$Id: TODO.txt,v 1.4 2007-04-18 18:32:52 dww Exp $ The following is a wish list for ugrades to this module. If you'd be interested in providing financial sponsorship for any of these features, please visit http://drupal.org/user/46549/contact * add support limiting signups to certain roles, per node * make datetime display dependent on medium date format display setting in admin/settings (see http://drupal.org/node/132142) * adding support for custom auto-closing settings per node: time before event start * better header info for emails sent to forwarding email address? * validation of forwarding email addresses * validation of user submitted data * fix reminder message notification so it doesn't display on signups where reminder has already been sent * make display of reminder email info conditional on whether node is event enabled (form edit page) * better themed user signup form, or better--the ability to construct forms on the fly, save them, and select per node! * wait list feature w/ this workflow: 1. user visits signup node that is full. they are shown how many people the event holds, how many people are on the wait list ahead of them, and given the option to sign up to the wait list. 2. wait listed user receives an optional wait list confirmation email, telling them that they will be notified if they get into the event 3. if the user gets into the event, they receive a confirmation email that they are in. The three ways that a user would get off the wait list would be: 1. someonce cancels, and the system automatically lets in the person on the top of the wait list 2. the event coordinator expands the allowed signups for the event, and the system automatically lets in the appropriate number of waitlisted people 3. the event coordinator looks through the wait list and manually adds someone * allow a comma seperated list of forwarding email addresses, in case there's more than one event coordinator (see http://drupal.org/node/103567) * event coordinators should also get an email when a user cancels their signup (see http://drupal.org/node/131445) * coordinator can generate a list of attendees that is printable. (see http://drupal.org/node/31409)