$this->elementName)); $return = $this->__call('execute', empty($this->info['named parameter']) ? $args : array($args)); // Get the (partially) wrapped arguments. $args = $state->currentArguments; if (is_array($return)) { foreach ($return as $name => $data) { // Update the data value using the wrapper. if (isset($args[$name]) && $args[$name] instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) { try { $args[$name]->set($data); } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { throw new RulesException('Unable to update the argument for parameter %name: %error', array('%name' => $name, '%error' => $e->getMessage()), $this); } } elseif (isset($args[$name])) { $state->variables[$name] = $data; } // Add provided variables. elseif (!$state->varInfo($name) && isset($this->info['provides'][$name])) { $var_name = isset($this->settings[$name . ':var']) ? $this->settings[$name . ':var'] : $name; $state->addVariable($var_name, $data, $this->info['provides'][$name]); rules_log('Added the provided variable %name of type %type', array('%name' => $var_name, '%type' => $this->info['provides'][$name]['type'])); if (!empty($this->info['provides'][$name]['save']) && $state->variables[$name] instanceof EntityDrupalWrapper) { $state->saveChanges($var_name, $state->variables[$name]); } } } } // Save parameters as defined in the parameter info. if ($return !== FALSE) { foreach ($this->info['parameter'] as $name => $info) { if (!empty($info['save']) && $args[$name] instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) { if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { $state->saveChanges($this->settings[$name . ':select'], $args[$name]); } else { // Wrapper has been configured via direct input, so just save. rules_log('Saved argument of type %type for parameter %name.', array('%name' => $name, '%type' => $args[$name]->type())); $args[$name]->save(); } } } } } } /** * Implements a rules condition. */ class RulesCondition extends RulesAbstractPlugin implements RulesConditionInterface { protected $itemName = 'condition'; protected $negate = FALSE; public function providesVariables() { return array(); } public function negate($negate = TRUE) { $this->negate = (bool) $negate; return $this; } public function isNegated() { return $this->negate; } protected function executeCallback(array $args, RulesState $state = NULL) { $return = (bool) $this->__call('execute', empty($this->info['named parameter']) ? $args : array($args)); rules_log('The condition %name evaluated to %bool', array('%name' => $this->elementName, '%bool' => $return ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE')); return $this->negate ? !$return : $return; } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + array('negate' => 'negate'); } /** * Just return the boolean result. */ protected function returnVariables(RulesState $state, $result = NULL) { return $result; } public function export($php = FALSE) { $not = $this->negate ? 'NOT ' : ''; $export = $this->exportSettings(); // Abbreviate the export making "USING" implicit. $export = array($not . $this->elementName => $export['USING']); return $this->isRoot() ? $this->returnExport($export, $php) : $export; } public function label() { $label = parent::label(); return $this->negate ? t('NOT @condition', array('@condition' => $label)) : $label; } } /** * An actual rule. * Note: A rule also implements the RulesActionInterface (inherited). */ class Rule extends RulesActionContainer { protected $conditions = NULL; protected $itemName = 'rule'; public $label = 'unlabeled'; public function __construct($variables = array(), $providesVars = array()) { parent::__construct($variables, $providesVars); // Initialize the conditions container. if (!isset($this->conditions)) { $this->conditions = rules_and(); // Don't use setParent() to avoid having it added to the children. $this->conditions->parent = $this; } } /** * Get an iterator over all contained conditions. Note that this iterator also * implements the ArrayAcces interface. * * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function conditions() { return $this->conditions->getIterator(); } /** * Returns the "And" condition container, which contains all conditions of * this rule. * * @return RulesAnd */ public function conditionContainer() { return $this->conditions; } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + drupal_map_assoc(array('conditions', 'label')); } /** * Get an iterator over all contained actions. Note that this iterator also * implements the ArrayAcces interface. * * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function actions() { return parent::getIterator(); } /** * Add a condition. Pass either an instance of the RulesConditionInterface * or the arguments as needed by rules_condition(). * * @return Rule * Returns $this to support chained usage. */ public function condition($name, $settings = array()) { $this->conditions->condition($name, $settings); return $this; } public function sortChildren($deep = FALSE) { $this->conditions->sortChildren($deep); parent::sortChildren($deep); } public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { rules_log('Evaluating rule %label.', array('%label' => $this->label)); if ($this->conditions->evaluate($state)) { parent::evaluate($state); } } /** * Fires the rule, i.e. evaluates the rule without checking its conditions. * * @see RulesPlugin::evaluate() */ public function fire(RulesState $state) { rules_log('Firing rule %label.', array('%label' => $this->label)); parent::evaluate($state); } public function integrityCheck() { $this->conditions->integrityCheck(); return parent::integrityCheck(); } public function access() { return (!isset($this->conditions) || $this->conditions->access()) && parent::access(); } public function dependencies() { return array_keys(array_flip($this->conditions->dependencies()) + array_flip(parent::dependencies())); } public function destroy() { $this->conditions->destroy(); parent::destroy(); } /** * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function getIterator() { $array = array_merge(array($this->conditions), $this->children); return new RulesRecursiveElementIterator($array); } protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { // Don't add in provided action variables for the conditions. if (isset($element) && $element === $this->conditions) { return $this->availableVariables(); } $vars = parent::stateVariables($element); // Take variable info assertions of conditions into account. if ($assertions = $this->conditions->variableInfoAssertions()) { $vars = RulesData::addMetadataAssertions($vars, $assertions); } return $vars; } protected function exportChildren($key = NULL) { $export = array(); if ($this->conditions->children) { $export = $this->conditions->exportChildren('IF'); } return $export + parent::exportChildren('DO'); } public function __clone() { parent::__clone(); $this->conditions = clone $this->conditions; $this->conditions->parent = $this; } /** * Rules may not provided any variable info assertions, as Rules are only * conditionally executed. */ protected function variableInfoAssertions() { return array(); } } /** * Represents rules getting triggered by events. */ class RulesReactionRule extends Rule implements RulesTriggerableInterface { protected $itemName = 'reaction rule'; protected $events = array(); /** * Returns the array of events associated with that Rule. */ public function &events() { return $this->events; } /** * Removes an event from the rule configuration. * * @param $event * The name of the event to remove. * @return RulesReactionRule */ public function removeEvent($event) { if (($id = array_search($event, $this->events)) !== FALSE) { unset($this->events[$id]); } return $this; } /** * @return RulesReactionRule */ public function event($event) { $this->events[] = $event; return $this; } /** * Reaction rules can't add variables to the parent scope, so clone $state. */ public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { // Implement recursion prevention for reaction rules. if ($state->isBlocked($this)) { return rules_log('Not evaluating @plugin %label to prevent recursion.', array('%label' => $this->label(), '@plugin' => $this->plugin()), RulesLog::INFO); } $state->block($this); $copy = clone $state; parent::evaluate($copy); $state->unblock($this); } public function access() { $event_info = rules_fetch_data('event_info'); foreach ($this->events as $event) { if (!empty($event_info[$event]['access callback']) && !call_user_func($event_info[$event]['access callback'], 'event', $event)) { return FALSE; } } return parent::access(); } public function dependencies() { $modules = array_flip(parent::dependencies()); $event_info = rules_fetch_data('event_info'); foreach ($this->events as $event) { if (isset($event_info[$event]['module'])) { $modules[$event_info[$event]['module']] = TRUE; } } return array_keys($modules); } public function providesVariables() { return array(); } public function parameterInfo($optional = FALSE) { // If executed directly, all variables as defined by the event need to // be passed. return rules_filter_array($this->availableVariables(), 'handler', FALSE); } public function availableVariables() { if (isset($this->parent)) { // Return the event variables provided by the event set, once cached. return $this->parent->stateVariables(); } //TODO: Once we have event_info caching make use of it. $event_info = rules_fetch_data('event_info'); $events = array_intersect($this->events, array_keys($event_info)); foreach ($events as $event) { $event_info[$event] += array('variables' => array()); if (!isset($vars)) { $vars = $event_info[$event]['variables']; } else { $vars = array_intersect_key($vars, $event_info[$event]['variables']); } } return parent::availableVariables() + (isset($vars) ? $vars : array()); } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + drupal_map_assoc(array('events')); } protected function exportChildren($key = 'ON') { $export[$key] = array_values($this->events); return $export + parent::exportChildren(); } } /** * A logical AND. */ class RulesAnd extends RulesConditionContainer { protected $itemName = 'and'; public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { foreach ($this->children as $condition) { if (!$condition->evaluate($state)) { rules_log('AND evaluated to FALSE.'); return $this->negate; } } rules_log('AND evaluated to TRUE.'); return !$this->negate; } public function label() { return !empty($this->label) ? $this->label : ($this->negate ? t('NOT AND') : t('AND')); } } /** * A logical OR. */ class RulesOr extends RulesConditionContainer { protected $itemName = 'or'; public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { foreach ($this->children as $condition) { if ($condition->evaluate($state)) { rules_log('OR evaluated to TRUE.'); return !$this->negate; } } rules_log('OR evaluated to FALSE.'); return $this->negate; } public function label() { return !empty($this->label) ? $this->label : ($this->negate ? t('NOT OR') : t('OR')); } /** * Overridden to exclude all variable assertions as in an OR we cannot assert * the children are successfully evaluated. */ protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { $vars = $this->availableVariables(); if (isset($element)) { // Add in variables provided by siblings executed before the element. foreach ($this->children as $child) { if ($child === $element) { break; } $vars += $child->providesVariables(); } } return $vars; } } /** * A loop element. */ class RulesLoop extends RulesActionContainer { protected $itemName = 'loop'; public function __construct($settings = array(), $variables = NULL) { $this->setUp(); $this->settings = (array) $settings + array( 'item:var' => 'list-item', 'item:label' => t('Current list item'), ); if (!empty($variables)) { $this->info['variables'] = $variables; } } public function pluginParameterInfo() { $info['list'] = array( 'type' => 'list', 'restriction' => 'selector', 'label' => t('List'), 'description' => t('The list to loop over.'), ); return $info; } public function integrityCheck() { parent::integrityCheck(); $this->checkVarName($this->settings['item:var']); } protected function listItemType() { if (!isset($this->settings['item:type'])) { $info = $this->getArgumentInfo('list'); $this->settings['item:type'] = isset($info['type']) ? entity_property_list_extract_type($info['type']) : 'unknown'; } return $this->settings['item:type']; } protected function listItemInfo() { return array( 'type' => $this->listItemType(), 'label' => $this->settings['item:label'], ); } public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { $param_info = $this->pluginParameterInfo(); $list = $this->getArgument('list', $param_info['list'], $state); $item_var_info = $this->listItemInfo(); $item_var_name = $this->settings['item:var']; if (isset($this->settings['list:select'])) { rules_log('Looping over the list items of %selector', array('%selector' => $this->settings['list:select'])); } // Loop over the list and evaluate the children for each list item. foreach ($list as $key => $item) { // Use a separate state so variables are available in the loop only. $state2 = clone $state; $state2->addVariable($item_var_name, $list[$key], $item_var_info); parent::evaluate($state2); } } protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { return array($this->settings['item:var'] => $this->listItemInfo()) + parent::stateVariables($element); } public function label() { return !empty($this->label) ? $this->label : t('Loop'); } protected function exportChildren($key = 'LOOP OVER') { return parent::exportChildren($key); } } /** * An action set component. */ class RulesActionSet extends RulesActionContainer { protected $itemName = 'action set'; } /** * A set of rules to execute upon defined variables. */ class RulesRuleSet extends RulesActionContainer { protected $itemName = 'rule set'; /** * @return RulesRuleSet */ public function rule($rule) { return $this->action($rule); } protected function exportChildren($key = 'RULES') { return parent::exportChildren($key); } } /** * This class is used for caching the rules to be evaluated per event. */ class RulesEventSet extends RulesRuleSet { protected $itemName = 'event set'; // Event sets may recurse as we block recursions on rule-level. public $recursion = TRUE; public function __construct($info = array()) { $this->setup(); $this->info = $info; } public function executeByArgs($args = array()) { rules_log('Reacting on event %label.', array('%label' => $this->info['label']), RulesLog::INFO, TRUE); $state = $this->setUpState($args); module_invoke_all('rules_config_execute', $this); $this->evaluate($state); $state->cleanUp($this); rules_log('Finished reacting on event %label.', array('%label' => $this->info['label']), RulesLog::INFO, FALSE); } public function rebuildCache(&$itemInfo, &$cache) { parent::rebuildCache($itemInfo, $cache); // Set up the per-event cache. $events = rules_fetch_data('event_info'); $empty = array(); foreach ($events as $name => $info) { $info += array( 'variables' => isset($info['arguments']) ? $info['arguments'] : array(), ); // Add all rules associated with this event to an EventSet for caching. if ($rules = rules_config_load_multiple(FALSE, array('event' => $name, 'active' => TRUE))) { $event = new RulesEventSet($info); $event->name = $name; foreach ($rules as $rule) { // Clone the rule to avoid modules getting the changed version from // the static cache. $event->rule(clone $rule); } $event->optimize(); // Allow modules to alter the cached event set. drupal_alter('rules_event_set', $name, $event); cache_set('event_' . $name, $event, 'cache_rules'); $event->destroy(); } else { $empty[] = $name; } } // Cache a list of empty sets so we can use it to speed up later calls. // See rules_get_event_set(). variable_set('rules_empty_sets', array_flip($empty)); } protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { return $this->availableVariables(); } }