computeSimilarity(); } /** * Classical weight-average algorithm to calculate prediction from the similarity matrix, based on average weight. * Limitation: we only do database operation for now. no in-memory operation available until future release. * Limitation: we only do average weight. regression-based weight maybe included in future release. * * @param $app_name the application name that uses this function. * @param $table_name the input table name * @param $field_mouse the input table field for mouse * @param $field_cheese the input table field for cheese * @param $field_weight the input table field weight * @param $options an array of options * 'missing': how to handle missing data -- 'none' do nothing; 'zero' fill in missing data with zero; 'adjusted' skip mice that don't share cheese in common. * 'duplicate': how to handle predictions that already exists in mouse-cheese evaluation. 'preserve' or 'eliminate' * 'sensitivity': if similarity is smaller enough to be less than a certain value, we treat it as zero * @return null {recommender_prediction} will be filled with prediction data */ function recommender_prediction_classical($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options = array()) { $recommender = new CorrelationRecommender($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options); $recommender->computePrediction(); } function recommender_user2user($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options = array()) { $options['sim_pred'] = TRUE; $recommender = new User2UserRecommender($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options); $recommender->computeSimilarity(); $recommender->computePrediction(); } function recommender_item2item($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options = array()) { $options['sim_pred'] = TRUE; $recommender = new Item2ItemRecommender($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options); $recommender->computeSimilarity(); $recommender->computePrediction(); } /** * Co-ocurrences algorithm that compute similarity among mice based on how many cheese they share. * * @param $app_name the application name that uses this function. * @param $table_name the input table name * @param $field_mouse the input table field for mouse * @param $field_cheese the input table field for cheese * @param $options an array of options * 'incremental': whether to rebuild the whole similarity matrix, or incrementally update those got changed. 'rebuild' or 'update' * @return null {recommender_similarity} will be filled with similarity data */ function recommender_similarity_coocurrences($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $options = array()) { $recommender = new CooccurrenceRecommender($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, NULL, $options); $recommender->computeSimilarity(); } /** * This is the implementation of slope-one algorithm, which is supposed to be faster than other algrithms. * From the original research paper, the author argues slope-one support incremental update. But this is quite hard to implement. * The incremental update doesn't work for now. * Missing data is just treated as missing. For slope-one, we don't automatically expand the matrix to have zeros. * The responsibility of handling missing data is on the caller functions. * * @param $app_name the application name that uses this function. * @param $table_name the input table name * @param $field_mouse the input table field for mouse * @param $field_cheese the input table field for cheese * @param $field_weight the input table field weight * @param $options an array of options * 'extention': whether to use 'basic', 'weighted', or 'bipolar' extensions of the algorithm. * Please refer to the original research paper. Usually it could just be 'weighted'. * 'duplicate': how to handle predictions that already exists in mouse-cheese evaluation. 'preserve' or 'eliminate' * 'incremental': whether to 'rebuild' or to 'update'. CAUTION: 'update' doesn't work now. * @return null {recommender_prediction} will be filled with prediction data */ function recommender_prediction_slopeone($app_name, $table_name, $field_mouse, $field_cheese, $field_weight, $options = array()) { } /////////////////////// Helper functions ///////////////////// /** * Get the application id from the application name. * @param $app_name * @return the id of the application. */ function recommender_get_app_id($app_name) { return Recommender::convertAppId($app_name); } /** * Remove the application. Usually used in calling module's hook_uninstall() * @param $app_name the application name to be removed. * @return null */ function recommender_purge_app($app_name) { Recommender::purgeApp($app_name); } /** * Return a list of items that are top similar with $id * @param $app_name The $app_name for the depending modules * @param $id usually the $node_id of the target item. * @param $top_n how many similar items to return * @param $test_func optional function to test whether an item satisfy some conditions * @return an array of the most similar items to $id. */ function recommender_top_similarity($app_name, $id, $top_n, $test_func=NULL) { // create a null recommender to access the topSimilarity() function. $recommender = new Recommender($app_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return $recommender->topSimilarity($id, $top_n, $test_func); } /** * Return a list of items that are top prediction for $id * @param $app_name The $app_name for the depending modules * @param $id usually the $node_id of the target item. * @param $top_n how many predictions to return * @param $test_func optional function to test whether an item satisfy some conditions * @return an array of the most similar items to $id. */ function recommender_top_prediction($app_name, $id, $top_n, $test_func=NULL) { // create a null recommender to access the topPrediction() function. $recommender = new Recommender($app_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return $recommender->topPrediction($id, $top_n, $test_func); } //////////////////////////// DRUPAL RELATED FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// // implementation of hook_perm() function recommender_perm() { $perm = array( "administer recommender", ); return $perm; } // implementation of hook_menu() function recommender_menu() { $items = array(); $items['admin/settings/recommender'] = array( 'title' => 'Recommender API', 'description' => 'Configuration and trigger recommender modules', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('recommender_settings_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer recommender'), ); $items['recommender/run'] = array( 'title' => 'Running recommender', 'page callback' => 'recommender_run', 'access arguments' => array('administer recommender'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); return $items; } function recommender_settings_form() { $form = array(); $form['settings'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => FALSE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#title' => t('Settings'), '#description' => t('Change settings for Recommender API based modules.'), ); $form['settings']['cron_freq'] = array( '#title' => t('Recommender running frequency in cron job.'), '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => variable_get('recommender_cron_freq', 'never'), '#options' => array( 'never' => 'Never', 'immediately' => 'Immediately', 'hourly' => t('Hourly'), 'every6hr' => t('Every 6 hours'), 'every12hr' => t('Every 12 hours'), 'daily' => t('Daily'), 'weekly' => t('Weekly') ), '#description' => t("Please specify the optional frequency to run recommender algorithms in cron. Note that this is a time consuming operation and might timeout or affect your other cron tasks. Not recommended for large site. Consider using the Drush script with system cron.") ); $form['settings']['save'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), '#name' => 'save' ); $form['run'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => FALSE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#title' => t('Run recommender'), '#description' => t('Running recommender involves complex matrix computation and could probably take some time. Please be patient. You can also run recommender with Drush.'), ); $options = drupal_map_assoc(module_implements('run_recommender')); $modules = module_list(); if (empty($options)) { $form['run']['note'] = array( '#title' => 'Note', '#type' => 'item', '#description' => t('No recommender modules available.'), ); } else { $form['run']['modules'] = array( '#title' => t('Choose modules'), '#default_value' => variable_get('recommender_modules', array()), '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#description' => t('Please select which modules to run the recommender'), '#options' => $options, ); } $form['run']['run'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Run recommender now'), '#name' => 'run', '#disabled' => $options==NULL ? TRUE : FALSE, ); return $form; } function recommender_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $cron_freq = $form_state['values']['cron_freq']; $modules = $form_state['values']['modules']; variable_set('recommender_cron_freq', $cron_freq); variable_set('recommender_modules', $modules); if ($form_state['clicked_button']['#name'] == 'save') { drupal_set_message(t("The configuration options have been saved.")); } else { // trigger recommender_run() $modules = array_values(array_diff($modules, array(0))); if (empty($modules)) { drupal_set_message(t("No module selected to run recommender")); } else { recommender_run($modules); } } } function recommender_cron() { $last_cron = variable_get('recommender_last_cron', 0); $cron_freq = variable_get('recommender_cron_freq', 'never'); $current = time(); switch ($cron_freq) { case 'immediately': $run = TRUE; break; case 'hourly': $run = (($current-$last_cron) >= 3600) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'every6hr': $run = (($current-$last_cron) >= 21600) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'every12hr': $run = (($current-$last_cron) >= 43200) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'daily': $run = (($current-$last_cron) >= 86400) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'weekly': $run = (($current-$last_cron) >= 604800) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'never': default: $run = FALSE; } $msg = $run ? "Will run." : "Not running."; watchdog('recommender', "Recommender cron at frequency ${cron_freq}. $msg"); if ($run == TRUE) { recommender_run(); variable_set('recommender_last_cron', $current); } } function recommender_run($selected = NULL) { watchdog('recommender', "Invoking run_recommender. Might start a time-consuming process."); // hook_run_recommender() doesn't take any args. args setting is the responsibility of caller modules. //module_invoke_all('run_recommender'); $operations = array(); foreach (module_implements('run_recommender') as $module) { if ($selected===NULL || in_array($module, $selected)) { $operations[] = array("{$module}_run_recommender", array()); } } $batch = array( 'operations' => $operations, //'finished' => 'recommender_run_finished', // post-operations, not needed. 'title' => t("Running recommender"), 'init_message' => t("The recommender engine is running. For medium to large site (users>100, nodes>1000), this could be very slow, and might cause PHP memory overload or execution timeout. Please be patient."), 'progress_message' => t("The recommender engine is running. Please be patient. Remaining @remaining out of @total"), 'error_message' => t("Running recommender encounter an internal error. If it is due to PHP out of memory, or timeout, please use Drush script instead. Otherwise, please file an issue to the"), ); batch_set($batch); // FIXME: the batch mode needs to be more polished. e.g., create a summary page. // we are settled for now. batch_process('/admin/settings/recommender'); }