$Id: README.txt,v 1.10 2007-10-13 23:24:36 dww Exp $ The signup module allows users to sign up for nodes of any type. For each signup-enabled node, this module provides options for sending a notification email to a selected email address upon a new user signup (good for notifying event coordinators, etc.), and a confirmation email to users who sign up. When used on event-enabled nodes (with the event.module installed), it can also send out reminder emails to all signups X days before the start of the event (per node setting), and automatically close event signups X hours before their start (general setting). Settings exist for restricting signups to selected roles and content types. Support exists for both registered and anonymous users to sign up for events. Both can receive confirmation and reminder emails, and registered users are also able to cancel their signups and view listings of their current signups. Conflict resolution features for registered users is also available by enabling the signup_conflicts module, located in the contrib folder of the signup module. For installation instructions, see INSTALL.txt. For instructions on upgrading, see UPGRADE.txt. Send feature requests and bug reports to the issue tracking system for the signup module: http://drupal.org/node/add/project_issue/signup. For a list of future work, also see http://groups.drupal.org/node/5044. This module was originally co-developed by Chad Phillips and Jeff Robbins, and sponsored by Jeff Robbins. It is now being maintained by: Derek Wright (http://drupal.org/user/46549) a.k.a. "dww".