// $Id: README.txt,v 1.8 2005-12-18 06:49:35 vauxia Exp $ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Please contact Allie Micka < allie at pajunas dot com > with questions, comments or feature ideas. I can be contracted expand on this module's functionality. Also, please consider www.pajunas.com for your hosting needs :) TODO LIST 4.6 release * Write/finish blocks for top emailed/top senders/send to friend 4.7 release - after the above are complete * Upgrade to 4.7: Forms API and other changes * Develop a UI for selecting multiple senders at once * Develop a UI for collecting multiple nodes to send (favorites block...?) * Documentation for putting together a nice page DONE * Finish integration with CiviCRM * Flood control - limit number of sends per hour for (anonymous) users