/* $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.3 2009-09-24 06:45:40 dww Exp $ */ --------------------------- 6.x-1.0-alpha2 (2009-09-23) --------------------------- This release requires Signup version 6.x-1.0-rc6 or later. However, sites should install signup_status 6.x-1.0-alpha2 and visit update.php first, then install signup 6.x-1.0-rc6 and visit update.php again. The primary change in this release is the re-introduction of per-status limits by means of a new "Signup status limit" sub-module. There are also changes to both Signup and Signup status that make the "Modifies signup count" checkbox when configuring signup status options actually work. The basic status functionality is working better, but this is still not an "official" release meant for production sites. New features will be added, APIs will probably change, and the database schema might change before the official 6.x-1.0 release. Please do not install this and then come complaining that parts of it aren't working yet. ;) We know. Please check the issue queue on drupal.org (http://drupal.org/project/issues/signup_status) before reporting any problems or "missing" functionality. Bugs fixed since version 6.x-1.0-alpha1: = #581826 by dww: Fixed the "Modify signup count" checkbox when configuring status codes to actually do something by means of #581734 and #581652. = #581826 by dww: Fixed the status settings UI so that if an admin changes the "Modify signup count" for any status values, or if the status they reassign signups to when deleting a status has a different value, we now use Batch API to update all the signups, recompute the effective totals and check the signup limits on all affected nodes. = #582250 by dww: Fixed bug where signups were left with bogus data after deleting a signup status. If you delete a status that has some signups using that status, the confirm form now asks you what status you'd like to reassign the signups to, and there's a batching function to update all the signups and invoke the signup status change hooks. = #583010 by dww: Fixed bug where users that could not edit their own signup could still toggle their signup status. = #581768 by dww: Added missing hook_schema_alter() implementation to warn the world that we've modified the {signup_log} schema. New features since version 6.x-1.0-alpha1: = #581846 by dww: Cleaned up the admin settings UI and added status weights, which allow an admin to reorder the status options visible on the signup form. = #359412 by dww: Added the "Signup status limit" sub-module to properly implement per-status limits. Includes major improvements to the UI for configuring per-status limits (see #241869), and it actually integrates properly with the limits enforced by the Signup module. = #583154 by dww: Altered the node/N/signups/admin signup summary fieldset (see #578592) to include per-status limit data. Other changes since version 6.x-1.0-alpha1: = #578344 by dww: Added a "Signup" group on the module administration page (admin/build/modules) for all the signup-related modules. = #581734 by dww: Take advantage of the new Signup API to simplify the code for writing the signup status value to the {signup_log} table. --------------------------- 6.x-1.0-alpha1 (2009-08-23) --------------------------- Initial release compatible with Drupal 6 core. This release requires Signup 6.x-1.0-rc5 or later. Installing Views and Views Bulk Operations (VBO) is highly recommended, but not required. The basic status functionality is working fine, but this is not an "official" release meant for production sites. New features will be added, APIs will almost certainly change, and the database schema might change before the official 6.x-1.0 release. Please do not install this and then come complaining that parts of it aren't working yet. ;) We know. Please check the issue queue before reporting any problems or "missing" functionality. Some of the functionality in the D5 version has been removed. Some of it, in particular per-status limits will be restored in the future, and better integrated with the Signup module's own concept of signup limits. Other features have been moved into sub-modules. There are a handful of brand new sub-modules such as Signup Status Notifications (which automatically subscribes users to node notifications depending on their signup status) and Signup Status Invite (which lets users send invitations to other users and they are automatically signed up with a certain status -- intended for sites that use a signup status such as "Invited"). The Signup Status Mailer module has been completely re-written to provide per-status and per-node email templates along with site-wide per-status defaults. Installing the Token module is highly recommended for sites that wish to use Signup Status Mailer. ------------------------ 5.x-1.0 (2008-02-29) ------------------------ Initial release