$db_user, '%client' => $db_grant_host, '%database' => $db_name))); if (!_provision_mysql_grant($db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_grant_host)) { drush_log("Could not GRANT user access.", 'warning'); } _provision_mysql_flush_privileges(); $status = _provision_mysql_database_exists($db_name); if ($status) { drush_log(dt('Created @name database', array("@name" => $db_name)), 'success'); } else { drush_set_error('PROVISION_CREATE_DB_FAILED', dt("Could not create @name database", array("@name" => $db_name))); } return $status; //TODO : Test to confirm that the database is actually writeable. Taking this on faith for now. } /** * Remove the database and user account for the supplied credentials */ function _provision_mysql_destroy_site_db($db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_grant_host = NULL) { if (is_null($db_grant_host)) { $db_grant_host = _provision_mysql_grant_host(drush_get_option('db_host', ''), drush_get_option('web_ip'), drush_get_option('web_host')); } if ( _provision_mysql_database_exists($db_name) ) { drush_log(dt("Dropping database @dbname", array('@dbname' => $db_name))); if (!_provision_mysql_drop_database($db_name)) { drush_log(dt("Failed to drop database @dbname", array('@dbname' => $db_name)), 'warning'); } } if ( _provision_mysql_database_exists($db_name) ) { drush_set_error('PROVISION_DROP_DB_FAILED'); return FALSE; } drush_log(dt("Revoking privileges of %user@%client from %database", array('%user' => $db_user, '%client' => $db_grant_host, '%database' => $db_name))); _provision_mysql_flush_privileges(); if (!_provision_mysql_revoke($db_name, $db_user, $db_grant_host)) { drush_log(dt("Failed to revoke user privileges"), 'warning'); } } function _provision_mysql_database_exists($name) { return provision_db_result(provision_db_query("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '%s'", $name)); } function _provision_mysql_drop_database($name) { return provision_db_query("DROP DATABASE `%s`", $name); } function _provision_mysql_create_database($name) { return provision_db_query("CREATE DATABASE %s", $name); } function _provision_mysql_flush_privileges() { return provision_db_query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES"); } function _provision_mysql_can_create_database() { $test = 'provision_test'; _provision_mysql_create_database($test); if (_provision_mysql_database_exists($test)) { if (!_provision_mysql_drop_database($test)) { drush_log(dt("Failed to drop database @dbname", array('@dbname' => $test)), 'warning'); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function _provision_mysql_grant($name, $username, $password, $host = '') { $host = ($host) ? $host : '%'; return provision_db_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%s`.* TO `%s`@`%s` IDENTIFIED BY '%s'", $name, $username, $host, $password); } function _provision_mysql_revoke($name, $username, $host = '') { $host = ($host) ? $host : '%'; $success = provision_db_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%s`.* FROM `%s`@`%s`", $name, $username, $host); // check if there are any privileges left for the user $grants = provision_db_query("SHOW GRANTS FOR `%s`@`%s`", $username, $host); $grant_found = FALSE; while ($grant = provision_db_fetch_array($grants)) { // those are empty grants: just the user line if (!preg_match("/^GRANT USAGE ON /", array_pop($grant))) { // real grant, we shouldn't remove the user $grant_found = TRUE; break; } } if (!$grant_found) { $success = provision_db_query("DROP USER `%s`@`%s`", $username, $host) && $success; } return $success; } function _provision_mysql_import_dump($dump_file, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_host) { $exists = provision_path("exists", $dump_file, TRUE, dt('Found database dump at @path.'), dt('No database dump was found at @path.'), 'PROVISION_DB_DUMP_NOT_FOUND'); if ($exists) { $readable = provision_path("readable", $dump_file, TRUE, dt('Database dump at @path is readable'), dt('The database dump at @path could not be read.'), 'PROVISION_DB_DUMP_NOT_READABLE'); if ($readable) { $cmd = sprintf("mysql --defaults-file=/dev/fd/3 %s", escapeshellcmd($db_name)); drush_log(sprintf("Importing database using command: %s", $cmd)); # pipe handling code, this is inspired by drush_provision_mysql_pre_provision_backup() # we go through all this trouble to hide the password from the commandline, it's the most secure way (apart from writing a temporary file, which would create conflicts in parallel runs) $mycnf = sprintf('[client] host=%s user=%s password=%s ', $db_host, $db_user, $db_passwd); $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("file", $dump_file, "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w"), // stderr is a file to write to 3 => array("pipe", "r"), // fd3 is our special file descriptor where we pass credentials ); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes); $output = ""; if (is_resource($process)) { fwrite($pipes[3], $mycnf); fclose($pipes[3]); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]) . stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); // "It is important that you close any pipes before calling // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock" fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); $return_value = proc_close($process); } else { // XXX: failed to execute? unsure when this happens $return_value = -1; } if ($return_value != 0) { drush_set_error('PROVISION_DB_IMPORT_FAILED', dt("Database import failed: %output", array('%output' => $output))); } } } } /** * Find a viable database name, based on available information. * * This function exists solely to work past mysql's database name restrictions. * As mysql also does not have the ability to rename databases, it is completely * possible that sites will be running with derivative names on the same server, * until the upgrade / restore process is completed. */ function _provision_mysql_suggest_db_name($url) { if ($sid = drush_get_option('site_id')) { $suggest_base = 'site_'. $sid; } elseif ($name = drush_get_option('db_name')) { // consider the verified database name if no site id was provided // // we strip out eventual _N suffixes before finding a new db name // this is necessary because we may already have gone through this // process (in a migration) and had a _N suffix added $suggest_base = preg_replace('/_\d+$/', '', $name); } else { // This is a last option, and not ideal: base the db name on the // site name // // Provision only users will trigger this mostly. $suggest_base = substr(str_replace(array(".", "-"), '' , ereg_replace("^www\.", "", $url)), 0, 14); } $suggest[] = $suggest_base; for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $suggest[] = $suggest_base .'_'. $i; } foreach ($suggest as $option) { if (!_provision_mysql_database_exists($option)) { return $option; } } drush_set_error('PROVISION_CREATE_DB_FAILED', dt("Could not find a free database names after 100 attempts")); return false; } /** * Properly guess the host part of the MySQL username based on a given * database server host , web server IP and web server host. * * If the database and web server are the same machine, return a localhost * grant, which is a special and very common case which does not involve any * dns lookups and is thus faster and more secure. * * If the web server and database server are different machines, we prefer to * use the IP address, which is faster and more secure because fewer lookups * are done during connections. * */ function _provision_mysql_grant_host($db_host, $web_ip, $web_host) { // The database hostname is localhost, not defined or on the same ip/host as the webserver. if (in_array($db_host, array('', 'localhost', '', $web_ip, $web_host))) { $grant = 'localhost'; } // if we have the web ip, use that first. elseif ($web_ip) { $grant = $web_ip; } else { $grant = $web_host; } return $grant; }