $simplemenu_theme = variable_get('simplemenu_theme', 'original'); if ($simplemenu_theme != 'custom') { $simplemenu_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'simplemenu'); $theme_file = $simplemenu_path . '/themes/' . $simplemenu_theme . '/' . $simplemenu_theme . '.css'; if (is_file($theme_file)) { drupal_add_css($theme_file); } } } /** \brief Add the JavaScript that makes it all work. * * This function adds the Simplemenu JavaScript, the Superfish JavaScript * and settings from the user. */ function _simplemenu_add_js() { $simplemenu_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'simplemenu'); // Settings $fix = variable_get('simplemenu_fix', 'scroll'); switch ($fix) { case 'top': $element = 'body'; $placement = 'prepend'; break; case 'bottom': $element = 'body'; $placement = 'append'; break; default: // 'scroll' // let user defined other elements when not fixed $element = variable_get('simplemenu_element', 'body'); $placement = variable_get('simplemenu_element_method', 'prepend'); break; } $settings = array( 'effect' => variable_get('simplemenu_effect', 'opacity'), 'effectSpeed' => variable_get('simplemenu_effect_speed', 'fast'), 'element' => $element, 'placement' => $placement, 'hideDelay' => variable_get('simplemenu_hide_delay', 800), 'detectPopup' => variable_get('simplemenu_detect_popup', 1), ); drupal_add_js(array('simplemenu' => $settings), array('type' => 'setting')); // Simplemenu drupal_add_js($simplemenu_path . '/simplemenu.js', array('version' => '1.2')); // Superfish $superfish = variable_get('simplemenu_superfish_version', 'superfish-1.4.1.js'); if ($superfish != 'custom') { $sf_version = str_replace(array('superfish-', '.js'), '', $superfish); drupal_add_js($simplemenu_path . '/' . $superfish, array('version' => $sf_version)); } } /** * \brief Retrieve the zindex for the CSS files. * * This function retrieves a z-index from a Drupal variable and * transform it to fit in a CSS file. * * \param[in] $name The name of the z-index variable to read. * \param[in] $default The default value to use when the variable is not defined. * * \return A string representing the current value of the specified z-index. */ function simplemnu_get_zindex($name, $default) { $zindex = variable_get($name, $default); if ($zindex == -1) { $zindex = ''; } else { $zindex = 'z-index: ' . $zindex . ';'; } return $zindex; } /** * Implementation of hook_perm(). */ function simplemenu_perm() { return array('view simplemenu', 'administer simplemenu'); } /** * Render an HTML list of links for a given menu. */ function simplemenu_get_menu() { variable_set('simplemenu_running', TRUE); // if a user turned off menu module but SimpleMenu was previously set // reset variable so a menu appears $all_menus = array(variable_get('simplemenu_menu', 'management:0')); drupal_alter('simplemenu_menus', $all_menus); if (count($all_menus) > 1) { // if menu is not enable then we cannot have a count other than 1 $menu_titles = menu_get_menus(); $tree = array(); foreach ($all_menus as $full_name) { list($menu_name, $mlid) = explode(':', $full_name); $tree[] = array( 'link' => array( 'simplemenu_multi_menu_root' => TRUE, 'mlid' => $mlid, 'menu_name' => $full_name, 'hidden' => FALSE, 'title' => $menu_titles[$menu_name], 'href' => 'admin/settings/simplemenu', /// ??? -- we should not have a link here 'in_active_trail' => FALSE, 'has_children' => TRUE, 'localized_options' => array( 'attributes' => array('class' => 'simplemenu-top-level'), ), ), 'below' => simplemenu_menu_tree($full_name), ); } } else { reset($all_menus); $tree = simplemenu_menu_tree(current($all_menus)); } // allow other modules to modify the menu tree drupal_alter('simplemenu_tree', $tree); $tree = simplemenu_tree_remove_hidden($tree); // now generate the output $menu_form = menu_tree_output($tree); $menu = drupal_render($menu_form); if (!$menu) { $menu = ''; } // add the id to the UL tag here instead of the JavaScript // otherwise it could be added to the
tag instead... $pos = strpos($menu, '>'); $menu = str_replace('class="menu', 'class="menu clear-block', substr($menu, 0, $pos)) . ' id="simplemenu"' . substr($menu, $pos); variable_set('simplemenu_running', FALSE); return '
' . $menu . ' 
'; } /** * At this point (May 31, 2010) the menu tree includes * many 'below' that should be considered empty but * aren't... unless we make sure we remove the children * ourselves. */ function simplemenu_tree_remove_hidden($tree) { $clean = array(); foreach ($tree as $key => $data) { if (!$data['link']['hidden']) { if ($data['below']) { $data['below'] = simplemenu_tree_remove_hidden($data['below']); if (count($data['below']) == 0) { $data['below'] = 0; } } $clean[] = $data; } } return $clean; } /** * Custom implementation of menu_tree(). * We want to retrieve the entire menu structure for a given menu, * regardless of whether or not the menu item is expanded or not. */ function simplemenu_menu_tree($menu_name = 'management:0') { static $menu_tree = array(); if (!isset($menu_output[$menu_name])) { //$menu_tree[$menu_name] = simplemenu_tree_all_data($menu_name); $menu_tree[$menu_name] = menu_tree_all_data('management'); } return $menu_tree[$menu_name]; } /** * Modified menu_tree_all_data(), providing the complete menu tree below $root_menu * (which can be *any* menu item, not just the root of a custom menu). * * @param $root_menu * root menu item of the tree to return as "menu_name:mlid" (mlid = menu link id) * * @todo we don't actually need $menu_name, $mlid would be sufficient */ function simplemenu_tree_all_data($root_menu = 'management:0') { static $tree = array(); list($menu_name, $mlid) = explode(':', $root_menu); // Generate the cache ID for Drupal 7. $cid = 'links:' . $menu_name . ':all-cid:' . $mlid . ':' . $GLOBALS['language']->language . ':0'; if (!isset($tree[$cid])) { // // If the static variable doesn't have the data, check {cache_menu}. // $cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_menu'); // if ($cache && isset($cache->data)) { // $data = $cache->data; // } // else { // // Build and run the query, and build the tree. // $where = ''; // $args = array(':menu_name' => $menu_name); // if ($mlid > 0) { // $item = menu_link_load($mlid); // if ($item) { // // The tree is a subtree of $menu_name, so we need to restrict the query to // // this subtree. // $px = "p" . (int) $item['depth']; // $where = " AND ml.$px = :ml AND ml.mlid != :mlid"; // $args[':ml'] = $item[$px]; // $args[':mlid'] = $mlid; // } // } // // Select the links from the table, and recursively build the tree. We // // LEFT JOIN since there is no match in {menu_router} for an external // // link. // $result = db_query("SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, // m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, // m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.* // FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path // WHERE ml.menu_name = :menu_name$where // ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC", $args); // $data['tree'] = menu_tree_data($result->fetchAssoc()); // $data['node_links'] = array(); // menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']); // // Cache the data. // cache_set($cid, $data, 'cache_menu'); // } // // Check access for the current user to each item in the tree. // menu_tree_check_access($data['tree'], $data['node_links']); // $tree[$cid] = $data['tree']; // If the static variable doesn't have the data, check {cache_menu}. $cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_menu'); if ($cache && isset($cache->data)) { // If the cache entry exists, it will just be the cid for the actual data. // This avoids duplication of large amounts of data. $cache = cache_get($cache->data, 'cache_menu'); if ($cache && isset($cache->data)) { $data = $cache->data; } } // If the tree data was not in the cache, $data will be NULL. if (!isset($data)) { // Build the query using a LEFT JOIN since there is no match in // {menu_router} for an external link. $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml', array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); $query->addTag('translatable'); $query->leftJoin('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path'); $query->fields('ml'); $query->fields('m', array( 'load_functions', 'to_arg_functions', 'access_callback', 'access_arguments', 'page_callback', 'page_arguments', 'delivery_callback', 'title', 'title_callback', 'title_arguments', 'theme_callback', 'theme_arguments', 'type', 'description', )); for ($i = 1; $i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH; $i++) { $query->orderBy('p' . $i, 'ASC'); } $query->condition('ml.menu_name', $menu_name); if (isset($max_depth)) { $query->condition('ml.depth', $max_depth, '<='); } if ($mlid) { // The tree is for a single item, so we need to match the values in its // p columns and 0 (the top level) with the plid values of other links. $args = array(0); for ($i = 1; $i < MENU_MAX_DEPTH; $i++) { $args[] = $link["p$i"]; } $args = array_unique($args); $query->condition('ml.plid', $args, 'IN'); $parents = $args; $parents[] = $link['mlid']; } else { // Get all links in this menu. $parents = array(); } // Select the links from the table, and build an ordered array of links // using the query result object. $links = array(); foreach ($query->execute() as $item) { $links[] = $item; } $data['tree'] = menu_tree_data($links, $parents); $data['node_links'] = array(); menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']); // Cache the data, if it is not already in the cache. $tree_cid = _menu_tree_cid($menu_name, $data); if (!cache_get($tree_cid, 'cache_menu')) { cache_set($tree_cid, $data, 'cache_menu'); } // Cache the cid of the (shared) data using the menu and item-specific cid. cache_set($cid, $tree_cid, 'cache_menu'); } // Check access for the current user to each item in the tree. menu_tree_check_access($data['tree'], $data['node_links']); $tree[$cid] = $data['tree']; } return $tree[$cid]; } /** * Determine if simplemenu should be displayed based on visibility settings. * * @return boolean */ function _simplemenu_page_visibility() { $operator = variable_get('simplemenu_visibility_operator', 0); $pages = variable_get('simplemenu_visibility_pages', ''); if ($pages) { $path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']); // Compare with the internal and path alias (if any). $page_match = drupal_match_path($path, $pages); if ($path != $_GET['q']) { $page_match = $page_match || drupal_match_path($_GET['q'], $pages); } // When $operator has a value of 0, the menu is displayed on // all pages except those listed in $pages. When set to 1, it // is displayed only on those pages listed in $pages. $page_match = !($operator ^ $page_match); } else { $page_match = TRUE; } return $page_match; } /** * Check whether the superuser/admin should be shown simplemenu. */ function _simplemenu_superuser_active() { global $user; return $user->uid != 1 || variable_get('simplemenu_uid1', 1) == 1; } // vim: ts=2 sw=2 et syntax=php