sid); $send->recipient = $recipient; } return $send; } /** * Load callback for send_recipients, using a unique hash. */ function send_hash_load($hash) { // There's a small possibility of collision here, use the most recent hash. $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {send_recipient} WHERE hash = '%s' ORDER BY srid LIMIT 1", $hash); return db_fetch_object($res); } /** * Load callback for send_recipients, using an id. */ function send_recipient_load($srid) { $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {send_recipient} WHERE srid = %d", $srid); return db_fetch_object($res); } /** * API Function: Common defaults for any element that appears on a send form. */ function send_element_defaults() { return array( '#input' => TRUE, '#process' => array('send_process'), '#theme' => 'send_element', '#tree' => TRUE, ); } /** * Load a handler for send profiles, etc. */ function send_handler_load($name = 'send') { static $loaded; static $profiles; if (!isset($loaded)) { $profiles = send_profiles(); require dirname(__FILE__) .'/handlers/'; $loaded = array('send' => $profiles['send']); } if ($handler = $profiles[$name]) { if (isset($loaded[$name])) return $loaded[$name]; if ($parent = $handler['parent']) send_handler_load($parent); if (isset($handler['file'])) { $file = isset($handler['path']) ? $handler['path'] .'/' : ''; $file .= $handler['file']; // Require the file, if it exists. if (is_file($file)) { require $file; $loaded[$name] = $handler; } } else { $loaded[$name] = $handler; } return $loaded[$name]; } } /** * List all available sending profiles for the site. */ function send_profiles($profile_name = NULL, $options = array()) { static $profiles; if ($profile_name || !$profiles) { $profiles = module_invoke_all('send_profile_info', $profile_name, $options); foreach ($profiles as $name => $info) { // Set the profile name. $info['name'] = $name; if(!isset($info['handler'])) $info['handler'] = $name; if(!isset($info['class'])) $info['class'] = 'sendProfile'; // Set default values. TODO this is hard-coded in a way that should // likely be supplanted by something cleaner. // TODO hard-coded default template! if(!isset($info['template'])) $info['template'] = 1; $profiles[$name] = $info; } } return $profiles; } /** * List all available sending profiles for the site in a name => value array. */ function send_profile_names() { static $list; if (!isset($list)) { $list = array(); foreach (send_profiles() as $name => $info) { $list[$name] = $info['title']; } } return $list; } /** * Load callback for send_profiles. */ function send_profile_load($values = NULL, $options = array()) { if (is_scalar($values)) { $id = $values; // Look for the profile in the database. $query = (is_numeric($id)) ? "spid = %d" : "name = '%s'"; if (!$values = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {send_profile} WHERE $query", $id))) { // Look for it in the array populated by hook_send_profile_info(). $profiles = send_profiles($id); if (!$values = $profiles[$id]) return FALSE; } } $values = array_merge((array) $values, $options); $handler = isset($values['handler']) ? $values['handler'] : $values['name']; if ($info = send_handler_load($handler)) { $class = isset($info['class']) ? $info['class'] : $handler; return New $class($values); } } /** * Save function for a send profile. */ function send_profile_save(&$profile) { if (method_exists($profile, 'save')) $profile->save(); } /** * Save function for a send profile. */ function send_profile_delete(&$profile) { if (!is_object($profile)) $profile = send_profile_load($profile); if (method_exists($profile, 'delete')) $profile->delete(); } /** * Create a duplicate instance of a send profile. This is useful when * extending a global profile for an individual node, etc. */ function send_profile_copy($name, $new_name) { if ($profile = send_profile_load($name)) { unset($profile->spid); $profile->parent = $name; $profile->setName($new_name); return $profile; } } /** * An API function to list any message templates that exist. */ function send_templates($profile = NULL, $active_only = TRUE) { module_load_include('inc', 'send.template', 'includes/send'); return send_template_list($profile, $active_only); } /** * The main send processing function. */ function send($profile, $recipients, $nids = array(), $message = array()) { $profile = send_profile_load($profile); $profile->setRecipients($recipients); $profile->nids = $nids; $profile->setMessage($message); return $profile->send(); } /** * Generate a unique send contact entry for anonymous and authenticated send * contacts, based on the send method and a unique identifier ( e.g. mail ) */ function send_contact($mode, $contact) { $contact = (object) $contact; if (isset($contact->scid)) return $contact; $contact->mode = $mode; // Where supplementary contact data may be stored. $table = 'send_contact_'. check_plain($mode); if (!db_table_exists($table)) $table = ''; // See if the entry already exists. if (isset($contact->uid) && $contact->uid) { // Only one uid + mode combination allowed, so search by uid if possible. if ($row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {send_contact} WHERE uid = %d AND mode = '%s'", $contact->uid, $mode))) { $contact->scid = $row->scid; if ($table) { if ($row = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE scid = %d", $row->scid))) { foreach ($row as $key => $val) $contact->key = $contact->val; } } } } elseif ($table) { // Search the table for a unique value. $schema = drupal_get_schema($table); $query = array(); if (isset($schema['unique keys'])) { foreach ($schema['unique keys'] as $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $place = db_type_placeholder($schema['fields'][$key]['type']); $query[] = "$key = $place"; $values[] = $contact->$key; } } if ($row = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE ". join(' AND ', $query), $values))) { foreach ($row as $key => $val) $contact->$key = $val; } } } // Save a new entry if we didn't just load one. if (!$contact->scid) { drupal_write_record('send_contact', $contact); if ($table) { drupal_write_record($table, $contact); } } // Allow modules to save and/or alter the contact entry before we return it. drupal_alter('send_contact', $contact); return $contact; } /** * Delivery callback for Send module's built-in delivery mode of "mail". */ function send_deliver_mail($profile, $contact, $nids, &$message, $mode) { $sender = $message['sender']; if (module_exists('mimemail')) { // Use mimemail if available, to support HTML messages. return mimemail($sender, $contact, $message['subject'], $message['body']); } else { // TODO populate this. return drupal_mail(); } }